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why reg sux on this server ??? i have proof

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#1 mOE



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Posted 24 October 2012 - 07:53 PM

body reg is ok but head reg sux very much
i played on other server today and there is a big difference on reg
i got alot of headshots compared to this server

and to prove that just look at psychostats

headshot percentage is very low for most players

i remember setti in 2009

half of players had more than 40% headshots

if u dont believe me ask ghost
he has a backup of old psychostats

is this server running on 33 tick or what ?????????

if u want to run good in this server just play with awp or buy rifles and just aim at body

dont ever aim at head u will miss

rly wtf ???
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#2 Marioc



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Posted 24 October 2012 - 08:32 PM

Are you "Masterx's" Friend ?

#3 P_W_S Marcello

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Posted 24 October 2012 - 08:34 PM

Wait Wait Wait. I have never played with moE, but i heard only bad things. BUT: He got a point. Dont be prejudiced coz hes MoE, but if the statistics he mentions are right it is really weird.

#4 Joker :} Why so serious?

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Posted 24 October 2012 - 09:15 PM

Yea i got the same problem whit head reg on setti servers but on some other servrs not. We should really try to do something to fix this.



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#5 Mentiroso



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 02:33 AM

bad reg cause its a german server, most people don't have good red on german servers, even british ones are better although even further away in most cases (and sometimes with worse latency).

that's why awp whoring is all people do on setti.

about tick, all css servers are 66 tick fixed since 2010.. valve made it so its not really possible to change, you should know this mr pro..

#6 Funky


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Posted 25 October 2012 - 03:23 AM

Moe you are right about the head reg but your proofs dont prove anything dude..For example the psychostas in 2010 may were better just because the players were better too..A good proof would be a demo showing that you hit the head but no damage is done..(you can find setti demos in here------> http://css.setti.info/setti/demos/)
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#7 mOE



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 08:06 AM

bad reg cause its a german server, most people don't have good red on german servers, even british ones are better although even further away in most cases (and sometimes with worse latency).

that's why awp whoring is all people do on setti.

about tick, all css servers are 66 tick fixed since 2010.. valve made it so its not really possible to change, you should know this mr pro..

no man there are many 33 tick servers now
what valve made is that they removed the 100 tick support
u should know this pro
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#8 mOE



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 08:07 AM

Moe you are right about the head reg but your proofs dont prove anything dude..For example the psychostas in 2010 may were better just because the players were better too..A good proof would be a demo showing that you hit the head but no damage is done..(you can find setti demos in here------> http://css.setti.info/setti/demos/)

ok i will make ton of videos about this in the future
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#9 Funky


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Posted 25 October 2012 - 08:16 AM

Moe you are right about the head reg but your proofs dont prove anything dude..For example the psychostas in 2010 may were better just because the players were better too..A good proof would be a demo showing that you hit the head but no damage is done..(you can find setti demos in here------> http://css.setti.info/setti/demos/)

ok i will make ton of videos about this in the future

you dont need to make your own videos..use the setti demos...;)
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#10 Heady



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 08:18 AM

So any advice to improve the reg? I think the server is currently running as tick 100 server, with max cl_update/rate of 101 and min cl_update/rate of 66. max rate is 30000.

#11 mOE



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 08:38 AM

Moe you are right about the head reg but your proofs dont prove anything dude..For example the psychostas in 2010 may were better just because the players were better too..A good proof would be a demo showing that you hit the head but no damage is done..(you can find setti demos in here------> http://css.setti.info/setti/demos/)

ok i will make ton of videos about this in the future

you dont need to make your own videos..use the setti demos... ;)

setti demos dont show the actual position of crosshair
pov is better
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#12 mOE



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 08:38 AM

So any advice to improve the reg? I think the server is currently running as tick 100 server, with max cl_update/rate of 101 and min cl_update/rate of 66. max rate is 30000.

i dont know man its ur job head admins
maybe use british server instead of this server
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#13 Tienns



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Posted 26 October 2012 - 07:41 PM

Before the last update, i had a HS rate of around 56% so.....

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