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Interesting stats about de_dust2

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#1 k1ller



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Posted 03 December 2010 - 03:17 PM

Open these three links in separate tabs in your browser:
http://css.setti.inf...?id=3&heatid=19 (Main server)
http://css.setti.inf...id=4&heatid=162 (Pub #3 - de_dust2 only)
http://css.setti.inf...?id=10&heatid=8 (Pub RUS)

Switch between tabs with ctrl-tab and see how the heatmap changes. On different servers players play differently and thus die and get frags on little bit different places. Most prominent is probably the difference between RUS and the other servers. T spawn is much better place to get kills on RUS than on Main server or Pub #3.

I'll run the heatmaps for other servers too. So if you are reading this post right now the stats for other maps might not exist yet.
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Posted 03 December 2010 - 04:00 PM

Really interesting to see the difference between the servers. the variations are really different.

#3 Gringo13


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 05:02 PM

I wouldn't say "really" different but ok, anyway I like these new stats.

#4 S1lent


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 06:50 PM

Yup the Russian one is different. The others are similar (not 100% though)
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Posted 04 December 2010 - 09:12 AM

i cant play with the same variation at all servers. its different because the players/teams are playing different and I/you have to adapt you. for example: I dont have problems at server 1, I know my backside, leftside or rightside are saved because the players are better oriented : so i can play how I play. But at the other servers I have to change my variation because the course of the game is different. I hope I could explain what I meant ;)

#6 AchiLLes



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 10:14 AM

on setti1 you can play in your normal style, cause you can trust your mates left/right/and behind you that (good players, cover,know what they do)
on the other settis all of them play for their own, they dont care about mates, they just try to survive, there is no tactic in their teams...so players like me and other regulars have to change their style, cause they cant trust in mates...so sometimes it happens that enemies come from directions you never expectet (reason: no cover)
i hope i could explain what i meant (and what phoe ment^^)

#7 *Necro!



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 12:10 PM

I totally agree with you Achilles, I don't really play on Main server, but I believe that mates take cover for you, sometimes it happens that nobody is guarding B site door(de_dust2) and enemy comes and kills at least 5 people there and thats preety bad, I don't play on Main server but I believe it wouldn't happen there. On Pub#3 everybody is careing about score and that preety much sucks, everybody is tring to "Rambo", CS is not that kind of game.
Nobody is planting the bomb, or nobody is tring to defuse if it's close to "BOOM".
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#8 k1ller



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 02:27 PM

Here's another non-scientific benchmark about server quality. Look at some top-10 player in Psychostats who has played on all servers, eg Perplexer. Then compare his K:D ratio on all servers, the higher the K:D the easier it is to get frags.

Name      Server   K:D  #

Perplexer Main     2.90 Second lowest

Perplexer Pub #2   3.76 Highest (easiest server)

Perplexer Pub #3   3.06	Average

Perplexer Pub #4   2.64 Lowest (most difficult server = best?)

Perplexer Pub RUS  3.54 Second highest
It's not 100% accurate though because there is about 1 year worth of stats on the Main server. That's why changes in K:D happen very slowly because the past weights so much on the K:D ratio. It'd be better to look for example stats from past 2 weeks and see how the stats look like then.

However empirically testing it's clear that Main server has the best gameplay quality. Problem on the other servers is that there are lots of noobs. When there are lots of noobs the good players need to change their tactics too. When good players change tactics it gets quite messed up.

Edit: I changed 10 hours online time limit on all servers' Psychostats. Then sorting by K:D or HS% doesn't show these random luckers who have managed to get good K:D or HS% on one game session. Changes show next time Psychostats is updated (in 20 minutes).
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#9 kj.



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Posted 06 December 2010 - 10:35 AM

you are forgetting that server 4 is non Awp now and that Perp`s favorite weapon is Awp (take a look also to awp kill % on his stats)...you have the see the stats before server was change into non awp




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Posted 06 December 2010 - 10:42 AM

you can really see how the variation between the servers are changing.

#11 k1ller



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Posted 06 December 2010 - 11:00 AM

you are forgetting that server 4 is non Awp now and that Perp`s favorite weapon is Awp

I'm not forgetting it. Perplexer is #1 on Pub #4 (No AWP). On other servers he's in the top-5.
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