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History of Romania

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#1 fofo


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Posted 10 January 2011 - 05:10 PM

This first post is only in romanian, later on I will add it in English too. And it will be a big surprise for many, what this text says.
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#2 fofo


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Posted 10 January 2011 - 05:10 PM

M-am întrebat de multe ori care este motorul schimbărilor pozitive într-o societate şi trebuie să recunosc că de cele mai multe ori sunt tinerii, care refuză să accepte un adevăr relativ, mincinos, contestabil. Ei sunt cei ce nu sunt legaţi de interese politice ori religioase de moment, ei sunt cei ce caută un adevăr absolut... Deci pe ei îi îndemn să-şi întrebe profesorii de istorie şi de limba română:
" Cât la sută din Dacia a fost cucerită de romani?" Şi dacă profesorul ştie răspunsul:
14 % din teritoriul Daciei (care se întindea de la vest la est, de la lacul Constanţa-Elveţia de azi şi până dincolo de Nipru). Urmează altă întrebare:
" Câţi ani au ocupat romanii acei 14% din teritoriul Daciei?" Şi dacă profesorul va răspunde: numai 164 ani, atunci puteţi merge la următoarea întrebare:
''Soldaţii "romani" chiar veneau de la Roma şi chiar erau fluenţi în limba llatină ?" Aici le va fi şi mai greu să vă răspundă, căci acei soldaţi "romani" vorbeau orice limbă numai latina nu! Cohortele aflate pe pământul Daciei cuprindeau soldaţi din diferite părţi ale imperiului roman, uneori foarte îndepărtate. Găsim Britani din Anglia de azi, Asturi şi Lusitanieni din peninsula Iberică, Bosporeni din nordul Mării Negre, Antiocheni din regiunile Antiochiei, Ubi de la Rin , din părţile Coloniei, Batavi de la gurile acestui fluviu, Gali din Galia, Reţi din părţile Austriei şi Germaniei sudice de azi, Comageni din Siria, până şi Numizi şi Mauri din nordul Africii (C.C.Giurescu, Istoria Romanilor, I, 1942,p.130).
Şi ultima întrebare: "Cum a fost posibil ca într-un aşa de scurt interval istoric TOATĂ populaţia Daciei să-şi uite limba şi să înveţe o limbă nouă, limba latină, de la nişte soldaţi "romani" care nici ei nu o vorbeau?

Când toate popoarele civilizate din lume iniţiază, desfăşoară şi promovează valorile istorice care le îndreptăţesc să
fie mândre de înaintaşii lor, găsim opinia unor astfel de "adevăraţi români", care, nici mai mult, nici mai puţin, spun despre formarea poporului daco-român: "soldaţii romani au adus femeile şi fetele dace în paturile lor şi aşa s-au născut generaţii de copii, care învăţau numai limba latină de la tatăl lor, soldatul"roman"...
Cum or fi venit ele din Moldova de azi, din Basarabia, de pe Nistru, Bug şi de pe Nipru, acele soţii şi fete de traco-geţi şi carpi, de la sute şi sute de kilometri depărtare ca să fie "fecundate" de soldaţii "romani"?
După părerea stimabililor, femeile daco-gete erau şi "curve", ba chiar şi mute, nefiind în stare să-şi transmită limba
strămoşească copiilor lor! Cât despre noi, urmaşii lor, cum ne-am putea numi altfel decât "copii din flori" apăruţi dintr-o aventură amoroasă a întregii populaţii feminine daco-gete, la care masculii autohtoni priveau cu "mândrie", aşteptând apariţia '"sâmburilor" noului popor şi grăbindu-se, între timp, să înveţe cât mai repede şi mai bine noua limbă, limba latină , când de la soţii, când de la fiicele lor (iubite ale soldaţilor romani cuceritori) ba chiar şi direct, de la soldaţii romani năvălitori ce le-au înjosit căminele… La Centrul Cultural Român, pe data de 26 octombrie 1999, am aflat de la o altă somitate, de origine română, prof.dr. în arheologie Ioan Pisso, că dacii au învăţat latina , de la romani, prin băile de la
Sarmisegetuza lui Traian! De ce prin băile romane şi de la nişte soldaţi cam fără haine pe ei?

