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M4Andreas (GR NOOB)

Member Since 15 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2019 11:42 AM

Topics I've Started

CS:S frag movie -2013-

13 June 2013 - 09:23 AM

"You got fragged"

25 November 2012 - 12:12 AM

my response to akka ^^

17 November 2012 - 06:26 PM

3D streaming included! :thumbup:

European Parliament decisively rejects ACTA

04 July 2012 - 03:28 PM

Well, good news came out some hours ago, internet is and will be free!!!!

Setti tourney TEAMS!

30 June 2012 - 02:09 PM

WINNING TEAM: [color=#0000FF]eKLiK

All match times are SETTI TIME
Any type of cheat isn't allowed and any suspect caught while cheating will get permanently banned in Setti public servers too. -M4Andreas

Matches are 5 VS 5 but you can have another one player as backup or two.
8 July Saturday to Sunday 00:30 match Dust2- [color=#ff0000]iLLuZion[color=#0000CD] vs [color=#00ff00]G-Spot (0-16) demo (7 viewers)
8 July Sunday 21:00 setti time- [color=#ff0000]fofo[color=#0000CD] vs [color=#00ff00]C0re Train (13-16) demo (13 viewers)
9 July Monday 22:00 setti time- [color=#00ff00]Aggro#Bash[color=#0000CD] vs [color=#ff0000]R.T. Tuscan(16-8) demo (15 viewers)
9 July Monday 23:00 setti time- [color=#00ff00]eKLiK[color=#0000CD] vs [color=#ff0000]Muffin Slayers Inferno(16-0) demo (21 viewers)
10 July Tuesday 21:00 setti time- [color=#ff0000]Pr0'4life[color=#0000CD] vs [color=#00ff00]Gladiators Nuke(2-16) demo (2 viewers)
11 July Wednesday 23:00 setti time - [color=#00ff00]G-Spot [color=#0000CD] vs [color=#ff0000]-The Chosen- Train(16-0) demo (5 viewers)
12 July Thursday 23:00 setti time - [color=#00ff00]eKLiK[color=#0000CD] vs [color=#ff0000]Gladiators Dust2(16-0) demo (8 viewers)
[color=#282828]17 July Tuesday 21:00 setti time - [color=#ff0000]Aggro#Bash [color=#0000FF]vs [color=#00ff00]C0re Inferno (C0re win by default 21:20 no Aggro player on server)
[color=#282828]18 July Wednesday 22:15 setti time - [color=#00ff00]eKLiK [color=#0000FF]vs [color=#ff0000]C0re Nuke (16-2) demo (12 viewers)
[color=#282828]18 July Wednesday 23:00 setti time - [color=#00ff00]eKLiK [color=#0000FF]vs [color=#ff0000]G-Spot Tuscan (16-0) demo (9 viewers)

[color=#800000]connect [color=#800000] to WATCH the game
if someone is having trouble connecting try
cl_downloadfilter none

Отправленное изображение
Team 1 iLLuZioN
[color=#282828]1. P_W_S Marcello (leader)
[color=#282828]2. BIG BOSS SNAKE
[color=#282828]3. [color=#282828].[color=#282828]+*Swift*+.
[color=#282828]4. Red*RunBitchRun*
[color=#282828]5. [color=#282828]Sleep Walke[color=#282828]r
[color=#282828]6. dot0x
7. [color=#282828]P_W_S IMPOSSIBRU GIMP

Team[color=#282828] 2 eKLiK
[color=#282828]1) SyrinXeno[AUT] ([color=#282828]Leader)
[color=#282828]2) maiiiK
[color=#282828]3) akka
[color=#282828]4) [color=#282828]IrgendJemand[AUT]
[color=#282828]5) sigi
[color=#282828]6) Turtle
[color=#282828]7) Uriel
8) J 4 Z Z Z

Team 3 -The Chosen-
[color=#282828]1) lintu21 (Leader)
2) [Crazy]_Hunter^^
3) Heist
4) Cactus!
5) Alien^_^
6) Dragon001

