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Отправлено 03 December 2011 - 05:25 PM


Ur so funny :') I got a perma ban again :D First for "WALLHACK" and then "Bhop Script" ;D legendary.... it was an aim_deagle server u know :D. I gave them too much headshots...

You were catched cheating not by admin, but by special anticheat program made to catch cheaters with lua hacks.

Отправлено 03 December 2011 - 04:36 PM

Thats ...the best possible hop....( i think so) WITHOUT a script.

Отправлено 03 December 2011 - 10:14 AM

Irgendjemand: Kush hatte kein Script...es war ein bind in der cfg....wie ich mit meinem bind mwheeldown +jump...er wollte mir nich sagen welches...er hat 10euro verlangt xD

Al1: Pls dont post this video...its before update, and it would be okay to play with this players. And i love this video...how the people react "WHAAT?!" "OH MY GOD" "I HOPE HE DIES WHEN HE SLEEPS TONIGHT"...best reactions :'D.

In this case, Kush[color=#ff0000]([color=#ff0000]Pl95ure) and Miau[color=#ff0000]([color=#ff0000]arTemis<3") are clean players, you defend Miau. Miau defend Kush. All are innocent and you are their angel deliverer.
Accept my advice>> ..If you want to defend the cheaters think twice before you write a single word.

So Al1 ur problem is this:

Bunny hop is a quite enough reason for the ban because Bhop be treated like other cheats like .. wh aimbot speedhack.
If you do not believe you can try to use Bhop and you will see what happens.

I have a question...it was never clear here and i just want to know, its BHOP not allowed or Scripted Bhop ?
Im going to post a video on inferno while i bunnyhop down to T :D(It was a PCW)...will coming soon.
Im sorry if BHOP at all is not allowed...i played with bhop so long...no one flamed me because of this and then bhop is a problem for u guyz and all think im scripting.
In Kush's point he didnt use a script...it was a BIND in the config.(Actually its possible because of some reasons...xD)


Ur so funny :') I got a perma ban again :D First for "WALLHACK" and then "Bhop Script" ;D legendary.... it was an aim_deagle server u know :D. I gave them too much headshots...
No seriously i miss the setti servers, well mostly the players.

Wenn du das hier liest.
Du hast ganz genau gewusst das Kush keinen Script hatte, aber schweigst einfach bezüglich das ? Hmm ?! Lächerlich.


Отправлено 02 December 2011 - 11:11 PM

U are funny...hahah Al1 said only Bhop is the reason why Kush and Me are banned....we are stop doing bhop and u unban us ? Hmm ?
And b00bs...u need new breast implants, because ur breasts are getting old and...not funny u know ?

Posted 13 November 2011 - 04:28 PM
Player: [color=#800080]pl95ure
Reason for ban: Wallhack
SteamID: [color=#008000]STEAM_0:1:721285
Tick: from the beginning

His name is KUSH known Setti wallhacker. He have permabanned and now he come with new SteamID and new name.
[color=#0000ff]Please Ban him permanently by IP range.
For more detail here:

Jax, on 14 November 2011 - 07:20 PM, said:

Al1, on 14 November 2011 - 03:37 PM, said:

Please ban two known Setti wallhackers under the names [color=#ff0000]"Pl95ure[color=#ff0000]"[color=#ff0000]([color=#0000ff]KUSH) and [color=#ff0000]"arTemis<3" [color=#000000]or "ich dr?ck geil" ([color=#0000ff]MiAU MiAU).
They play again at the Pub Pub # 2 and $ 4 with a new SteamIDs.
I have evidence on them, if necessary. They have several ban requests.
Thank you!

[color=#0000ff]MiAU MiAU [color=#ff0000]STEAM_0:0:743083211
[color=#0000ff]KUSH[color=#008000] [color=#ff0000]STEAM_0:1:721285


do you really think that Miau is a cheater?
i think that you are wrong. please send me proofs for Miau with ticks of demo and let me check this demos. Thanks.

lol made the first post
# 2546 "HeLLo KiTTy" [color=#ff0000]STEAM_0:0:1988153388 wallhack http://css.setti.inf...02-de_dust2.dem

Elgreco posted
Posted 30 May 2011 - 05:46 PM
HeLLo KiTTy" [color=#ff0000]STEAM_0:0:1988153388

Xarc posted
Posted 30 May 2011 - 08:15 AM
just watched a random demo ... hello kitty wallhack from the begininig
don't know his ID but it's no problem for Perp to find it.

b00bs posted
He was reported there - http://css.setti.inf...dpost__p__37516

Mentiroso posted
Posted 19 May 2011 - 01:25 AM
1) German Terror Fighter 83
2) wallhack
3) http://css.setti.inf...10-de_cbble.dem
4) 12 minutes before ending
5) # 1444 "GERMAN TERROR FIGHTER 83" [color=#ff0000]STEAM_0:0:1988153388 01:32 62 0 active

