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There have been 2 items by Pervade (Search limited from 11-December 18)

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#96632 Remove my server from setti and boost list now!big problem.

Отправлено по Pervade on 02 March 2015 - 07:47 PM в Offtopic

Thank you very much! I appreciate that now nobody complain's for this strange kick.Thanks again. Just to become more accurate the problem was when the players found my server from internet list the server was 13/24 but somehow the server kicked them with no reason with message server is full but it was 13/24.and you could see many spectators but noone of them could join because of that message.Now it doesnt happen anymore they join normaly.May its my fantasy but same time strange.Never mind, you guys know better than me and 99% is my fault.Thanks again for your time.

#96619 Remove my server from setti and boost list now!big problem.

Отправлено по Pervade on 01 March 2015 - 12:57 PM в Offtopic

Remove this ip
the reason is that somehow the setti decreases the amount of connected players to 13 and others that trying to connect they get autokicked with no reason.If this problem isnt related to setti master servers dont delete the server.Also i tryed to host a server with same gamefiles that is not added to setti and the problem isnt appearing.It must be something with setti.