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There have been 55 items by zeldajae (Search limited from 16-January 19)

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#15902 Instructions on How to Install CSS Non-steam by Setti

Отправлено по zeldajae on 03 November 2010 - 12:09 AM в Setti CS:S servers

nice one ;)

I can't tell if thats a sarcasm or not...  :mellow:

#16127 Douchebag of the month award - oct. 2010

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 07:46 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Douchebag means - someone like you.

but can someone tell me what douchbag is?

[color="#FF0000"] Douche-bag definitions can be found here:


[color="#FF0000"]Some definations:

An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.

Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker.

Those definations fit perfectly to you, doesn't it Genrral POROV?

#16419 Who & Why BANNED me from Setti#3

Отправлено по zeldajae on 07 November 2010 - 04:18 PM в Ban / unban requests

I am pretty sure, that when I first replied to this thread, I saw without steam. But whatever. If you did edit your post, then its cool. Im sorry.

#16236 Who & Why BANNED me from Setti#3

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 07:19 PM в Ban / unban requests

I am banned from the no-awp server to when I haven't played in it.When i try to get in it ,it says that you're banned from the server.I dont have hacks and never yoused hacks.. Please tell me the reason im banned...My name is "Stilgar"

If you do want to be unbanned, you have to post the correct Unban request, and [color="#FF0000"]START A NEW THREAD!!!!!!

To get you STEAMID, you must join any random server that you are not banned on, then press ~, then in console, type status. Find your steam ID. It should look something like this:

# XXX "Stilgar" STEAM_0:0:XXXXXXXXX XX:XX XXX X active#

Copy and paste it into your next post. Here is the unban request format that it should be in:

1) Approximate date/time of ban
2) Server name
3) Map name
4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server)
5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com)
6) Nick when you got banned

#16233 Who & Why BANNED me from Setti#3

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 06:59 PM в Ban / unban requests

my nick is "fliper4o" or "[a2p]fliper4o" why I'm banned from pub#3!???I don't know when, why...

where I can see if I'm banned?

I'm steal banned WHY???? can someone show me demo or .....

come on why don't unban me???

Sweetness :)
nope I'm steal banned :( and se7en I'm NOT Fliper40 I'm just "fliper4o"!!!

If you do want to be unbanned, you have to post the correct Unban request.

To get you STEAMID, you must join any random server that you are not banned on, then press ~, then in console, type status. Find your steam ID. It should look something like this:

# XXX "fliper40" STEAM_0:0:XXXXXXXXX XX:XX XXX X active#

Copy and paste it into your next post. Here is the unban request format that it should be in:

1) Approximate date/time of ban
2) Server name
3) Map name
4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server)
5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com)
6) Nick when you got banned
If you post again, saying "why am I banned?" or "can someone unban me?" without posting the unban request, this thread will be closed.

#16321 Who & Why BANNED me from Setti#3

Отправлено по zeldajae on 06 November 2010 - 04:36 PM в Ban / unban requests

1) 20 - 24 of October
2) Setti CSS server (PUB #3 Dust2 only)
3) de_dust2
4) STEAM_0:0:2087010643
6) fliper4o

just buy glasses and look my preview posts!

[color="#FF0000"]Are you trying to fool me? Cause you are horrible at it. Don't edit your post and then say that I posted my steamID. DONT FUCK WITH ME OR I WILL GET YOUR ASS BANNED FROM ALL OF THE SERVERS AND THIS FORUM. Okay? Thanks.
Here is the proof:

1) last week I don't know exactly
2) Setti#3
3) dust2
4) without steam
6) fliper4o

You got a SteamID, even with Setti!

Connect to any server and type 'status' in the console (without the ').
Then u will see your nickname and your SteamID...

And I know this for a fact because Blitzkrieg quotes your post, and you said Without Steam. Dont fuck with me dood. seriously, you can just be honest, and everything will be good.

1) 20 - 24 of October
2) Setti CSS server (PUB #3 Dust2 only)
3) de_dust2
4) STEAM_0:0:2087010643
6) fliper4o

[color="#FF0000"]The staff will review you, and will decide if you should be banned or unbanned!

#13413 Cannot join Zombie Servers ---- "Invalid Steam Key Size" NEED HALP...

