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herccu( fin)

Member Since 08 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2011 08:55 PM

Topics I've Started

Admin request

08 February 2011 - 01:04 PM

Hello fellow setti members its been fun playin whit most of u:) I have enjoyed of these servers but now i just had enough of those damn cheaters!! Just this morning alone playing pub2 there was atleast 5 aimbotters and their only excuse was that the other one was cheating too and as usual no admins online so what u can do but bite ur lips and scream "goddamn mother fuckin cheater noob asshole suck my ________" no that was a little exaggerated:D but u now what i mean... So to my point i been playing in setti server quite a while now and have many hours behind me and almost everyone know that i am man of well- mannered and fair player and i think that many of other players back me up on this request hopefully:)I try to play few hours when ever i have time to do so after work school and hobbies(not have them every day) and have developed good eye for spotting cheaters ofc nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes but still.If there is any chance to get some admin powers im more then happy to observe these servers and be the Stallone of justice:D steamID 0:0:906965325 player nick: herccu( fin )