Nu prea ştiu ce a vrut să spună stimabilul profesor din Cluj despre bărbaţii daci, dar cred că nici un român, nici măcar în joacă, nu are voie să facă o astfel de afirmaţie decât dacă... de fapt tot dânşii ne spun că ne tragem din "doi
bărbaţi cu... braţe tari"! Astfel de declaraţii "istorice" te fac să-ţi doreşti să fii orice, numai român nu!
Domnilor , Dacia a fost cotropită de romani în proporţie de numai 14% şi pentru o perioadă istorică foarte scurtă, de 164 de ani. 86% din teritoriul Daciei nu a fost călcat de picior de legionar roman. Este greu de crezut că într-o aşa de
scurtă perioadă istorică, dacii să fi învăţat latina, fără ca pe 86% din teritoriul lor să-i fi întâlnit pe soldaţii romani. Dar dacă nu de la romani au învăţat dacii latina, atunci de la cine?- se întreabă aceiaşi demni urmaşi ai lui Traian?
Herodot ne spune că, cel mai numeros neam din lume, după indieni, erau tracii. Iar DioCasius ne spune şi el: "să nu uităm că Traian a fost un trac veritabil. Luptele dintre Traian şi Decebal au fost războaie fratricide, iar Tracii au fost Daci".
Faptul că dacii vorbeau " latina vulgară", este "un secret" pe care nu-l ştiu numai cei ce refuză să-l ştie.
"Când sub Traian romanii au cucerit pe daci la Sarmisegetuza n-au trebuit tălmaci, afirmă Densuşanu şi asta schimbă totul. Deci, dacii şi romanii vorbeau aceeaşi limbă!"

Dacă astăzi se consideră că 95% din cunoştinţele acumulate de omenire sunt obţinute în ultimii 50 de ani, să vedem cum şi noţiunile noastre despre istoria poporului daco-român pot evolua. Când nu de mult s-a publicat teoria evoluţiei speciei umane în funcţie de vechimea cromozomală, s-a ajuns la concluzia că "prima femeie" a apărut în sud-estul Africii.
Următorul pas uriaş a fost în nordul Egiptului, iar de aici, în Peninsula Balcanică. Când profesoara de arheologie lingvistică Marija Gimbutas, de la Universitatea din Los Angeles, California , a început să vorbească despre spaţiul Carpato-dunărean ca despre vatra vechii Europe, locul de unde Europa a început să existe, am fost plăcut surprins şi m-am aşteptat ca şi istoricii noştri să reacţioneze la fel. Dar, din partea lor am auzit numai tăcere. Când profesorii Leon E. Stover şi Bruce Kraig în cartea "The Indo-European heritage", apărută la Nelson-Hall Inc., Publishers, 325 West Jack son Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60606, vorbesc la pagina 25 despre Vechea Europă a mileniului 5 î.d.H., care-şi avea locul în centrul României de azi, să nu fim mândri? Când studiile de arheologie moleculară ne îndreptăţesc să ne situăm pe primul plan în Europa ca vechime, nu-mi este uşor să le răspund unor persoane care nu citesc nici ceea ce spun inteligent alţii despre noi şi nici măcar ce scriu eu. Studii impecabile cromozomale, la nivel de mitocondrie, folosind PCR (polimerase chain reaction), pot determina originea maternă a unor mumii vechi de sute şi mii de ani.