Отправлено по zeldajae on 13 October 2010 - 01:06 PM в Counter-Strike: Source

You can't because you are nabs, I can join all zombie servers

same error for me, they tricked us with this shity version of CSS

haha "they tricked us with this shitty version of CSS my precious"

DID YOU GUYS READ THE FAQ's on CS:S Non-Steam OrangeBox??? READ THEN post.
The reason it gives you that because either that particular server is patched with old version or newer version, depending on which CS:S your is patch with.

Example: Your CS:S is patched with Version
The Server 1, is patched with Version
The Server 2 is patched with Version
And Server 3, is patched with Version PATCH <--- GET IT [color="#FF0000"]HERE)

You cannot go in either Server 1 or 3 because you don't have the correct version match. You can only join Server 2.

#16164 Unban Request (Mr. Anonymous)

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 02:20 AM в Ban / unban requests

Hello, I was banned because I did not know that I had the name css.setti.info and it permanently banned me after autokicking me a couple of times on two of the servers. I was banned on 11/3/2010 on one server and 11/4/2010 on another. I can't remember which servers they are other than the NO AWP one. Thanks for considering my post.

For Unban Request, post the following in your next post:

1) Approximate date/time of ban
2) Server name
3) Map name
4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server)
5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com)
6) Nick when you got banned

#16240 Unban Request (Mr. Anonymous)

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 08:16 PM в Ban / unban requests

4) SteamID
# 6769 "Mr. Anonymous" STEAM_0:0:18861977 00:31 181 0 active

Sorry for all the trouble, I tried to get the SteamID last time, but it failed.

The staff will review you, and will decide. It can take awhile, as the staff experiences many unaban request. If it takes longer than a week, bumb this thread.

#16066 Admin Aplication

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 02:13 PM в Setti CS:S servers

\Request to Close Thread Admin

#16129 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 08:17 PM в Ban / unban requests

[color="#FF0000"]STUPID. How old are you dood?
[color="#0000FF"]Why are you given admin rights anyway, when many people hates you, and you have a very bad reputation?? WHY?

Don't mess with business that does not concern you. That mother fucker has been team killing me, POROV | Rida, Porov | Kamikaze and others from the clan for the last few weeks. We have not tked him back, so it was about time somebody gave him some of his own medicine.

BTW: he is banned on all servers but setti 1.

If he has been Team killing you, then why request for unban for him? Do you have any common sense?!?!?!?!

You don't understand stupid, Marioc / Cataliz / Koophe has been killing me not Dirt.

So...you want Marioc/Cataliz/Koophe banned?

#16171 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 02:46 AM в Ban / unban requests


He already has a legit CSS. Why does he want to play on Non-steam CSS?

#16133 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 09:36 PM в Ban / unban requests

I don't want anyone banned, i just want fatality unbanned. However this idiot marioc is threatening me with a ban, i can't stand for that shit.

Okay. Why do you want fatality unbanned?

#16067 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 02:22 PM в Ban / unban requests

An ex clan member Fatal1ty (AKA. mtb_y and dirt) is banned on all servers and on the forum.

Usernames he has used: [raz0r] DiRT; mtb_y; Fatal1ty and Osama bin Laden سامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33195767 http://steamcommunit...561198026657263

He is banned on both the server and the FORUM. Please explain to me why he is banned and if there is no good reason I would appreciate it if he is unbanned.

I know him for a few months already and I am almost 100% sure he never cheated. Maybe he team killed a player or 2 but this is no reason for permanent ban on the servers and the forum.

BTW: Why is he banned on the forum anyway, i never saw him post anything.

Please men unban him he wants to rejoin the clan.

[color="#FF0000"]Porov, stop lying. WE have had enough of your stupidity. You say, he is banned, doesn't look like he is banned from this thread:


Here is the post:

