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Дата рег: 26 Jan 2020
Оффлайн Был(а) онлайн: Jan 13 2021 07:35 AM

Темы пользователя

Operation arms race lifehack, save your lifetime! <3

13 January 2021 - 07:34 AM

Type "kill" in console after getting your needed kills with the weapon, after u switch to a not
necessary weapon, type kill in the console, u getting deranked and u'll get ur previous weapon back.

E.g.: u need mp kills, finished 6 possible kills with it, now having AK. Type in kill in console - u'll back on the track with mp. You can do it 4 times before getting kicked off.

Alternatively, if possible, swap the team while a life. But also only 4x possible. Use this more than 4 times - u gonna get kicked out.

Can’t Find a Dangerzone Match which means I can’t get the Diamond Coin for Shattered Web

26 January 2020 - 10:58 AM

I’m having a problem with finding a Dangerzone game. I live in Australia, I get around 45 mbps download speed, low ping, I have a 1050 ti and an i7 7700k. I posted this on the Steam discussions and got nothing out of it. My max bandwidth is on unrestricted and max acceptable ping is on 80. The elapsed time in finding a match reached 30 minutes before I stopped it. Does anyone know why this is happening to me? I can’t complete the Dangerzone missions for Shattered Web and I really want to get the diamond coin. I’ve done all the missions except for these ones. Thank you.