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Four Rooms by Tarantino

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#1 CC:)



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Отправлено 18 April 2010 - 05:31 PM

So many years couldnt watch this movie, finally i did it, finished :smile: early works of this guy are really great, this Four Rooms is even better then Pulm Fiction in my opinion, suggest you guys to watch it certainly.
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#2 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 April 2010 - 05:57 PM

Ok, downloading now :twisted: I couldn't find a HD copy though :cry:

I don't know what Four Rooms is like but I think it's much like Jim Jarmusch's Night on Earth. There are five different stories in five different cities. Last one is Helsinki :)

- Night on Earth - Jim Jarmusch interview (русские субтитры)
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#3 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 April 2010 - 06:03 PM

Mystery Train is also in the same category as Night on Earth, so if you (or someone else) is planning to watch these you might want to realize that these two movies are quite similar.
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#4 breezer


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Отправлено 18 April 2010 - 06:25 PM

4 rooms is awesome ,seen it many times ,but u can't compare it to Pulp Fiction young friend :)
Tarantino is my all time favorite Director ;)
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#5 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 April 2010 - 07:58 PM

I remember seeing atleast half of Four Rooms earlier... just watched it from the beginning now. Very good movie. Recommended! :shock:

Tarantino is my all time favorite Director

Without context this doesn't mean much. It's like saying "Rolling Stones is the best". About billion people on Earth can say it. Still 999 million of them wouldn't be able to name their top-5.
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#6 CC:)



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Отправлено 18 April 2010 - 08:04 PM

@k1ller, never seen Jim Jarmusch's movie's, seems interesting - need to download them too. Actually i like strange movies with non-common structure, and with deep sense or great humor. Four Rooms consists of 4 different strories or plots, non-common sense of humor and some rude true, which you may find there in some strange, unpopular way.

@ breezer, yeah, my far friend :) Tarantino is one of my favourits directors too. However i think his last work with B.Pitt is complete crap :mrgreen: Inglorious Bastards, i mean.
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#7 fofo


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Отправлено 24 April 2010 - 09:12 AM

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Kill Bill vol I and II
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Death Proof
5. Inglorious Basterds

Here's my top 5.
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