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Отправлено 22 December 2012 - 12:22 PM

:facepalm: :facepalm:

Make it double !

If I see this one more time I'll ban you also from forum.


Отправлено 21 December 2012 - 08:49 PM

:facepalm: :facepalm:

Make it double !

M4Andreas (GR NOOB)

Отправлено 23 June 2012 - 08:56 PM



Отправлено 23 June 2012 - 08:55 PM


Thanks for reporting email activation problem.

The server that you've tried to join isn't administrated by Setti. Setti administration can't unban you. You have to contact PatruDoi | Ship1 | Hunt server admins on their own forum (if they have one) and ask for unban. Use google to find their site...

Best of luck for unbanning :thumbsup:

Отправлено 23 June 2012 - 06:54 PM

1) Approximate date/time of ban
22 June 2012/sometime past midnight (not sure what time to be honest, I just know it was past midnight)
2) Server name
> PatruDoi | Ship1 | Hunt <
3) Map name
I have no idea what the map was. It was my very first time playing the game.
4) SteamID
5) IP
6) Nick when you got banned
Adino Abishai
7) Admin's name who banned you
I got no warning or anything from any admin so I don't know.

I literally just bought the game, did the tutorial, did the first 3 or 4 chapters single player and decided to try out multiplayer. People kept attacking me and killing me in what the game called "Cold Blood". I started memorizing their names as it happened and when I saw them, I started to kill them before they could kill me to defend myself from these people. No warnings occurred from any admin or the game saying that it was against the rules or that I could get banned for it. If an admin had said something, I would have told him they were killing me in cold blood and I was just trying to defend myself...I would have asked the admin to stop them.

The game did say I was only supposed to be banned fo 40 minutes, but it has been 9 hours now and still banned.

I registered to your forum but no activation e-mail has been sent to my e-mail address and even resending it didn't work. That is why I posted my unban request here.

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