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admin abuse

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#1 Firestarter


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Отправлено 27 January 2013 - 05:42 PM

admin with his " I'm slaying other players when i'm dead thing " strikes again

#2 Heady



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Отправлено 27 January 2013 - 06:02 PM

So who was it?

#3 LemmingGrumpy



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Отправлено 27 January 2013 - 07:20 PM

Guess what: if you play as CT and if, round after round, you don't defend one of the bombsites when I am CT, you are going to have a bad time. If it is too complex a concept to understand, feel free to play on other servers.

#4 Rizla+++


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Отправлено 27 January 2013 - 11:49 PM

lemming, with no offense, but i dont think that slaying people will make em understand the mistake, instead it makes them mad and wonder "why the hell" . Moreover, you cant know under what influence one is when playing (...) . its just a game, let people play. TA/TF yes ok, but not defending (camping at) the bombsite, is not worse than being a CT and not going for the defuse. ok? and  this is sth head admins are very used to.  going for a good score -- not going for the team. Anyways, i am very careful when head admins are on the game, and this is the only  lesson learned.. , guys who like rush are obliged to join only Terrorists? why Cant CTs rush, this is just out of the game's rules mate.. you are too strict dude, chill out, or at least try to explain the mistake rather than punish.

edit: I CANT CAMP :D



#5 LemmingGrumpy



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Отправлено 28 January 2013 - 11:09 AM

Rizzla, I disagree. Players need focus on the mission at hand.


When CTs refuse to defend one bombsite and all go together to the other, they make the game unplayable for the one or two CTs who actually focus on the mission.


When CTs rush to certain death because the whole T team is waiting for them with AWPs at spawn, they make the game unplayable for the one or two CTs who actually focus on the mission.


This is not COD, this is counterstrike. If someone wants to score frags, they can go play on the DM server. If they choose to play de_ maps, then they will have to figure out how to complete the mission (and maybe get a decent score in the process). Period. Rushing is absolutely not bad per se, but it becomes ridiculous when it is obvious that the other team is waiting for it, and that your rushes fail round after round after round.


Besides, consider this: when I am CT and I see my team getting raped because they wilfully ignore the aim of the game, am I having fun? No. So, what should I do? Do like perp and camp at pit? --> players will complain. Swap myself to T team? --> players will complain. Go to DM server? Nope, sorry, I am the one who wants to play de_ and I am the one on the correct server to do so. Thus my solution is to slay the shit out of the idiots in my own team, and guess what... they will complain. It is so much easier than actually try and play the game correctly.

#6 Firestarter


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Отправлено 28 January 2013 - 04:24 PM

Guess what: if you play as CT and if, round after round, you don't defend one of the bombsites when I am CT, you are going to have a bad time. If it is too complex a concept to understand, feel free to play on other servers.


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Guess what: I named thread without writing which admin is abusing his rights.


grumpy sees thread where someone is complaining about admin that is slaying other players
grumpy (thinks): hm
grumpy : (coughs)
grumpy: ffs , i better answer this , cause this one must be about me
Rizzla, I disagree. Players need focus on the mission at hand.

Oh , i didn't recognised that you are his brain , and that u tell him what should  he focus on. If you want all players to be focused on mission all time , add that as rule on setti , until then , i can't see how you can justify slaying others


When CTs refuse to defend one bombsite and all go together to the other, they make the game unplayable for the one or two CTs who actually focus on the mission.


Every time i play on dd2 as ct this is happening , bunch of players go a , and guess what :  b is guarded by max 2-3 players.And vice versa.


No matter you slay other players or not....


When CTs rush to certain death because the whole T team is waiting for them with AWPs at spawn, they make the game unplayable for the one or two CTs who actually focus on the mission.


This is not COD, this is counterstrike. If someone wants to score frags, they can go play on the DM server. If they choose to play de_ maps, then they will have to figure out how to complete the mission (and maybe get a decent score in the process). Period. Rushing is absolutely not bad per se, but it becomes ridiculous when it is obvious that the other team is waiting for it, and that your rushes fail round after round after round.


