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Ответ на CS:GO becoming ONLINE No-Steam

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Отправлено 10 December 2013 - 03:05 AM

   :(  :(



Отправлено 09 December 2013 - 05:52 AM

Did you check the comments there? :D

It's not working properly. And if you see his instructions, it doesn't look like he has patched it.

First he wants you download the "patch" which is 92 mb. I guess it's his Steam folder or something. But the most important and obvious is this:

1) Download the image file and mount it as Z.

2) To play CS:GO you must have your Z drive mounted all time.


Tell me one game that it is patched/cracked properly and despite that, it requires you always to mount the image. And mount the image on a specific virtual driver and not on a radom one. In this occasion "Z".


P.S. SmartPlay isn't trustable. First, he says that he cracked the game and people can download/install it through his "Junkies Client". But in fact, what his client was doing was to connect to his steam account (that he had bought CSGO) and download the game. In the end, his Steam account got suspended by VALVe. Now, after a few months, he says again that he cracked the game and released some (according to the comments and the instructions) shit that doesn't work properly.


! The game isn't cracked by anyone yet. Always remember that. !

Отправлено 09 December 2013 - 12:41 AM

I hope you guys to to check it out 



Is that true ?

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