Teoria genoamelor situează spaţiul carpato-dunărean ca fiind, nici mai mult nici mai puţin decât, locul de unde a început Europa să existe, locul unde acum 44.000 de ani sosiseră primele 3 Eve şi primul Adam… Când am scris "Epopeea Poporului Carpato-dunărean" şi volumele "Noi nu suntem urmaşii Romei", "În căutarea istoriei pierdute" şi "Călătorie în Dacia - ţara Zeilor", m-am bazat pe astfel de cercetări, dar şi pe cartea unei somităţi în domeniul preistoriei Europei, D-l V. Gordon Childe, profesor la Universitatea din Oxford, Anglia, căruia i se publica, în anul 1993 ,la Barnes&Noble Books, New York, "The History of Civilization" , "The Aryans". El explorează într-un mod fascinant originea şi difuzarea limbilor în Europa preistorică. Între paginile 176-177 publică şi o hartă arătând leagănul aryenilor în timpul primei lor apariţii; şi minune mare, spaţiul Carpatodunărean este cel vizat! Când roata, plugul, jugul, căruţa cu două, trei şi patru roţi apar pentru prima dată în lume pe teritoriul nostru, dacic, când primul mesaj scris din istoria omenirii se găseşte tot pe teritoriul nostru, la Tartaria, când primii fermieri din Europa sunt descrişi pe acelaşi spaţiu, într-o perioadă când Anglia abia se separa de continent şi din peninsulă devenea insulă - 6,500 î.d.H., (vezi John North, "A new interpretation of prehistoric man and the cosmos", 1996, Harper Collins Publishers, 1230 Avenue of Americas, New York, 10020, Chronology), nu-ţi vine a crede că tocmai cei pentru care aduni aceste informaţii formidabile despre poporul şi spaţiul pe care îl ocupa ţara noastră, te decepţionează!

Nu de mult, la Primul Congres Internaţional de Dacologie, Bucureşti, hotel Intercontinental, domnul profesor doctor în istorie Augustin Deac ne vorbea despre "Codex Rohonczy", o cronică daco-românească, însumând 448 pagini, scrisă în limba română arhaică, " latina vulgara", cu alfabet geto-dac.. Pe fiecare pagină se aflau scrise circa 9-14 rânduri. În text sunt intercalate 86 de miniaturi executate cu pana, care prezintă diferite scene laice şi religioase. Direcţia scrierii este de la dreapta la stânga şi textul se citeşte de jos în sus. Descoperim că în bisericile vechi, daco-româneşti, cultul ortodox se exercita în limba " latina vulgară", chiar până în secolele XIIXIII, când s-a trecut la oficierea cultului în limbile greacă şi slavonă. Codexul cuprinde mai multe texte, ca "Jurământul tinerilor vlahi", diferite discursuri rostite în fata ostaşilor vlahi înaintea luptelor cu migratorii pecenegi, cumani, unguri, o cronică privind viaţa voievodului Vlad, care a condus Vlahia între anii 1046-1091, imnul victoriei vlahilor, conduşi de Vlad asupra pecenegilor, însoţit de note muzicale etc. Atunci se miră şi se întreabă, pe bună dreptate, domnul profesor doctor în istorie Augustin Deac: "de ce institutele de specialitate ale Academiei Române au rămas pasive la descoperirea şi descifrarea acestui document istoric, scris în limba dacoromână, latina dunăreană, într-un alfabet geto-dacic existent de milenii, cu mult înaintea celui latin al romanilor?" Dar, după orientarea ideologică ce o au, cei sus amintiţi ar fi preferat ca acest diamant să nu se fi descoperit. Academia Română ar fi trebuit să organizeze o mare sesiune ştiinţifică cu caracter nu numai naţional, cât mai ales internaţional. Dar şi ei, la fel ca şi "românii adevăraţi", vajnici urmaşi ai lui Traian, vor să arate omenirii ce înseamnă
să fii umil şi să-ţi dispreţuieşti strămoşii, trecutul şi neamul...

Faptul că NOI, Românii, suntem strămoşii tuturor popoarelor latine şi nicidecum o rudă marginală a latinităţii, ar trebui să ne facă să ne mândrim şi nicidecum să căutam contra argumente, precum cei lipsiţi de înţelepciune care îşi taie cu sârg craca de sub picioare...

Cu deosebită stimă,
Dr. Napoleon Săvescu,
Fondator & Preşedinte al "Dacia Revival
International Society" of New York
Think before you speak before you drive me mad.

