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There have been 4 items by rah350xus (Search limited from 12-January 19)

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#63326 Setti Weekly Not Working

Posted by rah350xus on 04 March 2012 - 04:05 AM in Servers and Masterserver

Alright well now i know.. Any chance this will start working again in the future? Or does anyone know an alternative?

#62964 Setti Weekly Not Working

Posted by rah350xus on 27 February 2012 - 05:18 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Bump. Still waiting for information....

#62912 Setti Weekly Not Working

Posted by rah350xus on 27 February 2012 - 04:39 AM in Servers and Masterserver

My clan ordered weekly boost for one of our servers.

But i don't think it is working, there has only been max of like 10-14 players. Our server is 32 man

We spent all week waiting but for some reason it's not working too well...
I went to


And most of the days, it was just showing up as offline when it's been online the whole entire time.

I would love to keep paying for this, but the experience we've had with it wasn't the greatest. Is there anyone I could possible talk to about this?

#62823 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by rah350xus on 25 February 2012 - 08:15 PM in Servers and Masterserver

My clan ordered weekly boost for one of our servers.

But i don't think it is working, there has only been max of like 10-15 players. Our server is 32 man

We spent all week waiting but for some reason it's not working too well...