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Дата рег: 27 Oct 2010
Оффлайн Был(а) онлайн: Nov 01 2010 02:02 PM

Темы пользователя

Admin Application request

31 October 2010 - 10:34 AM

Hello Setti Community, I believe alot of you have seen me playing usually in the Setti 3 server De.Dust 2 24.7 server. I have witness, and reported, a countless number of hackers and have devoted myself to helping the Setti community in ANY way I can, I still stand to that allegiance as I type this now comrades. I am requesting for CONSIDERATION of possible admin status on Setti 3 as I spend ALOT of time on the server from 2 AM (U.S. Central Time) to 5 A.M. I witness so many hackers and usually most admins I guess are working their real life jobs and doing whatever it is that keeps them away from the servers.

If this request isn't accepted, I can understand, but I would at least like to prove my devotion to the Setti community until I can be taken seriously with this request.

Thank you very much for whoever is reading this request.