#3 Gen*



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Posted 22 January 2011 - 03:14 PM

Foarte intresant articolul, sa lasi un link daca mai sunt si altele.

#4 AchiLLes



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Posted 22 January 2011 - 04:31 PM

one of the longest posts i read on this forum^^
excited to see the english translation.

#5 fofo


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:02 PM

I think I'll do it later since I got a cold and can't leave the house. It's very interesting, and for some, mind blowing.
Think before you speak before you drive me mad.

#6 Selena


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:31 PM

I did the translation for you fofo, didnt mean to hijack but I found it really interesting.

I often wondered which is the engine of positive change in society and I must admit that often are young, who refuses to accept a relative truth, liar, debatable. They are those who are not bound by political or religious interests of the moment, they are looking for an absolute truth ... So I urge them to ask their teachers of history and Romanian:
"What percentage of Dacia was conquered by the Romans?" And if the teacher knows the answer:
14% of the territory of Dacia (which stretched from west to east, from Lake Constance, Switzerland today and far beyond the Dnieper). Another question follows:
"How many years have occupied 14% of the Romanians Dacia those?" And if the teacher will say only 164 years, then you can go to the following question:
Soldiers''Romans even came from Rome and were very fluent in llatină? "There will be even harder to answer, for those soldiers Romans spoke Latin not only any language! Cohorts located on land included Dacia soldiers from different parts of the Roman Empire, sometimes very distant. We find the Kingdom of England today, Asturias and the Iberian Peninsula Lusitanieni, Bosporeni northern Black Sea regions Antiocheni Antiochiei, Ubi from the Rhine, in parts of the colony at the mouth of Batavia the river from Gaul Gali, Reti from Austria and southern Germany today, Comageni in Syria, even Numizi and Moors from North Africa (CCGiurescu, Roman History, I, 1942, p.130).
And last question: "How was it possible that in such a short historical period the whole population of Dacia to forget the language and learn a new language, Latin, some soldiers from Romans who did not speak them?

When all the civilized nations of the world initiate, conduct and promote the historical values which entitled them to
be proud of their ancestors, we find the opinion of such "true Romanian", which, no more, no less, say about the formation of Daco-Romanian people: "Roman soldiers brought Dacian women and girls in their beds so they generations of children were born, who taught Latin only by their father, the soldier "novel ...
How do they come from Moldova or today in Bessarabia, on the Dniester, Bug and the Dnieper, those wives and daughters of the Thracian-Dacians and the Carpathians, from hundreds and hundreds of miles away to be "fertilized" by soldiers Romans?
Stimabililor opinion, women were Daco-gete and "whores", or even move, unable to provide language
ancestral their children! As for us, their descendants, as we might call other than "flower children" emerged from an affair of the entire female population Daco-gete, where watched local male "pride", awaiting the appearance of '"stones" new people and rushing the meantime, learn faster and better as the new language, Latin, when the wives, when their daughters (girlfriends conquering Roman soldiers) and even directly from the Roman soldiers invaders have lowered their homes ... The Romanian Cultural Centre on October 26, 1999, I learned from one another celebrity, of Romanian origin, Prof. John Pisso in archeology, that the Dacians learned Latin from the Romans, the baths at
Trajan Sarmisegetuza! Why the Roman baths and the soldiers around without clothes on them?

Do not quite know what he meant about men Cluj stimabilul teacher Dacians, but I think that no Romanian, even in play, is allowed to make such a claim only if ... all juveniles in fact tell us that we draw from the "two
men ... strong arms! Such statements "historical" make you wish you be anything but not Romanian!
Gentlemen, Dacia was overrun by the Romans in a ratio of only 14% and for a very short historical period, for 164 years. 86% of the territory of Dacia was overrun by Roman legionary foot. It's hard to believe that one so
short historical period, the Dacians have learned Latin without the 86% of its territory to be met by Roman soldiers. But if the Romans were Dacians learned Latin, then from whom? - Asks the same worthy successors of Trajan?
Herodotus tells us that the world's largest nation, after the Indians were the Thracians. DioCasius And he says "do not forget that Trajan was a real fright. Fighting between Trajan and Decebal were fratricidal wars, and the Thracians were Gauls."
Dacians spoke that "Vulgar Latin" is "a secret" do not know that only those who refuse to know him.
"When the Romans under Trajan conquered the Dacians had not Sarmisegetuza interpreter says Densuşanu and that changes everything. So, the Dacians and Romans spoke the same language!"

