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There have been 3 items by Sythril (Search limited from 12-January 19)

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#4228 Not able to join games. (Missing file??)

Posted by Sythril on 25 February 2010 - 11:19 PM in Team Fortress 2

Alright, I did that, and the Pwndora's Box server keeps coming back with "STEAM validation rejected". :S

#4194 Not able to join games. (Missing file??)

Posted by Sythril on 24 February 2010 - 02:15 AM in Team Fortress 2

Would I be able to update from to 1.0.8.? without any screw ups?

#4193 particle/water_dx80.pcf issue[solved-sorta]

Posted by Sythril on 24 February 2010 - 01:52 AM in Team Fortress 2

I have this issue with all the servers I go onto. Any answers? Posted Image

EDIT: Do I absolutely have to have Steam to install the newest updates?

EDIT2: I've installed MasterServer to C:Program FilesSteamconfig
And D:Team Fortress 2platformconfig   But I still get "STEAM validation rejected". Posted Image

EDIT3: There any way I can set up a dedicated server to my tf2? :D