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There have been 4 items by StefanZMK (Search limited from 11-January 19)

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#97550 CSS server denied

Posted by StefanZMK on 04 July 2015 - 07:07 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Thanks for the reply, Respect!



#97494 CSS server denied

Posted by StefanZMK on 29 June 2015 - 03:12 AM in Servers and Masterserver


#97413 CSS server denied

Posted by StefanZMK on 21 June 2015 - 05:50 PM in Servers and Masterserver


#97376 CSS server denied

Posted by StefanZMK on 19 June 2015 - 09:58 PM in Servers and Masterserver

I have recently opened 2 nosteam css servers(3rd coming soon :) ), I wish to add them to your master list, i tried automatically but i got the following error:
[Sat Jun 20 00:40:02 2015]: Verifying (
[Sat Jun 20 00:40:02 2015]: Got KEY (cssbeta) from
[Sat Jun 20 00:40:02 2015]: Server reply: 90000GameUI_ServerRejectNewProtocol
[Sat Jun 20 00:40:02 2015]: FAIL. Server denied me.
I poked around the forum a bit and saw an admin reply to another person that he should PM an administrator "GHOST", i did that but then i saw this person was last active in March... :(
I am hoping you can help me out in adding my servers to your list, I've tried using lumaemu, but from what i see it does not support linux,
If anyone has a working solution please share it!