Damage Taken from "D1ckGiv3r" - 30 in 2 hits
Damage Taken from "DiRT" - 74 in 6 hits
DiRT suicided.
Player DiRT has been slayed for team killing catal1z
[cs.MOUSE] S.@.I.M.O.N  connected.
Cypher killed ferry with m4a1.
[PaThetiC] achilles killed D1ckGiv3r with m4a1.
POROV | General Porov :  lol
*DEAD* ferry :  епт
*DEAD* DiRT :  :)
Server Tick Rate 67
*DEAD* DiRT :  n1ce ?
POROV | General Porov killed Riggs with m4a1.
*DEAD* catal1z :  i will report you
[MEMEL]Limonadas[IRL] killed MagRoa with ak47.
[MEMEL]Limonadas[IRL] killed Cypher with ak47.
*DEAD* DiRT :  ok pussy
*DEAD* catal1z :  w8
*DEAD* DiRT :  i don't care
Tofficzkov connected.
*DEAD* DiRT :  i don't really care

pls do something! STEAM_0:1:33195767  name DiRT he is fatality

proof! and ''porov'' supports him to tk me

LOL ofc I support him you tk me on purpose like 10 times this week and 3 times today.

[color="#FF0000"]STUPID. How old are you dood?
[color="#0000FF"]Why are you given admin rights anyway, when many people hates you, and you have a very bad reputation?? WHY?

#16126 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 07:40 PM в Ban / unban requests

[color="#FF0000"]STUPID. How old are you dood?
[color="#0000FF"]Why are you given admin rights anyway, when many people hates you, and you have a very bad reputation?? WHY?

Don't mess with business that does not concern you. That mother fucker has been team killing me, POROV | Rida, Porov | Kamikaze and others from the clan for the last few weeks. We have not tked him back, so it was about time somebody gave him some of his own medicine.

BTW: he is banned on all servers but setti 1.

If he has been Team killing you, then why request for unban for him? Do you have any common sense?!?!?!?!

#16025 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 03 November 2010 - 11:57 PM в Ban / unban requests

Please men unban him he wants to rejoin the clan.

General Prov, This is member of Setti forum reporting SIR!

SIR, I have heard that one needs to have patience in order to get the work done SIR.

So SIR, please have patience SIR.

Over and out.

#16241 Admin Application request

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 08:19 PM в Setti CS:S servers

/Request to Close Thread Admin

#16027 Cannot Play =s

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 01:19 AM в Counter-Strike: Source

Hello, i was playing ccs acouple of days ago with no worrys no errors came up but now i cannot get into any servers and i have this message appearing to the left on the menu

ConVarRef sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Connecting to
Invalid Steam key size

Protocol version 15
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 18:13:13 Oct  4 2010 (4349) (240)

and this

Not playing a local game.
ConVarRef sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Connecting to

Host_Error: Unexepected authentication protocol 111768557!

Connecting to

Host_Error: Unexepected authentication protocol 9786716!

Im not sure what half of it means and im australian if that has anything to do with it so any help would be greatly appricated =]

Uninstall and re-install. That should solve the problem. When reinstalling, refer to this tutorial here:

#13412 Bug CSS !!

Отправлено по zeldajae on 13 October 2010 - 12:59 PM в Counter-Strike: Source


I downloaded all parts (7)

But when i extract juste a readme appear --'

They are not an .exe

Okay. When you download all 7 parts, you have to extract them. To extract them, you need WinRAR.

[color="#0000FF"]Right-Click on the first part, and click extract files.

Then Click OK. This should extract it to your desktop, which will give you 2 files, the installation file, and the readme file.

NOW, create a folder in C:\[Folder Name], without the brackets. For example, mine is C:\Counter Strike Source

Once created, install.

When you install, it will ask you to extract the files in which location, browse to the C:\[Folder Name].

Then let it install. Its best to not to use any other programs.


Once, completed, you are good to go!!

#13408 CS:S Orange Box(From Setti) Shows Error everytime I start it....

Отправлено по zeldajae on 13 October 2010 - 11:12 AM в Counter-Strike: Source

This is one of the best error descriptions I've seen  :thumbup:

However that problem ("hl2.exe has encountered a problem ...") is very common. It can happen for lots of different reasons.

Hopefully someone can come up with a better answer.

PS. If you register at the forums you can edit your posts. Guest accounts can't edit.

Thank you, and I have registered. Its much better, lol.
I was able to manage to get the error file that occurred yesterday. What happened was I was in a server, and a we switched maps. I went on to a surf_map which, I didn't not have in my maps folder, so I downloaded the file, and as soon as I joined to server, my whole laptop crashes into a blue screen saying there was a system error.

I tried system restore, however it wouldn't allow me to restore to any previous points. Here is the file I managed to get...