If today it is considered that 95% of knowledge accumulated by mankind are obtained in the last 50 years, to see how our notions about the history of Daco-Romanian people can evolve. When not much has published the theory of evolution the human species based on chromosomal length, concluded that the "first woman" appeared in south-eastern Africa.
The next big step was in northern Egypt and then in the Balkan Peninsula. When Marija Gimbutas linguistic archeology professor at the University of Los Angeles, California, started talking about the Carpatho-Danubian space on mediaeval Europe as the place where Europe was there, I was pleasantly surprised and I expected our historians as to react the same. But I heard only silence from them. When teachers Leon E. Stover and Bruce Kraig in the book "The Indo-European heritage", published by Nelson-Hall Inc.., Publishers, 325 West Jack son Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60606, on page 25 talking about the Old Europe of five millennium î.dH, which had its place in the center of today's Romania, do not be proud? When molecular archeology studies allow us to do we stand first in Europe as a senior, I am not easy to respond to people who do not read or what others say about us smarter or even what I write. Chromosomal impeccable Studies, at the mitochondria, using PCR (polymer chain reaction), can cause maternal origin of ancient mummies hundreds and thousands of years.

Theory genoamelor located the Carpatho-Danubian as neither more nor less than the place where Europe began to exist, where 44,000 years ago had come within 3 Eve and Adam ... When I first wrote "Epic Carpatho-Danubian People "and volumes" We are not followers of Rome "," In Search of Lost History "and" Journey to Dacia - Land of the Gods ", I have relied on such research, but also book a leading authority in prehistory of Europe, Mr. V. Gordon Childe, a professor at the University of Oxford, England, which is published in 1993, at Barnes & Noble Books, New York, "The History of Civilization," "The Aryans". He explores in a fascinating way the origin and dissemination of languages in prehistoric Europe. Between pages 176-177 published a map showing the Aryan cradle during their first appearances, and great big Carpatodunărean space is concerned! When the wheel, plow, yoke, cart with two, three and four wheels for the first time in the world occur on our soil, Dacian, when the first message in human history is still on our territory, the Tartaria, when the first farmers in Europe are described in the same room, at a time when England barely separated from the mainland and the peninsula became the island - î.dH 6500 (see John North, "A New Interpretation of Prehistoric Man and the Cosmos", 1996, Harper Collins Publishers, 1230 Avenue of Americas, New York 10020, Chronology), you do not believe that it is precisely those where people gather such information about the formidable and the space they occupy our country, you decepţionează!

Not long ago, at the First International Congress Dacologie, Bucharest, Intercontinental Hotel, Mr Augustin Deac professor in history we are talking about "Codex Rohonczy" Daco-Romanian chronicle, totaling 448 pages, written in Romanian archaic "vulgar Latin ", the Geto-Dacian alphabet .. On each page were written about 9-14 times. 86 In the text are interspersed with clips made up, showing various secular and religious scenes. Writing direction is from right to left and the text is read from bottom to top. We discover that the old churches, Daco-Romanian, Orthodox worship is bringing into "Pig Latin", even to XIIXIII centuries, when they started to worship ceremony in Greek and Slavonic. The codex contains several texts, the "Oath young Vlachs, various speeches in front of soldiers before the battle with the migratory Pechenegs Vlachs, Cumanians, Hungarian, chronicles the life of Prince Vlad, who led Vlahita between 1046-1091, Vlachs victory anthem , led by Vlad on Pechenegs, accompanied by musical notes, etc.. Then the surprise and wonder, rightly, Mr. Augustin Deac professor in history: "why the Romanian Academy's specialized institutes have remained passive to the discovery and deciphering of this historical document, written in Dacoromanity Latin Danube, in a Geto-Dacian alphabet existing for millennia, long before the Latin of the Romans? " But after that they own ideological orientation, the above mentioned would have preferred that this diamond has not been found. Romanian Academy should have organized a scientific session with great character is not only national, but especially international. But they, like the "true Romanians" Brave survivors of Trajan, want to show mankind what
to be humble and despise your ancestors and family history ...