If I remember correctly it was he
Both of them have been permabanned
Miau is constantly changing names and kush too ( [color=#ff0000]"Pl95ure" or [color=#ff0000]"[color=#ff0000]LEGENDE#.[color=#ff0000]"[color=#ff0000]([color=#0000ff]KUSH) and [color=#ff0000]"arTemis<3" [color=#000000]or "ich dr?ck geil" ([color=#0000ff]MiAU ).) too to bring confusion to the admins but administrators have log files for all connections to all players and their IP addresses and stemIDs.
He defends other cheaters calling administrators noobs, idiots etc. ..
Now the old cheaters come back with a new SteamID and new names, but they have quickly detected again
Miau now uses bhoop or bhoop script which is enough reason to ban
cheater once always cheater

Posted 30 November 2011 - 10:05 PM

Отправленное изображениеJax, on 30 November 2011 - 07:01 PM, said:

Отправленное изображениеAl1, on 14 November 2011 - 03:37 PM, said:

Please ban two known Setti wallhackers under the names [color=#ff0000]"Pl95ure" or [color=#ff0000]"[color=#ff0000]LEGENDE#.[color=#ff0000]"[color=#ff0000]([color=#0000ff]KUSH) and [color=#ff0000]"arTemis<3" [color=#000000]or "ich dr?ck geil" ([color=#0000ff]MiAU MiAU).
They play again at the Pub Pub # 2 and $ 4 with a new SteamIDs.
I have evidence on them, if necessary. They have several ban requests.
Thank you!

[color=#0000ff]MiAU MiAU [color=#ff0000]STEAM_0:0:743083211
[color=#0000ff]KUSH[color=#008000] [color=#ff0000]STEAM_0:1:721285

I am still waiting for a real proof showing Miauuu cheating.

All the Demos i got do not show Miauuu cheating! And from my point of view a little Bunny hop can't be a real reason for a permanent ban.

And why does he got banned from this forum? he has no chance to give us a statement or something else. That is unfair!

Please admins, be fair and start with giving him a chance for reply. To the guys who say that he is cheating, give us REAL proofs! thanks!

Jax you obviously do not fully understand administration job at setti servers.
Rules sets head admin and others administrators following the rules set
Bunny hop is a quite enough reason for the ban because Bhop be treated like other cheats like .. wh aimbot speedhack.
If you do not believe you can try to use Bhop and you will see what happens.
If you personally think it is wrong find ways to talk with the head admin and prove to him that it is incorrect and stupid rule.
In this case, Kush[color=#ff0000](Pl95ure) and Miau[color=#ff0000]([color=#ff0000]arTemis<3") are clean players, you defend Miau. Miau defend Kush. All are innocent and you are their angel deliverer.
Accept my advice>> ..If you want to defend the cheaters think twice before you write a single word.
In any case, this topic is not intended for it.
Go to unban request.
Watch this...

After viewing. Tell us, is it okay to play with these players
The end.


Отправлено 02 December 2011 - 10:32 PM

pfffffff we need a translator!


Отправлено 02 December 2011 - 05:57 PM

OK, wo fange ich an...
Ich war nie davon überzeugt dass du oder kush wallhackst, jedoch wurde kush mehrere hundert tausende male gebeten sein bhop script weg zu geben, was er jedoch ignoriert hat. Ein Bind in C++ zu schreiben dass er genau 3 mal springt ohne auch nur seine maus zu bewegen ist ein SCRIPT und ist verboten. Keine ahnung ob du für dasselbe gebannt wurdest.

Das SCHLIMMSTE hier ist: Das ihr so was von hinterhältig seit, ihr tut alles damit eure Ehre nich in den schmutz gezogen wird? Fail bans ? Nehhh kann nicht sein Setti Admins doch nich.

Ist das dein ernst? Von diesem Satz kann ich kein anzeichen sehen dass du einen unban verdienst wenn du so über die Setti administration denkst

aber bei Kush nicht ? Habt ihr schiss ? Ich meine wenn er doch so ein Wallhacker ist, dan sollte das doch kein Problem sein ? Sind die Admins den schon zufaul geworden ? Ich denke nicht. Man kann mit euch nicht reden, ihr seit nicht für die Community da. Ihr schaut nur auf eure eigenen Interessen.

siehe oben


Отправлено 02 December 2011 - 04:07 PM

Continue your cheatfun in other servers.

Отправлено 02 December 2011 - 03:45 PM

Ich will nur nen unban...nen neuen pub2 admin und al1 weg das wär nur nebensache. also ich will nur hilfe bezüglich unban

Отправлено 02 December 2011 - 03:40 PM

U are funny...hahah Al1 said only Bhop is the reason why Kush and Me are banned....we are stop doing bhop and u unban us ? Hmm ?
And b00bs...u need new breast implants, because ur breasts are getting old and...not funny u know ?


Отправлено 02 December 2011 - 02:31 PM

Seriously, i never cheated, i'll never.

Google said that you cheated. :thumbdown:

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