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Member Since 17 May 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2016 07:19 PM

#98202 BUTTHURT: 777 fake servers

Posted by CSBEST on 06 September 2015 - 11:23 AM


This is madness? No, this is SPARTA!

1666 new fake servers are here

Mainly rediects, mainly indungi.ro and other friends from Romania. Hello :clap:

Beat the bastards!

#96788 BUTTHURT: 777 fake servers

Posted by CSBEST on 25 March 2015 - 11:39 PM

Hi there! Yesterday I checked SETTI list again and now 999 fake servers found.


TOP servers to redirect to:












Here is the file. I was glad to help you


#96001 BUTTHURT: 777 fake servers

Posted by CSBEST on 05 January 2015 - 12:49 AM


I'm here again and now there is a list of slowhacking servers from css.setti.info:27010  :cheers:

Ban them all!  :thumbsup:

Less servers in SETTI list - more players per each server including mine - this is my strategy



The Masterserver reply contained 4444 servers, which were checked. Totally 947 servers were marked as "bad", but some of them I removed from the filter list: mainly servers that changed rates and other client settings. 


So now there are 18 servers precaching binary / executable that may contain a virus

16 servers rediected players with the message "Server is full, redirect to free server".

5 servers used setinfo rd 1 (xredirect.amxx as I remember)

11 servers used Simple_redirect.amxx

530 servers with unconditional redirect

1 server sent unbindall without binding standart keys back

7 servers with game menu plugin

45 servers change clients' file MasterServers.vdf (you know what I mean!)

8 servers bind spam (say)

96 servers bind connect command on almost all buttons

30 servers put automatic connection to the client.



I don't remember the exact order of my filters, so it doesn't mean that server that changes autoexec.cfg has no redirects or opposite.


Of cource, it seems that few of these servers were hacked / administrator installed plugin which contains this bull***t. So I leave ban time to the discretion of SETTI administration.


Somebody will feel butthurt in the morning


Tovarăși, e de ajuns! :)

Информация прозвучала на правах самопиара. Лицензия госнаркоконтроля № 666-777-007


[05.01.2015 18:07 GMT+2 attachment was deleted, administrators already downloaded it.]