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Wtf perpson

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#41 LemmingGrumpy



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Posted 21 August 2010 - 09:34 PM

PS: Dont bother saying some gay ass Counterstrike admin lanuage I wouldnt understand anyways (...) because he noes all kind of kung fuu nigguh u dead. homeie g slicy .

This should be moved to "setti funny moments"...

#42 Guest_Tiegr

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Posted 21 August 2010 - 09:50 PM

Rules are meant to be broken. Especially if they're idiotic ones, like this one.

But there are consequences for breaking rules. This thread is the result of breaking a rule.

I am still using the rules that i set when you were playing battlefield 2 and i was alone here keeping this place from falling apart. If you got some rules of your own, i dont see them applying to me as you owe me so much. I am fed up with your bullshit.

#43 Guest_Tiegr

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 12:33 AM

The question is: How much perp was messing around with his limited-admin rights when I was paying for the server? No one ever made a big issue about it and I can't remember banning perp for those actions.

Go on comrades :popcorn:

I would need 10 hands to be able to count the ammount of abusive bans you and your pal Maksa made against me back when I was not admin. You're lucky I'm not like you.

No sympathy for selective memory.

31.12.05 i kicked you from server. It was around 22 at the evening, we were waiting for new year. We played assault on the same team. You shot at me, i killed you by a reflex and you slayed me. Then i did the kick, silly i know. Those were the days.

Early 06 when you already had your admins you changed de_dust2 away and i gave you a short ban. Apologized that later that day.

Few days later you started to have trouble with Wildu who was regular back then. I got as little wrong version of what had actually happened and i added you to the banned list.

Around middle that year there was a tk incident. Shot you twise in the back while rushing B at dust2. You had banned some friend of mine and i didnt like it. This of course needed to be reported to k1ller.

Then there was an incident at cbble. You werent playing at all. You just sat as a spectator and talked crap to people. I didnt want to look at it for some reason and used ban button.

I was reported to k1ller yet again for teamkilling in the end of that year. "Shooting you on feets" or something. In reality we were ct on piranesi and bomb had went off. I didnt even notice it was you, just fired few shots towards teammate waiting for the round to end near the window room.

You got wierd hands if you you need 10 hands to count these.

After that there was no problems. When you payed for the server for first time i apoligized the past one day at cbble. When i stopped paying, i didnt even talk to you for few years. I got my limited access that time and i was promised a reserved slot. There was no rules for using it. Ghost told me late 08 that the admins dont like if i use my rights when they are at the same time on server. It had nothing to do with the excuse they give you now, which goes something like this: "Real admin can make the ban permanent, you can only make it temp". It is true, i am not saying that it isnt, but the real reason for these idiotic rules is the fact that you admins feel small if someone who doesnt pay for the server actually does your job better than you. Its a class example of "bullshit" which i refered earlier.

#44 Perplexer



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Posted 22 August 2010 - 08:49 AM

Wow you really are one delusional nutjob. Plus most of the time when you play at Setti you're drunk. No wonder you ended up who you are now, a trolling troll.

#45 Guest_Tiegr

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 09:26 AM

Wow you really are one delusional nutjob. Plus most of the time when you play at Setti you're drunk. No wonder you ended up who you are now, a trolling troll.

Not really. I was questioned by k1ller about those teamkilling so obviously there was some reporting going on. I got the demo from that game on assault from 05 and the one from Wildu incident since i looked it later. You just missed the pig picture.

#46 breezer


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 11:01 AM

Plus most of the time when you play at Setti you're drunk.

u've a got a problem with that? I drink as well ,sometimes a lot .but at least we take a shower every day ,unlike u (every 3-4 weeks).
Rush 'em n00bs ...

#47 Guest_Tiegr

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 11:20 AM

The big picture is that if people werent so pipeminded, categorizing people as drunks or troublemakes etc, most of the problems here would have been avoided. Its easy to disregard all the facts and carry on after that, stupid people do it all the time. All the massbans, problems with acho etc could have been easily avoided with a little more diplomacy. There was a time when i thought as well that echo should be banned but i fixed my relationship with him. When the massbans happened we who payed the server didnt get any word or most of the time not even a reply if we had an idea. Good example is the strike map which we wanted to have on cycle and it just had to be ignored because we asked for it. Ironically its on maplist today. It would have been so easy to calm things off with the regulars back then but people were so stubborn.