That we, Romanians, are the ancestors of all the Latin peoples, not a relative marginal Latin, should make us proud and not be looking for arguments such as those lacking wisdom diligently its branch cut from under his feet .. .

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Napoleon Săvescu,
Founder & President of "Dacia Revival
International Society of New York

#7 fofo


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:35 PM

LOL. NP. esti romanca?
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#8 fofo


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:38 PM

uhmm....did you do with google translate ?
Think before you speak before you drive me mad.

#9 Selena


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:44 PM

Yeah sorry is it bad?

#10 ducky


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:45 PM

Someone with serious sick g00gl3 skillz... well I'm fucking leet too:

Source: http://dacia.org/1ar...year=&arcmonth=

EDIT: HAHA I think its different :) It is similar, but my romanian ain't that good :DD What you think fofobitch?

#11 fofo


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:49 PM

Selena, sorry, but yes.

Now what ducky posted is almost the same as I posted. Thanks dude.
Think before you speak before you drive me mad.

#12 fofo


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:50 PM

LOL, I only read the first lines and they were almost the same. I'll read it full now.
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#13 fofo


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 06:13 PM

Ok, done. ducky's article says the same thing as mine. We are the oldest people in Europe and we are not a romanized nation, we spoke latin before the romans did. Romania FTW !

Of course, they do not teach us this in school because, I gotta admit, we got idiots runing our country education.

But these are facts and can be proved and are backed up by alot of scientists.
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#14 ducky


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 06:20 PM

fofo edit your first post and quote that article, so it will be easier to find and read (that site's giving me eye cancer).

#15 fofo


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 06:53 PM


Donald G Kyle

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Paul L. Maier

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Eugen S. Teodor

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e-mail: teo@mnir.ro ; esteo60@yahoo.co.uk

Ovidiu Ţentea

tel: 0745-231563

e-mail: ovidiu@mnir.ro ; ovidiu_tentea@yahoo.com

Larry Wolff


E-mail: lw59@nyu.edu


I am the president and the founder of the New York City-based "Dacia Revival International Society" and the supporter of some controversial theories regarding the origins and history of Dacians / Rumanians people. Considering the various opinions, concepts and interpretations trying to present the Rumanian origin, that are inaccurate, determined me to send you this e-mail. Your scientific analysis, answers and comments, regarding this matter, will be greatly appreciated and will be also posted on Dacia.org's site and Dacia Magazine.

When Alexander von Humboldt said that the ability to understand one’s history constitutes, for every nation the test stone of its maturity, I believe that he was including also those living for millennia in the Carpatho-Pontico-Danubian space, whatever we want to call them: Rumanians, Vlahos-Vlahs-Vlaci or Geto-Dacians. The wrong interpretations, attributing to the Rumanian people a “Roman” origin, ignoring the fact that the Carpatho-Pontico-Danubian region represents the cradle for the people of Europe, is unacceptable. The creation of a false history about the Rumanian people, for the last 200 years, based on ignorance, on an unreasonable preoccupation to prove that Rumanians are a nation of a recent interbreeding between some Roman soldiers and local Dacian women, is an ignominy.

The morbid logic, which governs those kinds of “historical” concepts about the formation of Rumanian people, is even immoral.

