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There have been 10 items by *Bonelli* (Search limited from 10-January 19)

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#33130 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 15 April 2011 - 04:58 PM in Ban / unban requests

yeah yeah yeah.. iknow that sound stupid but its true! but nevermind dont unban me.. i play somewhere else now and im admin there so..thats ok..

PS. i fight my brother yesterday.. first he said he dont know nothing this!! then i fight him and there come that true

#32965 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 14 April 2011 - 09:40 AM in Ban / unban requests

im really sorry about that... im gonna chop my brother.. that fucking idiot retard.. i found cheats my computer!!
so i understand guys.. dont unban me maybe thats is best solution.. my asshole brother play my computer when im not home..he hide cheats folder but i found that! that fucking retard
he even dont change my nick..! im gonna ask him about this and he get whipping to me! my brother is 14 years so.. he dont understand how important this is me..

my deepest apologies everyone! NOW I understand why everybody was always weird and "Friends" are indignant..

#32827 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 13 April 2011 - 09:44 AM in Ban / unban requests

hey fakfeijis.. whats u problem is?? why u you're barking me?? yes i cheat when i started play cs..sorry my bad english..but then i get ban (about 6 years ago)
so cheat it ended then.. and if i cheat now that is too easy play and it would have no enthusiasm to even play.. but whatever i just be honest and waiting little bit respect that...

#32750 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 12 April 2011 - 05:28 PM in Ban / unban requests


#32748 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 12 April 2011 - 05:27 PM in Ban / unban requests

hei fakfejis..shut up.. vittu minä en ole koodannut apina.. and btw boobz.. i get an email u locked lost in dreams that he cant comment on me here..why??

#32747 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 12 April 2011 - 05:27 PM in Ban / unban requests

hei fakfejis..shut up.. vittu minä en ole koodannut apina.. and btw boobz.. i get an email u locked lost in dreams that he cant comment on me here..why??

#32681 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 12 April 2011 - 10:44 AM in Ban / unban requests

so okhay...dont unban me then...! everybody happy now?

#32452 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 11 April 2011 - 07:51 AM in Ban / unban requests

and do not be twisting my words BOOBZ....

#32450 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 11 April 2011 - 07:45 AM in Ban / unban requests

oh and yes, they really really should give u admin rights... lol
Mene nyt ja häpeä vitun Jonne.

:smile-thumbs-up: lol

hey that was joke idiot!!
and boobs i dont cheat..why u say that!?!?!? because i have headphones??
and i was just HONEST! so when i started play cs i cheat but then i get ban so thats it..cheats gone..i play cs about 6 years..

i really waiting guys u respect my honesty... and sorry my bad english if u dont understand then... i dont know.. ill be grateful if u unban me.. and BOOBZ U DONT EVEN WATCH WHEN I PLAY.. U CAME AND FIRST THING WHAT U DO IS BAN ME!!!!! i dont want to lick u ass if u dont unban me then dont unban..

#32429 *Bonelli*

Posted by *Bonelli* on 10 April 2011 - 10:22 PM in Ban / unban requests

i have some reason permban..thats have me about one week now.. i really want to play u servers..sorry my english...:(
boobz ban me everytime when he came to play.. he dont even watch my playing..and i dont cheat.. so i asked can u remove my ban?? and ask hakaete(criminal i dont cheat!!.. now im gonna honest u.. when i start playing i really cheat but when i get my first ban thats it.. never then cheat.. i dont know what i havto say..if u dont remove my ban then dont remove.. but if u remove that i grateful u! and admins right to me too.!!! :D