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There have been 193 items by RedBull (Search limited from 16-January 19)

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#29702 Ban Request

Отправлено по RedBull on 20 March 2011 - 10:07 AM в Ban / unban requests

4.11.45 GMT+2 Kaliningrad
5.# 637 "InsiDe|GaNgStEr[pcl]" STEAM_0:0:546793035 05:40 136 0 active

4.11.45 GMT+2 Kaliningrad
5.# 631 "hard_bashu_v_kashu))))" STEAM_0:0:1950172900 06:45 95 0 active

you can see both of them in the demo :)

#29623 Ban Request

Отправлено по RedBull on 19 March 2011 - 04:40 PM в Ban / unban requests

4.18.00 GMT+2 Kaliningrad
5.# 454 "Barfman" STEAM_0:0:308913679 17:16 81 0 active\


#32379 Admin Request in PUB #4

Отправлено по RedBull on 10 April 2011 - 05:05 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Ye , Black is a nice guy , always telling me who to spec , and he would be a nice assistant for me :)

#32178 Someone cheating(again)

Отправлено по RedBull on 09 April 2011 - 09:58 AM в Ban / unban requests

The Headshotuku's are cheaters. every one of them was banned like 2-3 times and we should get rid of them, somehow

#32380 Admins on Deathmatch server

Отправлено по RedBull on 10 April 2011 - 05:07 PM в Setti CS:S servers

K1ller would add some admin's in deathmatch server but i think it is not so easy to do.

#43743 Was he the real Smoke?

Отправлено по RedBull on 03 July 2011 - 09:59 AM в Ban / unban requests

Same shit here. He was on rus setti with upside down aimbot. too bad i didn't take his steam ID.

the demo : http://css.setti.inf...50-de_siena.dem

#32676 Johny Speed WH

Отправлено по RedBull on 12 April 2011 - 10:18 AM в Ban / unban requests

1. Johny Speed
2. Wh and possible norecoil ( not sure )
3. demo
4. from start till end
5. # 638 "Johny Speed" STEAM_0:0:40080814 05:30 80 0 active

Watch with sv_cheats 1 and r_drawothermodels 2

Say , what do you think about him.

#46422 Unban request

Отправлено по RedBull on 31 July 2011 - 07:58 AM в Ban / unban requests

No recoil. Everyone saw you use it and i reported you. Please close the topic.
Oh i almost forgot , permban him from all servers.

#29600 Ban Request SETTI 4

Отправлено по RedBull on 19 March 2011 - 12:40 PM в Ban / unban requests

definitely a cheater.


Отправлено по RedBull on 21 March 2011 - 06:59 PM в Ban / unban requests

You deserved the ban :) nothing to cry about

#32508 Apology for ban.

Отправлено по RedBull on 11 April 2011 - 12:34 PM в Setti CS:S servers

So i am really sorry for the ban to WrE$TlInG . I banned a cheater and i forgot to close the admin panel and i pressed 3 for knife. Really really sorry for that 2 hour ban :( forgive me for the stupidness :(


#32762 Ban request

Отправлено по RedBull on 12 April 2011 - 06:32 PM в Ban / unban requests

Why cant i just be admin and ban that moron^^

More activity , respect , activity at forum and k1ller may just add you to admin list.

#32719 Ban request

Отправлено по RedBull on 12 April 2011 - 03:05 PM в Ban / unban requests

or film the demo yourself and upload it in a place like www._megaupload._com (without the_ ) and paste the file download link in the forum.

#30654 Unban Request

Отправлено по RedBull on 01 April 2011 - 01:50 PM в Ban / unban requests

Yeah you deserved the ban. good luck in other servers  :mrgreen:

#43473 Servers down..

Отправлено по RedBull on 30 June 2011 - 07:54 AM в Setti CS:S servers

Read this: http://css.setti.inf...s-to-orangebox/

You could reinstall the game, or play on Pub #2 till all servers are updated.

Syrin, Pub 2 is updated to patch v37 and i think that SLO man is talking about v38.

#33868 k1ller's strange actions

Отправлено по RedBull on 19 April 2011 - 07:03 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Nice picture dude  :smile-thumbs-up:

Thank you :D

#33864 k1ller's strange actions

Отправлено по RedBull on 19 April 2011 - 06:45 PM в Setti CS:S servers

so guys im playing in main setti server and server is almost full of players , we are having a great game and suddenly k11ler swaps teams (when playing) then i was a bit angry so got muted ( i know why :D) then k1ller slayed all players 2 times in a row and changed cash reserves
Artem killed FROZY with famas.
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player RedBull cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Stone cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player _MuBarak__: cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player esf* cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player FROZY cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Lemming grrrrrrrrrumpy cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player FakeDeath cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player TricK ShoTz HD  cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Artem cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Toby cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player k1ller cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player creepy sheep cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Rooster cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player DNU-FTF)JoniWalker cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Arosz88 cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Archangle cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player triptonite cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Smart Ass cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player V1kt0r R3zn0v cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Oleg monster pro cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player NiSHtyK cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player de hola cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player _Guess_ cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Ghost cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player Bad Ass cash reserves
(ADMIN) k1ller: changed player ex25 cash reserves
LuDi connected.
RedBull suicided.
Player: RedBull - Damage Given
Damage Given to "k1ller" - 186 in 2 hits
(ADMIN) k1ller: slayed player RedBull
Stone suicided.
(ADMIN) k1ller: slayed player Stone
Lemming grrrrrrrrrumpy suicided.
(ADMIN) k1ller: slayed player Lemming grrrrrrrrrumpy
FakeDeath suicided.
(ADMIN) k1ller: slayed player

Was it a huge mistake or a server problem ?

#45933 Unban Request

Отправлено по RedBull on 25 July 2011 - 05:39 PM в Ban / unban requests

Google his id. three damn places where he got perm banned for cheating.

#33227 Has there been an update?

Отправлено по RedBull on 16 April 2011 - 08:00 AM в Setti CS:S servers

yes there was an update and setti didn't updated :D strange for them :D

#32758 another quirk of bOObs

Отправлено по RedBull on 12 April 2011 - 06:18 PM в Ban / unban requests

I think i am the only one that doesn't hate haka3te ? Stop hating him :D But Das is right b00bz doesn't ban for nothing.

#48302 HENKJOOD applying for admin.

Отправлено по RedBull on 25 August 2011 - 06:44 AM в Setti CS:S servers

Yea henk seems to be active in servers :) +1

#48607 Ban for no reason 3

Отправлено по RedBull on 30 August 2011 - 09:41 AM в Ban / unban requests

Thank you haka3te, you just made my day ! :)

#45373 Servers won't work again.

Отправлено по RedBull on 19 July 2011 - 11:07 AM в Setti CS:S servers

Hey guys .So it looks like that the servers won't work again. It says "connection failed after 4 retries". Does anyone else got this problem ?

#45376 Servers won't work again.

Отправлено по RedBull on 19 July 2011 - 11:25 AM в Setti CS:S servers

Well for me the other servers work fine , but setti ones won't work :( Any ideas ?

#45382 Servers won't work again.

Отправлено по RedBull on 19 July 2011 - 11:49 AM в Setti CS:S servers

Well for me the other servers work fine , but setti ones won't work :( Any ideas ?

Probably you are banned.

How ? mostly servers are listed in the masterserver , but setti aren't even listed there...Not even in favorites , just on the screen ...