Still this same stubborn attitude is here and thats what pisses me off. Echo played five minutes on server after logging in to his steam after over 200 days and i was immediately questioned by ghost if i had asked him there. Right now i am having a feud with k1ller because he banned a friend of mine from server for saying "whats up with Sculder" on a left 4 dead game. The player wasnt banned on massbans and i had known him for almost 5 years through css. I told k1ller who he was but instead listening to be me, he went after him on game, asking who he was, even tho he knew it already. Just wanting to make a big number out of nothing. This player doesnt even speak while playing so how can someone have a problem with him? Only case that i saw him answering something was when sculder and him changed few words which was nothing special, just the usual cs craptalk that goes on everyday here. Still he needed to be banned, basically because of me. I really dont think i am the delutional one on this server. But at least i know who has to fix this shit again. I know nobody else is capable of it here.

#48 Gringo13


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 11:29 AM

Please tell us perp why do u enjoy doing so much bullshit? This might be crazy but i actually liked our ingame chat, but when you realize that you have admin's u just start doing bullshit, hell it would be more reasonable to ban the player that has just killed u and ended your kill streak than banning an admin that banned a cheater when he wasn't supposed to.

Also i don't fully understand why u need hands to count lol.

k1ller make no mistake breaking that rule was not the original reason for this tread to start, it was perplexer and u continuously fail to see that, when was the last time u blamed Perplexer for anything? And not just saying that wasn't ok.

#49 k1ller



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Posted 22 August 2010 - 01:15 PM

Right now i am having a feud with k1ller because he banned a friend of mine from server for saying "whats up with Sculder" on a left 4 dead game. The player wasnt banned on massbans and i had known him for almost 5 years through css. I told k1ller who he was but instead listening to be me, he went after him on game, asking who he was, even tho he knew it already.

He's been playing with tree different names in one week. When I ask who he is he doesn't say. Many old players use fake names to play nowadays because they are too ashamed to come back to Setti with their old names. :wacko:

when was the last time u blamed Perplexer for anything? And not just saying that wasn't ok.

When was the last time there was a reason to?

We've been running this for many years very well and I don't expect it to change. Many regular players from the early ages are still playing and they aren't asking for admin privileges or complaining about admins. It's again this small core team which complains about everything and on the forums it seems that everything is wrong. At the same time hundreds of casual players are OK with it.
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#50 b00bs


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 01:31 PM

Good example is the strike map which we wanted to have on cycle and it just had to be ignored because we asked for it. Ironically its on maplist today

That map had 22 slots only, now it's fixed to 32 slots.

#51 Perplexer



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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:10 PM

Please tell us perp why do u enjoy doing so much bullshit? This might be crazy but i actually liked our ingame chat, but when you realize that you have admin's u just start doing bullshit, hell it would be more reasonable to ban the player that has just killed u and ended your kill streak than banning an admin that banned a cheater when he wasn't supposed to.

Also i don't fully understand why u need hands to count lol.

k1ller make no mistake breaking that rule was not the original reason for this tread to start, it was perplexer and u continuously fail to see that, when was the last time u blamed Perplexer for anything? And not just saying that wasn't ok.

Gringo13, do you know why I almost never reply to you or others with similar posts. Because I see you are so far behind with your intelligence that I think it is a waste of time to even communicate with you. Would you try explaining how you unlock a door to an ant ? Probably not. So I'm gonna make an exception.

You see me as doing bullshit because you just never see the whole picture. And you don't see it because you're too insignificant and you have no clue what's going on behind the scenes. You're just a small little CSS player barking whenever you see a butterfly fly by.

..... OMG I just lost the will and energy to finish this post, sorry ... :-)

#52 fofo


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:14 PM

[quote name='k1ller' date='22 August 2010 - 03:15 PM' timestamp='1282482929' post='9909']
[quote name='Tiegr' date='22 August 2010 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1282476005' post='9892']
Right now i am having a feud with k1ller because he banned a friend of mine from server for saying "whats up with Sculder" on a left 4 dead game. The player wasnt banned on massbans and i had known him for almost 5 years through css. I told k1ller who he was but instead listening to be me, he went after him on game, asking who he was, even tho he knew it already.
He's been playing with tree different names in one week. When I ask who he is he doesn't say. Many old players use fake names to play nowadays because they are too ashamed to come back to Setti with their old names. :wacko:

[quote name='Gringo13' date='22 August 2010 - 01:29 PM' timestamp='1282476577' post='9895']
when was the last time u blamed Perplexer for anything? And not just saying that wasn't ok.
When was the last time there was a reason to?

