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There have been 988 items by PHOENIX (Search limited from 10-January 19)

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#71507 Funny Pictures

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 09 August 2012 - 12:19 AM в Offtopic

Отправленное изображение

#71508 PHOENIX back in the Hood

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 09 August 2012 - 12:24 AM в Offtopic

I have started working exactly 1 week after I have opened this thread. Im now my own chef I have over taken an supermarket and have to be in house all day long ;)

#71509 Music ;)

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 09 August 2012 - 12:28 AM в Videos, demos and other clips

#71510 DDoSing setti server & forum

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 09 August 2012 - 12:44 AM в Setti CS:S servers

lol thats a real fun thread :D a wannabe pc genius :D

#72844 Giving up my Admin Activities on Setti

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 05 September 2012 - 08:14 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Hey friends.

I have decided to give up my Admin Activities at Setti, after some little disagreements and disappointments. (Not important what about ;) )

I have seen a lot of good players here. I have started here to play Css, damn I have learned to play Css on Setti :thumbup: thats why Setti was always the best for me, even when I had some troubles in the past :)

So I thank you all for the good times, your trust and all kind of backings.
and not to forget: My Special thanks to all my Old Setti friends and my Admin Comrades.

Sorry If I have made sometimes wrong decisions about some of you. I hope I were a good Admin for you all ;)

So guys have a lot of fun in that game. Try always to be fair and respectful to each other and Im sure you will have a lot of fun :thumbsup:
Maybe I will join the game again in the future. And I will Check sometimes the forums (for old times sake) :smile-thumbs-up:

Best Wishes your PHOENIX<mp3> :gun:

#73200 Old timers

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 10 September 2012 - 10:31 AM в Setti CS:S servers

I can remember bjkamo, but he cant remember me cause I were a newbie at this time =)) So okay I will correct my formulation, Im a part of the "second" generation of Setti Players :) Hihi havent knew that, my respect. would be great if they would come back ;)

#73201 Giving up my Admin Activities on Setti

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 10 September 2012 - 10:34 AM в Setti CS:S servers

Thank you guys for your positive messages :) I will come back in a few months and then lets see what will happen :)

#77010 Best admins of 2012

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 29 October 2012 - 03:57 PM в Setti CS:S servers

My Votes:

el greco

and my special...lovely vote for masterx :cheers: :thumbup:

#82115 Happy New Year Setti

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 30 December 2012 - 02:21 AM в Offtopic

Happy New Year to all my friends. Hope you had all a good year, for me its was one of the best year in my life ;)


Hope the next year brings more luck, more fun, more money and and and more more more for everybody ;)


Have a nice party with your families and friends.

Special Regards your PHOENIX


Posted Image

#93067 Whats up

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 10 January 2014 - 07:17 AM в Offtopic

Whats up Guys, long not seen..did you miss me  :P  :P

#93070 Whats up

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 10 January 2014 - 10:52 AM в Offtopic

lol Setti dead??

#93205 Whats up

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 27 January 2014 - 01:42 AM в Offtopic

looks like it isnt anymore the same setti i have left, sad..

#94673 wtf

Отправлено по PHOENIX on 19 August 2014 - 04:32 PM в Offtopic

wtf is happened with setti, really sad how empty the servers are.. :thumbdown: