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There have been 2 items by will-yen (Search limited from 16-January 19)

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#7312 CSS Update now on NoSteam

Posted by will-yen on 02 July 2010 - 07:01 AM in Offtopic

GUI is not broken, its completely fine with everyone else that uses this
and RevEmu never really supported server favorites

#7256 CSS Update now on NoSteam

Posted by will-yen on 01 July 2010 - 03:01 AM in Offtopic

ummm i am drummwill from cs.rin.ru
please inform me next time you post my threads on other forums
thanks :)

but good job spreading this, just make sure you inform me next time :)

works, no problem, please check back to the original thread @ http://cs.rin.ru/for...hp?f=32&t=56724

@k1ller yes i will be updating my release when updates do come out, please follow up my thread at cs.rin.ru
or if you want me to post a thread here also, i am more then willing, if you just give me a pm