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#5653 My server don't come on server list ?

Posted by fahad_sikder on 08 May 2010 - 09:46 AM in Counter-Strike 1.6

What is your server ip? Can you find it from the server list page? If so, then your server is also on the in-game server list, but there are just so many servers that maybe you can't find it  :rolleyes:

None of the "setmaster" and "-master" options are required or even useful with Setti. They're not doing anything.

my server ip :

So you say i dont need to add those setmaster ips and any command such as -master or -nomaster ?

Please help,my server is empty all the time,and my friends say they cant find it on the server list,mayb thats why no one is joining,if so how do i make it come up on server list for steam players (like me) and non steam players ( like my friends ) ..


#5647 pls help server problem

Posted by fahad_sikder on 08 May 2010 - 07:39 AM in Counter-Strike 1.6

must be some plugin problem,try removing all your plugin shet and then try

#5646 My server don't come on server list ?

Posted by fahad_sikder on 08 May 2010 - 07:29 AM in Counter-Strike 1.6

My made my server from vps in UK,
I have used dproto to make it Steam+NonSteam (48+47)and have added the following to my server.cfg

setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add hlmaster.jolt.co.uk
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add ent.setti.info:27016
setmaster add ent.setti.info:27017
setmaster add ent.setti.info:27018

I have also added my server on setti server,throught the main page at the bottom columb.
I can add it to my favourate or connect via ip.
But I dont see my server in the Steam CS server List,can someone please help me.
My server is empty all the time,unless I ask someone to add my ip.

One more question,to server parameters do i add "-nomaster" or "-master" ?