Besides, consider this: when I am CT and I see my team getting raped because they wilfully ignore the aim of the game, am I having fun? No. So, what should I do? Do like perp and camp at pit? --> players will complain. Swap myself to T team? --> players will complain. Go to DM server? Nope, sorry, I am the one who wants to play de_ and I am the one on the correct server to do so. Thus my solution is to slay the shit out of the idiots in my own team, and guess what... they will complain. It is so much easier than actually try and play the game correctly.


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-So you are saying that main goal of game is that  lemming have fun?


-Also you say that players must be focused on completing mission.Ok.Lets put it like this.


You die , and see last two ct players away from bomb site.One has awp , other ak. You slay them.


By slaying them , did you make your team chances to win next round bigger or ... ?


So by doing this u directly affect on yours team chances to complete mission.


nice one


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#7 zocky


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Отправлено 28 January 2013 - 05:44 PM

lemming, with no offense, but i dont think that slaying people will make em understand the mistake, instead it makes them mad and wonder "why the hell" . Moreover, you cant know under what influence one is when playing (...) . its just a game, let people play. TA/TF yes ok, but not defending (camping at) the bombsite, is not worse than being a CT and not going for the defuse. ok? and  this is sth head admins are very used to.  going for a good score -- not going for the team. Anyways, i am very careful when head admins are on the game, and this is the only  lesson learned.. , guys who like rush are obliged to join only Terrorists? why Cant CTs rush, this is just out of the game's rules mate.. you are too strict dude, chill out, or at least try to explain the mistake rather than punish.

edit: I CANT CAMP :D



#8 LemmingGrumpy



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Отправлено 28 January 2013 - 06:47 PM

Firestarter: you make a thread about slaying and admin abuse the same day I slayed you at A long. How obvious can it be? You just don't have the balls to complain directly, but hey, that's ok kiddo. You'll eventually grow a pair someday.


To answer your question: the main goal of the game is to plant or defend bombsites depending on which team you are on, which I happen to have fun doing. Don't pretend to be dumber than you already are.


And finally: slaying the two idiots does close to nothing with respect to the next round, whatever their weaponry is. Odds are they will be back camping at A long or wherever the herd of sheeps will happen to be, and regardless of whether they have AK, USP, AWP, or knife. I have seen that happen again and again, so now I take action more directly. You don't like it? Well, tough luck.

#9 Firestarter


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Отправлено 30 January 2013 - 03:51 PM

In your previous post you indirectlly called me an idiot ,and now you adress me as kiddo...

nice one mousy


try to beat my post with arguments , not with kiddy insults

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Maybe when you grow brain , and become something more than unfucked intelectuall amoeba i will bother to reply you ....


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#10 LemmingGrumpy



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Отправлено 31 January 2013 - 09:14 AM

LOL, you start a topic, then cry because you don't like where it goes. Well, if that's your style...


At least you are right that one of us is wasting his time, kiddo, so you'll excuse me if I ignore your future whiny posts. Seeing how you play, there probably will be more. 

#11 Firestarter


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Отправлено 31 January 2013 - 03:31 PM

still can't beat arguments?


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I have suggestion for you.


Quickly go  play hide and seek with a blindfold on a highway, preferably high traffic one.
Your mother will be grateful to you.

Ta ta

#12 Xarc


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Отправлено 31 January 2013 - 05:25 PM

Firestarter is not nice when you involve "mother" in conversation.

#13 Renegade



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Отправлено 31 January 2013 - 05:55 PM

mom !!! bring me some popcorns, here is getting interesting... :popcorn:


#14 P_W_S Marcello

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Отправлено 31 January 2013 - 07:47 PM

mom !!! bring me some popcorns, here is getting interesting... :popcorn:

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#15 GR Mavro

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Отправлено 07 February 2013 - 08:19 PM

Firestarter is not nice when you involve "mother" in conversation.


Well it was a matter of speech, he didnt call his mother a slut or a whore or transexual so...what about the point of the topic xarc? U agree with the slay things?

Be the BEST of the Rest...

#16 Xarc


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Отправлено 07 February 2013 - 09:53 PM

@gr mavro

Because you have asked me ... in this particular case ... yes I agree with slay things.

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