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 1003
Source: System Error
Version: 5.2
Message: Error code %1, parameter1 %2, parameter2 %3, parameter3 %4, parameter4 %5.
Error code 1000008e, parameter1 c0000005, parameter2 bf2678df, parameter3 99548a5c, parameter4 00000000.

0000: 53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 45   System E
0008: 72 72 6f 72 20 20 45 72   rror  Er
0010: 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65   ror code
0018: 20 31 30 30 30 30 30 38    1000008
0020: 65 20 20 50 61 72 61 6d   e  Param
0028: 65 74 65 72 73 20 63 30   eters c0
0030: 30 30 30 30 30 35 2c 20   000005,
0038: 62 66 32 36 37 38 64 66   bf2678df
0040: 2c 20 39 39 35 34 38 61   , 99548a
0048: 35 63 2c 20 30 30 30 30   5c, 0000
0050: 30 30 30 30               0000    

0000: 74737953 45206d65 726f7272 72452020
0010: 20726f72 65646f63 30303120 38303030
0020: 50202065 6d617261 72657465 30632073
0030: 30303030 202c3530 36326662 66643837
0040: 3939202c 61383435 202c6335 30303030
0050: 30303030
A blue screen (Stop error) was reported. The message contains details about the error. A matching event with Event ID 1001 might also appear in the event log. This matching event displays information about the specific error that occurred.

Any help would be really appreciate it. Thanks!!


Actually, I do not need any help now, as I figured out the solution. If anyone else is having the same problem, try this. Delete ALL files that was extracted from the OrangeBox Setti.exe, then restart. Re-install, and TADA!! It should work. If, not then, I can't help you. Sorry.

*Request to Close Thread*

#14583 Permban

Отправлено по zeldajae on 26 October 2010 - 12:15 AM в Ban / unban requests

Is it useful to permban steamids? If I am not mistaken they can easily be changed. I think it would be better to ban their IP's, maybe there is a way to check in the logs which IP was used by these Steam_IDs and ban the IP as well.

Actually, SteamID cannot be changed.

#15933 i am out

Отправлено по zeldajae on 03 November 2010 - 12:16 PM в Setti CS:S servers

stop crying, learn to take a punch crybaby

What a joke, I saw him playing 1 hr after he said that.

Leave the kids alone porcov.
You are like a "bug" for setti which should be fixed with a patch. :-|

You are next.

I'm gonna put you guys/girls into retirement.

I'm gonna put you guys/girls into retirement.

Put a leash on him fast, he's got rabies  :lol:

Guys, this sub-forum is not for shitting on other people. Its for people who need help. So if you want to shit on other people, then take it somewhere else. You guys need to grow up, literally.
Close this thread Admin.

#15970 Banned for Nothing :S

Отправлено по zeldajae on 03 November 2010 - 03:55 PM в Ban / unban requests

Hi all i need help here... i got banned from setti css server (Pub*3 Dust 2 only) cause i just finished the installation of the game and it was boobs version so i didnt chaged the name...and joined the server and got banned for the name :S i changed it already pls unban me :SS

Me two I got banned from the Pub*2 custom maps server because of the I love Boobs name and I'm already banned from the Pub*1 server and it sucks

Please post your steam ID, FULL SteamID and your IP adresses. The staff will review you and will make the decisions to unban you or not. Thank you for your patients.
[color="#FF0000"]Please remember that you MUST change your name from I_love_boobs to something else. That name is currently unacceptable throughout the Setti servers.

#15815 Got Banned in ALL of the Setti servers except #4...

Отправлено по zeldajae on 02 November 2010 - 01:29 PM в Ban / unban requests


#15631 Got Banned in ALL of the Setti servers except #4...

Отправлено по zeldajae on 31 October 2010 - 09:38 PM в Ban / unban requests

I have no idea why, but I got banned as soon as I joined the server, which doesn't make sense. It said that I had a bad name, because I reinstalled the entire CSS, with the updated patch, and forgot to change my name from I_love_boobs to zeldajae. So please unban me? Thanks!!!!

1) 10/28, during evening time.
2) All Setti Servers except #1.
3) Have no clue...
4) # 1184 "zeldajae" STEAM_0:0:51036169 00:30 168 4 active#
6) zeldajae