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Please add voteban to the servers?

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#1 epic_muffin



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Posted 15 December 2010 - 01:20 PM


I've been playing Setti CSS for a couple of months now. You've done great work with this non-steam-game and its servers BUT there is one single problem. This is extremely annoying for me and other "decent" players. I'm sure that there are plenty of other players as well who think that cheaters :evil: have become a major problem on Setti CSS servers.

I have been thinking why won't the host staff add for example voteban to the servers. This has been done in the Setti CSS Russian server so why won't do the same in others too? Or alternatively enlist more admins to keep an eye on cheaters (I volunteer :rolleyes: ).

#2 fofo


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Posted 15 December 2010 - 04:37 PM

Voteban is not an option on the rest of setti servers. Every noob uses voteban everytime they think someone cheats and add to that the hurd effect and you'll get votebanned for no reason.

Catch my drift ?
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Posted 15 December 2010 - 05:12 PM

yes thats true. they have votebanned so many good players in the past without any reason. lol and dont forget the "just for fun" votebans.

#4 epic_muffin



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Posted 15 December 2010 - 07:36 PM

I didn't think about that... Well I guess there isn't much to do then. Except there is one way to get rid of cheaters without being an admin: teamkill them. Every time I see a cheater I start to teamkill him(/her?) (unless one speedhacks). This works just great! After a few teamkills the cheater usually gets bored and changes server. I wish other players would do the same. Yes, I know, it's bad for kill/death ratio but I think it's worth it. I also keep wishing that there would be more admins. I still volunteer myself.

#5 k1ller



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Posted 15 December 2010 - 08:56 PM

@ epic
Do you have stats in Psychostats? Are you playing with epic_muffin name?
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#6 epic_muffin



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Posted 16 December 2010 - 01:26 PM

@ epic
Do you have stats in Psychostats? Are you playing with epic_muffin name?

Yes, I do play with the name EPIC_MUFFIN and I have stats in Psychostats. Seems like that the stats I have are only in Setti server #4 but that's the server I'm used to playing in. Offtopic: I noticed my kdr and it was even worse I had thought before, it must be the teamkilling :whistling: .

#7 k1ller



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Posted 16 December 2010 - 01:33 PM

Actually teamkills don't count or if they are counted it's all plus to your skill :mrgreen:

Edit: copy & paste link to your stats.
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#8 epic_muffin



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Posted 16 December 2010 - 03:00 PM

I must suck hard then :grin:. Well I just began to play CS after two years break.

When you teamkill someone you get minus one kill so I thought it would be the same in Psychostats. And also if the killed cheater slays you, which usually he does, you die. Won't this be counted in the Psychostats? Anyway, here's the link: http://css.setti.inf...r.php?id=105921

#9 epic_muffin



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Posted 17 December 2010 - 08:56 AM

Since yesterday I have played for 4-5 hours and there hasn't been a minute without a cheater on the server. And the worst part - I didn't see any single admin banning anyone.

I desperately hope you to do something.

#10 kilikoli


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Posted 24 December 2010 - 08:19 AM

Is it possible to "votemove" players?? If these noobs (incl. me) think that someone with speedhack is cheating, we could votemove him to e.g. server #1, which usually has admin(s). The admin(s) would decide to ban him from all servers or move back to server he was votemoved from, and that same player could not be votemoved anymore from that server. Don't get mad at me, this is just a suggestion!
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#11 Xarc


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Posted 24 December 2010 - 10:14 AM

Is it possible to "votemove" players?? If these noobs (incl. me) think that someone with speedhack is cheating, we could votemove him to e.g. server #1, which usually has admin(s). The admin(s) would decide to ban him from all servers or move back to server he was votemoved from, and that same player could not be votemoved anymore from that server. Don't get mad at me, this is just a suggestion!

nice ... and apply a tag [cheater] after he is moved so admins will know who is dealing with ... but if server1 is full where it will be moved ... to north pole ?

#12 kilikoli


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Posted 24 December 2010 - 01:06 PM

... but if server1 is full where it will be moved ... to north pole ?

Well, maybe there would appear some red text like "Cheater in #3 server, admin needed" in server #1's chat after the "votemove" has completed... Then the "cheater" would get that [cheater?] tag to his name (question mark is because it is not sure, does the person cheat or not). This is likely pretty difficult to get working, but something similar to this would be cool... (And admins could of course not be votemoved!)
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#13 Xarc


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Posted 24 December 2010 - 05:02 PM

I know you are excited about your proposal but is hard to believe they will make something of this ... this is only chat purpose.

#14 Guest_Quell

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Posted 25 December 2010 - 04:29 PM

Voteban doesn't seem like an option on cracked servers with the average IQ of the people that play there, but continued admin presence seems like a necessity.

I play on Setti #4 from time to time and every single time I go there I see at least one, sometimes more hackers. Some can be talked into stopping, most just continue cheating.

I think I was playing with you today Epic_muffin, there was a guy named T.e.m.4.!.K. (UA) that was speedhacking (not aimbotting) for a good while. He's been doing so for a good hour now, not sure if he's turned his aimbot on as well because I left the server. You were there when he was doing it, which is why I was asking if there were any admins on.

Would be great to see MORE admins on if voteban isn't an option.

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