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There have been 2 items by Dups (Search limited from 10-January 19)

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#101055 dups unban pls

Отправлено по Dups on 11 January 2021 - 06:54 PM в Ban / unban requests

hi havent been here for a couple of years

recently got back and started playing some css again

got insta banned on css dust2 setti and every other server

steamid : [A:1:1748407296:16277] (90141903478494208)





#98722 Music ;)

Отправлено по Dups on 23 July 2016 - 03:01 PM в Videos, demos and other clips

my current favs
dirty garage rock - ty segall - ty rex album

its actually a cover of t.rex song but whatevs this one sounds better, more energy
electronic - crystal castles - (II) album

doe deer is their most hardcore song from the album; if its too much for yall try baptism
i know its old now but ye i rediscovered them, didnt like them at first but now i love them
maybe i wasnt mature enough when i discovered them first idk
rap - old man saxon - the perils ep

discovered on reddit just a couple of days ago, love this guy
also check out his single from 2013 - on point
psychedelic - tame impala - currents album

no need to introduce, yall know him 100% i bet
too good not to remind yall
electro/synth-pop i guess - the knife - pass this on

aint got nothin to say just watch and do drugs
also Beta Boys from nyc
its tumblrcore dont judge haha

and grimes, shes amazing