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There have been 36 items by Net.Stop (Search limited from 15-December 18)

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#96768 Old Setti Map

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 19 March 2015 - 08:02 PM в Minecraft

LOL guys,I remember when I was a Nerd in Minecraft and bad English :c

Is the server online at another IP?I miss it :(

The server seems offline and 0 players everytime..

#81356 Rokstar using hacks!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 18 December 2012 - 05:45 PM в Minecraft

I'll be back ... soon I hope :)
Have fun and play safe. :thumbsup:
Xarc you know .. We can't live without admins.. :unsure:

i watched rokstar, and i dint saw any hacks

Yeah , he isn't using hacks..Mah bad.
Now I know that's only a plugin..Sorry for mistaking:|

#81355 i dont care that much , unban if u want

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 18 December 2012 - 05:41 PM в Ban / unban requests

Is this the same player??
Some time ago , when I play CSS I saw many times FIRESTARTER banned for:
Stupid language to other players and talking bullshit about admins.
I dind't know if it is that player..
By the way I think in my opinion he can get Max 2 days of ban.
Bye admins! :cheers:

#81354 Do not add servers to setti!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 18 December 2012 - 05:37 PM в Servers and Masterserver

Talk with the admin.They know what to do.
Please change the title. ;)

#81244 Rokstar using hacks!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 16 December 2012 - 10:47 AM в Minecraft


When I see rokstar again using this plugin , I will take a photo , because there isn't the name on TAB command..
And I saw MarHeave as admin -.O :ph34r:

When did you saw him last time and how you have come to the conclusion that MarHeave is admin ?

I think it's my bad .. Around 5-6 months ago I saw a sign typed " MarHeave admin" something like that .. :pinch:
Xarc why don't you play anymore on Minecraft? :smile-thumbs-up:

#80844 Rokstar using hacks!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 09 December 2012 - 03:50 PM в Minecraft

1) rokstar
[color=#7F7F7F]2)He is using hacks :
[color=#7F7F7F]Invisible name on TAB command.
[color=#7F7F7F]Invisible player name.
[color=#7F7F7F]Changing skin.
[color=#7F7F7F]Animated Skin , with Spider,Skeletons,etc..
[color=#7F7F7F]I think he is using also ID generator.
[color=#7F7F7F]Using speed.
[color=#7F7F7F]3) I've seen it at [color=#7F7F7F]17:07 07/12/2012
[color=#7F7F7F]4)[color=#7F7F7F]I asked him to disable hacks and he says:
[color=#7F7F7F]4.1 No
[color=#7F7F7F]4.2 I[color=#7F7F7F] don't want
[color=#7F7F7F]5)If you type in the console "Tpahere rokstar"it works.

[color=#7F7F7F]Bye !!
[color=#7F7F7F]For: Xarc,Omberha,MarHeave, and others. :clap:
DON'T FORGET THE RULES!! :smile-thumbs-up:

For invisible name on "tab namelist" or any cheat that you can prove with a picture you should use print screen F2 and put on forum and an admin will investigate ... about skin change there is a plugin that anyone can use (just 2-3 skins disabled)... one of features of this plugin is:
The player list doesn't show players who are disguised in your world

MarHeave is not admin.
Admins are ... MoOnLiGht (CatsyLady), Selena (MulishaCircus), Omberha and me (except k1ller and Ghost ... the owners)

When I see rokstar again using this plugin , I will take a photo , because there isn't the name on TAB command..
And I saw MarHeave as admin -.O :ph34r:

#80772 Rokstar using hacks!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 07 December 2012 - 07:31 PM в Minecraft

@2)lol isn't there that disguise plugin :lol:
and "Using speed", it can be lagg?
@5) wtf?

Ohh, fail haha ;D thx for the plugin:) PLUGINS=IDK

#80744 Rokstar using hacks!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 07 December 2012 - 04:20 PM в Minecraft

1) rokstar
[color=#7F7F7F]2)He is using hacks :
[color=#7F7F7F]Invisible name on TAB command.
[color=#7F7F7F]Invisible player name.
[color=#7F7F7F]Changing skin.
[color=#7F7F7F]Animated Skin , with Spider,Skeletons,etc..
[color=#7F7F7F]I think he is using also ID generator.
[color=#7F7F7F]Using speed.
[color=#7F7F7F]3) I've seen it at [color=#7F7F7F]17:07 07/12/2012
[color=#7F7F7F]4)[color=#7F7F7F]I asked him to disable hacks and he says:
[color=#7F7F7F]4.1 No
[color=#7F7F7F]4.2 I[color=#7F7F7F] don't want
[color=#7F7F7F]5)If you type in the console "Tpahere rokstar"it works.

[color=#7F7F7F]Bye !!
[color=#7F7F7F]For: Xarc,Omberha,MarHeave, and others. :clap:
[color=#ff0000]DON'T FORGET THE RULES!! :smile-thumbs-up:

#80039 [Solved] Whats wrong with the server? O.o

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 25 November 2012 - 06:25 PM в Minecraft

I agree with Ellanios :smile-thumbs-up:

Me too. What's up Misa ? :cheers:

#79999 [Solved] Whats wrong with the server? O.o

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 25 November 2012 - 10:39 AM в Minecraft

When come's up the server ?? I'm annoying :facepalm:

#79738 [Solved] Whats wrong with the server? O.o

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 21 November 2012 - 05:48 PM в Minecraft

The server is not working for me, 2 days now :o
It says ''no connection''
Other players have the same problem :confused:

It's a small problem and it will be fixed as soon as possible.