Team 4 RT
[color=#282828]1) Mentiroso (Leader)
[color=#282828]2) {GRÈËk ÑøÖг} M4 Ăk-47
[color=#282828]3) HUNTER
[color=#282828]4) [color=#282828][color=#282828]Sharpshooter[color=#282828]
[color=#282828]5) Faquilla
[color=#282828]6) Pantic

[color=#282828]Team 5 C0re
[color=#282828]1) Marioc[color=#282828] (Leader)
[color=#282828]2) Sculder
[color=#282828]3) breezer
[color=#282828]4) Ruben Interpool
5) Firestarter
[color=#282828]6) headHUNTERZ
7) errormyname
8) Reznov.

Team 6 Pr0'4Life!
[color=#282828]1) InFaMoUs' no Sound.[color=#282828] (Leader)
[color=#282828]2) † SILENT SNIPER †
[color=#282828]3) (GR)Cold Cobra
[color=#282828]4) Shaq Attack!!!
5) 3D-[G]amer
6) dEInEM|_||_|DDakIlla
7) AdvilCaps[FR]

Team 7 Muffin Slayers
1)Gringo13 (leader)
4)Prof. E. Sional
5)Milky Pie

1)GR Mavro (leader)
2)GR Fwtian
3)GR *Unpaixtable*
4)GR Mantarinakias
5)Guybrush Threepwood (;
6)Mister Balvenie Feels the Funk
7) Podolek

Team 9 G-Spot
1) Epic_Cookie (leader)
2) KeepWalking*
3) COMMspetz
4) Friday[13]
6) Raffy
7) [color=#282828]Ponypower

Team 10 Aggro#Bash
1. Erotec_Electro (leader)
2. ArneoX (CoLeader)
3. ironixx
4. Punky Der Vogel
5. xiTeL
6. pHil

[color=#282828]Team 11 [color=#282828]fofo
1) ;.Der Gestörteᴴᴰ !? x.x (leader)
2)[color=#282828] esf*
3) .w.
4) down
5) HLBI Right Now!
6) Infazci_25

Anything not discussed here, will be dealt with according to ESL rulebook for 5on5.
Regarding DXLevel there is no lock, both 8 or 9 are ok to use.
Server joining, team leaders will receive server info, and after both teams are in server, with a server admin, the server will be locked. It is recommended to try joining 10 or more minutes before, because after the schedule time, there will only be a 10 minute grace period to wait for players.
After 10 minutes, if a team has only 4 players, they can play with 4, if they have only 3 they are eliminated automatically.
Players that are disconnected mid game can rejoin, so it is recommended that you run the command sm_password after the game starts, so you can see the new locked password (this is to prevent more people joining mid game). Match will not be paused even if 2 players disconnect, if 3 disconnect, match is won by opposing team, by default.
Knife round: At this point match is almost live, there will be 3 restarts and a knife round is played, players should go towards A and knife, winner team gets 10 seconds to vote Change team, or Stay, after this, there will be 3 restarts and match is live!
Live: Any player who executes the kill command, purposedly kills teammates, hides bomb, uses map bugs, cheats, will be banned and team will be eliminated from tourney. Bans may trickle down to Settis pub servers aswell.
Game mode is MR15, which means first team to pass 15 rounds won, wins the match. After the first 15 rounds, there is a half time team switch, and the scores will be kept on chat notification as Team A and Team B. If after 30 rounds the score is 15-15, there will be an MR3 overtime, which is similar but with 3 instead of 15, if the scores are tied after the 6 rounds 18-18, the next round wil be sudden death, and the team to reach 19 rounds won, wins the match.
All talk is disabled, dead talk is enabled, so teams don't need to use other voice applications, this is for simplicity.
Any questions/suggestions you can ask Mentiroso.

reply to one question made:
[color=#000000]" You are not allowed to change your nickname in-game. In team matches the players are allowed to use a clan tag, but it has to be the same for all players of this team."