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[Setti] - Basshunter -----> Gamble

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 02:23 PM

hi its me Gamble

i played in setti server with that name : [Setti] - Basshunter and suddenly i get banned.

so please someone of the admins check this because its me Gamble.


#2 fofo


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 02:32 PM

Yes, Basshunter sing shit music. In fact, he's so bad at music that he gets banned on setti.

What server ? There are 6 setti servers.

And please use the form also.

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#3 fofo


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 02:48 PM

Also [Setti] is the default name of Setti's Css. Nicknames starting with [Setti] might get automatic ban on main server. Usualy players with this name are new players, total noobs, that's why it gets automatic ban. So if you were on main server there's a high probability that's what happend.
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Posted 31 December 2010 - 02:49 PM

Yes, Basshunter sing shit music. In fact, he's so bad at music that he gets banned on setti.

What server ? There are 6 setti servers.

And please use the form also.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Have a nice day.

first of all it doesnt matter the name and the music from him that i get banned.

so your comment is stupid. and i dont like basshunter too but i changed my name to see how the admins working. so im of course not a cheater / Gamble

so Zeicko didn t do good job but everyone has a 2 chance. so everyone make mistakes. so i dont have to fill the forms because the ban is only about 2 hours.

so cya.

#5 Zeicko



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Posted 31 December 2010 - 03:09 PM

Use your own nick next time and it will not happen again. To be honest i didnt spectate you at all but many regular told he to ban basshunter of using antismoke so i made a decision to ban. It's just a 2 hours so it will not cause much harm.

#6 fofo


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 04:58 PM

Yes, Basshunter sing shit music. In fact, he's so bad at music that he gets banned on setti.

What server ? There are 6 setti servers.

And please use the form also.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Have a nice day.

first of all it doesnt matter the name and the music from him that i get banned.

so your comment is stupid. and i dont like basshunter too but i changed my name to see how the admins working. so im of course not a cheater / Gamble

so Zeicko didn t do good job but everyone has a 2 chance. so everyone make mistakes. so i dont have to fill the forms because the ban is only about 2 hours.

so cya.

First of all, that was a joke. With the automatic ban on Basshunter. Off topic, he really sucks.

Second, you didn't specified anything ! Just that you were banned. Not where, when or by who and expected to unbanned just because you are Gamble. May I remind you that this is not the first time you get banned? An then was with good reason. So stop acting like a victim, you're not clean anyway. But that's just my opinion.
Think before you speak before you drive me mad.

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