I want to make that Xmas tree :| cmon servers :lol:

#79600 Where are the setti servers -.-

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 20 November 2012 - 05:36 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Daaaaamn :( I want to make Xmas tree on Minecraft .. :w00t: :thumbsup:

#77665 my experience with cs go

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 03 November 2012 - 08:43 PM в Gaming discussion

There is CS GO cracked for setti servers ? like source ?? I'm playin go free on steam .. I want to buy it ...

#77381 XARC , ADMINS ENTER HERE!!!!!!!!!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 01 November 2012 - 12:11 PM в Minecraft

He will never stop :o
You have to fight him, Herobrine is like, the 2nd boss of the game!
He has the power of 20 dragons :wacko:
Good luck :mellow:

How can I fight with it ? and why other players dind't fight with it?

#77368 XARC , ADMINS ENTER HERE!!!!!!!!!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 01 November 2012 - 06:45 AM в Minecraft

Xarc if I go in the map were the zombie attacks me , they can blow up the map with TNT ?? I'm scared ,,
I won't to make a disaster on the server...
I forgot about Halloween .. :facepalm:  :w00t:
Sorry guys

Update 8:52 am

Login ok ..
and I'm in a cave .. with signs writed

I'm herobrine
I'm herobrine bla bla

666 666 666
you will die die die ..

I'm herobrine and I get you ..

My message : Herobrine please stop , this is getting serious ...

#77342 XARC , ADMINS ENTER HERE!!!!!!!!!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 31 October 2012 - 10:53 PM в Minecraft

wtf is going on ??? i'm with generalu81 .. making a castle ..
and.. lool
I need to calm down..

1 meh and generalu we was making a castle with alessandromagno..
after a chat  alessmagno left server .( I think )
after we're making other contructions.
and a ghasp is following me .. but he dind't hurt me , I can pass over it ..
he want to kill me ( not really ) from the photos he is diging a cave under me .. and he put some dirt over me .. and some torches .. then they are spawned some pigs " flying chickens " enderman iron golem etc ..

My big question

IS THIS HEROBRINE ??  or this is just a plugin ?
please remove it :( I'm scared and my parents are still sleeping ... and I dind't want to wake him up ..
after some minutes the game says "you have 2 hours to kill enderdragon before you respawn wtf is this ? why other players don't have this ? and why I can' see other players names ? "

Generalu81 was with me and knows all the story and creatures are still continuing when I'm making this topic :-|
Sorry for confusing ..
UPDATE  00:10 am 1/11
another chicken  he is placing TNT WTF ?? he wants to blow me up ??
Please admins help me up .. from adv i'm r00kie , zombies hurt me with tnt..
Seriously what i need to do to play minecraft ? I can't do anything with these zombies..


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  • 2012-10-31_23.30.40.png
  • 2012-10-31_23.29.21.png
  • 2012-11-01_08.49.16.png
  • 2012-11-01_08.49.19.png
  • 2012-11-01_08.49.13.png
  • 2012-10-31_23.36.09.png

#76892 [Solved] Why I'm Banned ?

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 28 October 2012 - 02:47 PM в Minecraft

You can "delete this topic" HeadHUNTERZ has helped me to fix this problem , my Minecraft installer was bad..
Now I can play Minecraft with no problems D: .
PS: when the server is updated to 1.4.2 ?

#76776 [Solved] Why I'm Banned ?

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 27 October 2012 - 09:37 AM в Minecraft

1. Seriously I don't know . I dind't played Minecraft about 3 months.. ( School - other .. )
2. mc.css.setti.info:25565
3. I dind't know
4. Can't acess console :(

6. angel ( admins know me :D - Botvodka - Omberha - Tsuna  and the other admin dind't know his name ps it's Romanian )
7. I dind't know ... ( When I try to enter server it says change name ,  I changed it like 10 times .. )
Good Day :D

#69936 hellooo help me

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 03 July 2012 - 03:32 PM в Minecraft

well i know the ip it's mc.css.setti.info:25565 but don't works :(

#69935 hellooo help me

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 03 July 2012 - 03:14 PM в Minecraft

Hi I'm angel from setti minecraft server I want the server IP because I losted the IP and i reinstalled mc in an another computer :(

#69184 Lemming da pro!

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 23 June 2012 - 09:20 AM в Ban / unban requests

Lemming .... Next time can you don't ban like a child ?  every minute a player banned lol .. it's a game you can't ban players only because we rush etc etc ..

#69151 Banned on (de_dust 2 )only server

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 22 June 2012 - 08:59 PM в Ban / unban requests

LOL , bad situation hitler_rus , you never hacked lol people , i'm *rockstargames*chrisssu xD , i never see you hacking ..

#69100 unban request please:)

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 22 June 2012 - 08:37 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

Yeah , he's spawn money ... and he buy awp ..

#69099 Got banned ages ago and....

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 22 June 2012 - 08:22 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

register and post on Unban/ban forums!

#69098 GameCrash and then Ban. (CSS)

Отправлено по Net.Stop on 22 June 2012 - 08:20 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

Like 5 min