@k1ller: there are the ones that complain and the ones that don't give too big of a shit to care. You can ignore the complains from regulars but you can't ignore the complains of regulars players that used to, or still do, pay for the server. It's not a question of ingame behaviour, It's a question of self esteem and morality.
Think before you speak before you drive me mad.

#53 k1ller



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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:25 PM

@k1ller: there are the ones that complain and the ones that don't give too big of a shit to care. You can ignore the complains from regulars but you can't ignore the complains of regulars players that used to, or still do, pay for the server. It's not a question of ingame behaviour, It's a question of self esteem and morality.

Most players who have payed for the server have been admins at one point. Some of them are now banned. Why would their opinion count more than someone who has been playing let's say for the last 2 years? It'd be stupid to listen to banned players' opinions.
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#54 Guest_Tiegr

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:26 PM

[quote name='k1ller' date='22 August 2010 - 01:15 PM' timestamp='1282482929' post='9909']
[quote name='Tiegr' date='22 August 2010 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1282476005' post='9892']
Right now i am having a feud with k1ller because he banned a friend of mine from server for saying "whats up with Sculder" on a left 4 dead game. The player wasnt banned on massbans and i had known him for almost 5 years through css. I told k1ller who he was but instead listening to be me, he went after him on game, asking who he was, even tho he knew it already.
He's been playing with tree different names in one week. When I ask who he is he doesn't say. Many old players use fake names to play nowadays because they are too ashamed to come back to Setti with their old names. :wacko:

He changed nick because he didnt want your attention as he isnt a troublemaker. Fix what you broke and ill forgive you.

#55 k1ller



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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:30 PM

He's been playing with tree different names in one week. When I ask who he is he doesn't say. Many old players use fake names to play nowadays because they are too ashamed to come back to Setti with their old names. :wacko:

He changed nick because he didnt want your attention as he isnt a troublemaker. Fix what you broke and ill forgive you.

So why didn't he answer me when I asked who he is? He is a troublemaker indeed.
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#56 fofo


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:41 PM

@k1ller: there are the ones that complain and the ones that don't give too big of a shit to care. You can ignore the complains from regulars but you can't ignore the complains of regulars players that used to, or still do, pay for the server. It's not a question of ingame behaviour, It's a question of self esteem and morality.

Most players who have payed for the server have been admins at one point. Some of them are now banned. Why would their opinion count more than someone who has been playing let's say for the last 2 years? It'd be stupid to listen to banned players' opinions.

I'm playing on setti since early 2006 and my opinion doesn't count. Not that i'd care, but that's another thing. The thing is that the regulars such as tiegr or myself and many others, do care for this server, unlike others. Now, if you push away those players all you'll have left is a server full of kids and bots and there won't be any quality gaming no more. Those who appreciate quality gaming are those willing to pay for their hours of relaxing. Alright, we bitch alot, we swear, we flame, we curse the admins but that's what's making it fun to play here. You lose that and setti will only be just another random server. And I'm not high, fyi.
Think before you speak before you drive me mad.

#57 Guest_Tiegr

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:41 PM

He's been playing with tree different names in one week. When I ask who he is he doesn't say. Many old players use fake names to play nowadays because they are too ashamed to come back to Setti with their old names. :wacko:

He changed nick because he didnt want your attention as he isnt a troublemaker. Fix what you broke and ill forgive you.

So why didn't he answer me when I asked who he is? He is a troublemaker indeed.

why you asked since you already knew the answer? Whats your point?

#58 Gringo13


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:00 PM

We've been running this for many years very well and I don't expect it to change. Many regular players from the early ages are still playing and they aren't asking for admin privileges or complaining about admins. It's again this small core team which complains about everything and on the forums it seems that everything is wrong. At the same time hundreds of casual players are OK with it.

Seriously? 100 casual players? they aren't regulars or are they? None of them play so often to see whats going on, or maybe they do and just think why bother saying anything in the end nothing will change and unfortunately that's how a lot of people in the world think.
You may not know this but it is as important to listen to big crowd of people as it is to listen to a small one.

