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Дата рег: 31 Jan 2013
Оффлайн Был(а) онлайн: Oct 16 2013 03:53 AM

Темы пользователя

Why am I having this error? Is he missing something?

16 April 2013 - 01:20 AM

When I create a server to play with bots the game is disconnected and the console shows the following warning:


You are in insecure mode. You must restart before you can connect to secure servers.



My Console:


====== Welcome to CSS Setti version =======
====== For updates check css.setti.info =======
Protocol version 24
Exe version (cstrike) » Patch v75 to v77-2 (
Exe build: 16:30:34 Mar 16 2013 (5243) (240)

'listenserver.cfg' not present; not executing.
You are in insecure mode.  You must restart before you can connect to secure servers.

How do I create a server to play with my friends?

31 January 2013 - 10:30 PM

I want to create a server to play with my friends and want to be the admin. But how do I do it? Please!!!

Counter-Strike: Source