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There have been 81 items by SNiPY (Search limited from 12-December 18)

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#101080 dups unban pls

Posted by SNiPY on 14 January 2021 - 01:37 PM in Ban / unban requests

Hey Dups, how is it going?

Is it possible you provide me the link for the correct demo file so i check it out?

All the demo files for the "Setti CSS Dust2" server can be found here: http://pong.setti.in...=demos-cssdust2

#101206 dups unban pls

Posted by SNiPY on 28 January 2021 - 10:12 PM in Ban / unban requests

Yep! hahahha  :lol: 

I am thinking to re-launch a couple CSGO servers a see how well they will go. A main competitive one and a FFA DM one. Both patched.

#104562 Counter Strike 2.0 setti server?

Posted by SNiPY on 26 April 2023 - 07:57 PM in Offtopic

Setti's CS2 servers will be available when i have access in the game.

Which means when VALVe makes it public for everyone.

And of course when OpenGamePanel adds the game in their list.

Because all those will happen this summer while i will be working, i will be making the servers during my days off.

#100070 The server does not appear in the server list.

Posted by SNiPY on 28 November 2019 - 05:22 PM in Offtopic

It seems Ghost and k1ller have no longer interest in improving Setti.

#98933 Put my server in nosteam serverlist

Posted by SNiPY on 22 June 2018 - 10:13 AM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

You want us to put your server in the masterserver but you didn't give information about:

1. the game that your server is about

2. the version of your server

3. IP:Port



#100097 remove server ip

Posted by SNiPY on 06 December 2019 - 11:04 AM in Setti CS:S servers

I can't know since i don't have root access in masterserver and boost services.

#100193 Boost Extra. I pay, but the server was not added

Posted by SNiPY on 24 January 2020 - 12:16 PM in Servers and Masterserver

I encourage you go for the refund if you want to.

Unfortunately i am not the owner of the master server and boost services. So i can not assist you any further.

The best i can do is to try contact the owner of those services, in case of a problem with the refund.

#100009 The server does not appear in the server list.

Posted by SNiPY on 10 November 2019 - 04:32 PM in Offtopic

I sent a pm to Ghost about this. Let's hope he sees it soon.

#100188 Boost Extra. I pay, but the server was not added

Posted by SNiPY on 23 January 2020 - 08:24 PM in Servers and Masterserver


I wrote the above article back in 2014...

#100027 remove server ip

Posted by SNiPY on 16 November 2019 - 05:34 AM in Setti CS:S servers

What's the ip:port of your server? I will remove it from the masterserver.


I am not sure if it's possible to block others from adding an ip:port in Setti's masterserver.

#98953 Put my server in nosteam serverlist

Posted by SNiPY on 26 July 2018 - 10:00 AM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

I was going to start a new topic but decided to post here since it's basically the same request as the OP. I want to add some L4D servers, but it keeps telling me that I hae to wait 15 minutes to add more. It's been 5 hours and I still get the same message. Why is that? I want to add several servers. Each has it's own configuration. IP is l4d1.sytes.net. The ports are 27041 to 27053. Can you please add them?


Also, when I click on the left hand side to see the servers of a game, they are all blank. What happened?


Ghost fixed the blank results page. You can try to add your servers again.

If you still get the "wait for 15 mins" error again, let me know.

#98949 Asking To Add My Server To Masterserver

Posted by SNiPY on 22 July 2018 - 06:10 AM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

Then i guess the masterserver needs an update, but i am not the one who has access to do that. :P

#98982 Fake servers pls bans

Posted by SNiPY on 01 September 2018 - 12:58 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Last days I tried to add my servers but they are not announced to clients and not listed in settis servers listing under HL1-servers - 27016 - 27017 , 27018 and 27019




First of all you should create a new topic about that.

Second of all, according to Ghost who is the owner of the masterserver and boost service, it takes up to 30 minutes for the server(s) to show in the masterserver list. So wait a bit and if your server still is not shown let me know.

#98980 Fake servers pls bans

Posted by SNiPY on 28 August 2018 - 01:41 PM in Setti CS:S servers



None of the IPs you mentioned are currently listed in our masterserver.

Maybe they were in the past and they got banned automatically.


Thanks for reporting fake IPs.

#98946 Asking To Add My Server To Masterserver

Posted by SNiPY on 18 July 2018 - 02:22 PM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

I added the server and i got the following:


[Wed Jul 18 17:17:49 2018]: Verifying (
[Wed Jul 18 17:17:49 2018]: Got KEY for v48 test (hl1) from
[Wed Jul 18 17:17:49 2018]: Server reply: B 3837 1 1501
[Wed Jul 18 17:17:49 2018]: OK. Server accepted me.


As you can see the masterserver accepted your server. If you still can't see your server then i guess there is an issue in the masterserver's code. That is something i am not be able to fix, since i don't have access to do it.

#101282 Masterserver Is Up

Posted by SNiPY on 03 February 2021 - 11:14 PM in Setti announcements

Hello people.


Ghost rebooted the masterserver service. It should be up and running now.

Whoever of you were trying to add your server without success, you can try again now.


If you still have an issue, post it here and i will try to contact with him and let him know.

#98952 setti site not secure

Posted by SNiPY on 26 July 2018 - 09:48 AM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

Probably you get that message because there is chance the HTTPS protocol got disabled or expired.

There is nothing you should worry about. You account info and whatever you type here is completely safe.

If it wasn't, i wouldn't be here.

#101619 Game Servers Are Online!

Posted by SNiPY on 18 March 2021 - 10:39 PM in Setti announcements

Hello everyone!

Our game servers are finally up and running!  :clap:
For our servers list, demo files and bans visit our SourceBans website.
For the map lists click on the following links: CSS servers | CSGO servers
Feel free to join our Steam group in case you haven't yet: Steam Group
Also, i encourage you to join our discord server: Discord Server
In our discord server you can find the following:

  • announcements about games and our community
  • already created voice channels or you can create your own
  • dedicated voice channel for music
  • read (and even post if you like) about giveaways
  • and of course you can have direct communication with the admins

People if you find something wrong in the servers please let me know!
Thank you for your time, have fun!  :thumbsup:

#104664 20 years of setti

Posted by SNiPY on 16 May 2023 - 04:20 PM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

It makes me happy to see old timers stepping by from time to time.  :)

#100262 Server ip banned without reason.

Posted by SNiPY on 18 March 2020 - 03:59 PM in Servers and Masterserver

What's the ip-port of the server?

#99001 please add this Left 4 Dead 2 server

Posted by SNiPY on 24 October 2018 - 04:44 PM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

Can people connect successfully to your server?

#98984 Сервер не добавляет в список мастерсервера

Posted by SNiPY on 07 September 2018 - 05:25 PM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

This is what i get when i try to add your server in the masterserver:


Do not add redirect or fake servers. Adding redirect servers may lead to banning your servers from masterserver! Contact us on the forum if you think you need to automatically submit servers.

#98964 Problem with adding servers (15 min wait error)

Posted by SNiPY on 01 August 2018 - 02:02 AM in Ghetto - Unregistered users

Masterserver shows no servers again. Probably it crashed.

I will let the owner know about this so he fixes it.

#99943 My ip addres banned to add server

Posted by SNiPY on 14 October 2019 - 08:54 AM in Servers and Masterserver


#100941 perm banned for "multi-hack"

Posted by SNiPY on 22 December 2020 - 11:06 PM in Ban / unban requests

For unban requests post this information:

1. Name when you got banned.

2. SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to a server)

3. Map's name when you got banned.