My intelligence is not something you can question, although you may have more insight on what going on, i doubt the reason can be more than 2 lines of explaining to do. And isn't it convenient that you can just say:
"You see me as doing bullshit because you just never see the whole picture. And you don't see it because you're too insignificant and you have no clue what's going on behind the scenes"

What could possibly be going on behind the scenes that makes you act like that? Why is it only you?

Either some mysterious reason that's behind the scenes or you are just seeking revenge or perhaps you like to feel powerful and make other people miserable.
For your sake I hope u don't live your life the same way.

#59 k1ller



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Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:37 PM

@k1ller: there are the ones that complain and the ones that don't give too big of a shit to care. You can ignore the complains from regulars but you can't ignore the complains of regulars players that used to, or still do, pay for the server. It's not a question of ingame behaviour, It's a question of self esteem and morality.

Most players who have payed for the server have been admins at one point. Some of them are now banned. Why would their opinion count more than someone who has been playing let's say for the last 2 years? It'd be stupid to listen to banned players' opinions.

I'm playing on setti since early 2006 and my opinion doesn't count. Not that i'd care, but that's another thing. The thing is that the regulars such as tiegr or myself and many others, do care for this server, unlike others. Now, if you push away those players all you'll have left is a server full of kids and bots and there won't be any quality gaming no more. Those who appreciate quality gaming are those willing to pay for their hours of relaxing. Alright, we bitch alot, we swear, we flame, we curse the admins but that's what's making it fun to play here. You lose that and setti will only be just another random server. And I'm not high, fyi.

Bitching, flaming and cursing the admins has got many players banned before. It's not making the game fun. Reason for the "massban" event a couple years back was mainly because of that. Check Psychostats and order by online time. Then count how many of them have been complaining. Not many.

About complaining and bitching. It's better to wait for people to do it for long enough and then get rid of them permanently. Giving out warnings for stupid behaviour is is not what we are here to do. People who can't behave themselves are not welcome.

He's been playing with tree different names in one week. When I ask who he is he doesn't say. Many old players use fake names to play nowadays because they are too ashamed to come back to Setti with their old names. :wacko:

He changed nick because he didnt want your attention as he isnt a troublemaker. Fix what you broke and ill forgive you.

So why didn't he answer me when I asked who he is? He is a troublemaker indeed.

why you asked since you already knew the answer? Whats your point?

It's quite likely that he is on the server causing trouble if he can't answer a simple question. I don't need to wait for that trouble to come.

We've been running this for many years very well and I don't expect it to change. Many regular players from the early ages are still playing and they aren't asking for admin privileges or complaining about admins. It's again this small core team which complains about everything and on the forums it seems that everything is wrong. At the same time hundreds of casual players are OK with it.

Seriously? 100 casual players? they aren't regulars or are they? None of them play so often to see whats going on, or maybe they do and just think why bother saying anything in the end nothing will change and unfortunately that's how a lot of people in the world think.
You may not know this but it is as important to listen to big crowd of people as it is to listen to a small one.

My intelligence is not something you can question, although you may have more insight on what going on, i doubt the reason can be more than 2 lines of explaining to do. And isn't it convenient that you can just say:
"You see me as doing bullshit because you just never see the whole picture. And you don't see it because you're too insignificant and you have no clue what's going on behind the scenes"

What could possibly be going on behind the scenes that makes you act like that? Why is it only you?

Either some mysterious reason that's behind the scenes or you are just seeking revenge or perhaps you like to feel powerful and make other people miserable.
For your sake I hope u don't live your life the same way.

Go to Psychostats page and order players by online time. Those are the casual players who just like to play on the server. Remember that during the years some have stopped playing and don't appear in the stats anymore because their activity-% is below the threshold. This discussion about what an admin might or might not have done is completely irrelevant for 90% of the players.
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#60 Guest_Tiegr

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 08:19 PM

Guy plays here for over 4 years and isnt a troublemaker. Then he is banned because he doesnt answer you? Since you already knew who he was at that time, this accused crashing is just pathetic excuse you made up today to save up your face in this thread. Crashers would have been banned and a guy wasnt banned, period. So all there is left is the fact that he didnt answer to you. Why you think that happens? Take a look in the fucking mirror. After getting your attention on this thread i cant blame him for not wanting your attention on him. Your ignorant and stubborn, there is no negotiating with you. Rock solid my ass, your clueless bully, and last before i retire from this thread; "Whats up with Sculder?". Solve the problem with the only way you can, there is your excuse.

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