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There have been 6 items by Hackmast3r (Search limited from 12-January 19)

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#93880 When CS:GO will be no-Steam online

Posted by Hackmast3r on 11 April 2014 - 08:06 AM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

If you knew how the Junkies client works you wouldn't say that. Junkies client was connecting to SmartPlay's Steam account who had bought CSS and CSGO and everyone was downloading and installing CSS and CSGO via his Steam account! In the end, his Steam account got suspended! Do you call this "crack"? Go google "crack" and check what that word means mister smart. After a few months, SmartPlay says again that he cracked the game. I checked it. The installation instructions was more than enough for me to understand that he was saying bullshit once again. Nor SmartPlay nor anybody else has cracked CSGO so far. SmartPlay is just another radom pice of crap who lies like the rest and keeps trying to make a name for himself. And you my friend, you are another radom stupid who believes him. So you are a fail and nothing more. :)


Nah mate, you're wrong, he doesn't. The last time I checked, i'm an active member. The last update, he really cracked or did something that really counts. People are playing the thanks to him and others. 

#93879 sNake goes ninja

Posted by Hackmast3r on 11 April 2014 - 08:02 AM in Videos, demos and other clips

No, you'd fall for it too. I bet my Steam ID on that.


Oh, and if they were retarded, why would I do an eco?


Dude, how the hell do he plant without noticing you? I wouldn't do that. 

#93870 sNake goes ninja

Posted by Hackmast3r on 10 April 2014 - 07:34 AM in Videos, demos and other clips

Hahahaha +1 for Silent's Screaming xDDDDD


About the defuse, well, sry if I being an ass about it, it's decent but it's not that impressive. This spot is known some time ago and if I remember correctly it has become famous from NiP.


Tbh, Dups's defuse has a higher level of difficulty and risk.


Firstly, Dups had the nerve to hide on a very risky spot and used his smoke on a perfect timing.


Secondly, when the smoke faded out he remained calm (maybe he was high or smth), you can even see how he places his crosshair to the ground so Terrorists can't see his pistol poking out the corner.


And finally, he picked the right moment to come out and defuse the bomb. On open field with no smoke.

No, the T's are being RETARDED. lol

#93865 [CSS]Server configs |EN|FR

Posted by Hackmast3r on 09 April 2014 - 01:55 PM in Instructions and Tutorials

What about if You want to make your server worldwide? Is it like CSS SRCDS, 255?

#93864 sNake goes ninja

Posted by Hackmast3r on 09 April 2014 - 01:45 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

Hi xD


Nice played lol, where do u guys play ? Your Server ?

#92326 Why can't I add my server ?

Posted by Hackmast3r on 08 November 2013 - 09:59 AM in Questions



We have two Css servers, but I cant add them, i dunno why, can You please help me ?


My Server IP:


It's not fake, neither it does redirect. It's clean server.