Let’s turn the pages of some of the “Romanian” history books and see how the Rumanian people were created. Florin Constantinescu, in “A Sincere History of the Romanian People,” published by “Universal Encyclopedic” Bucharest 1998, on page 36 teaches us that: “An important factor in the process of Romanization were the human contacts and, most important were the marriages. Dacia dried out of men… it cannot be denied that the wars have caused big losses in the male population in the Dacian Realm. The colonists have filled these gaps and as the natives interbred (the author forgets to mention whether he is talking about men or women) with the new comers, the mixed marriages became more frequent.”

The same “historian” lets us know that, the “categorical” superiority of the Roman Civilization as compared to the Geto- Dacians imposed itself in the Carpathian-Danubian space, Romanized the natives, and first made Romans out of Geto Dacians, who finally became Rumanians! These “historical pearls” are found in abundance not only in this “sincere history” of the Rumanian people, but even in the ones opposed to it.

The truth is that Dacia was the last country conquered by the Romans in Europe and the first one from which the Roman Empire withdrew, after a very short period (165 years) of occupation of 14% of its territory.

The Maltese were occupied by them for 1,088 years (from 218 BC to 870 AD) and they don’t speak Latin today. The Greeks were under Roman occupation for 641 years (from 146 BC to 395 AD), the Egyptians for 425 years (from 30 BC to 395 AD), the Hebrews for 325 years (from 70 BC to 395 AD) and the Britons for 450 years. I do not remember anybody saying that Latin is spoken today in any of these countries.

Andre Maurois, in the “History of England” asks himself: “where are all those Romanized Celts and Britons after 450 years of Roman occupation?” None of these peoples occupied for hundreds and thousands of years by the Romans, have forgotten their language. Only the Dacians did! And this is after less then 165 years of Roman occupation of only 14% of the Dacian territory.

The Carpathian - Danubian region holds the oldest vestiges of the existence of human activities in Europe, indicating the affiliation to the large area of the anthropogenesis. In Valcea district, at Bugiulesti, a large amount of animal bones bring us face to face with the Villafranciane period. The human ostheological remains, from the Ohaba-Ponor cave (two hand phalanxes and one from the foot) belonging to the Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis, take us into another historical period. The settlement of “Pestera Cioarei” (The Crow’s Cave) from Borosteni, in the Gorj district, which was carbon 14 dated, shows us that it was habituated 47,550 years ago.

We can’t accept the fact that, till the year 106 AD, the Daco-Rumanians did not exist only because that is what we are thought in the Rumanian schools and universities. We cannot accept the fact that the Roman legions penetrated Dacia, conquered 14% of its territory for a negligible historical period of time, 165 years and, over night, its entire population, occupied or not, started speaking a different language, the Roman one (without 86% of Dacia’s territory ever being stepped on by the Roman soldiers’ foot). We cannot accept that some Roman Empire’s mercenaries arriving from all over the corners of the ancient world: Africa, Palestine, Germany, speaking their native language, which, by far wasn’t Latin, rushed battling into Dacia, to interbreed! Ironically, according to some Rumanian historians, they managed to do that not only in the 14% of the occupied territory, but even on the rest of the 86% never seen by them!

Today, the official Rumanian historians try to convince us that the Roman soldiers, were not only very virile (after a military service of 25-30 years), but also very cultured, succeeding to teach the Latin not only to the Dacian women, their spouses and parents, but even to the new born ones… Big patience and culture had these Roman mercenaries, and all that in a period of one hundred years!

Gentlemen, we do not have to accept such strange founded “history” without objection. Isn’t it more logical, somehow, what the greatest Rumanian historian Nicolae Densusianu proves: the Dacians spoke the Latin language, before the Romans existed (see www.dacia.org Articles - English or http://www.pelasgian...g.com/index.htm). The fact that the Rumanians are not Rome’s descendants and that the Romans are their later grandsons (see Augustin Deac”The History of the Historical Truth” 2002), is proved and waits to be discovered by some of the Rumanian historians. Carolus Lundius, the President of the Swedish Academic of Science, who in the year 1687, published “Zamolxis the First Legislator of the Gets” in which he affirms that the first written laws in the human history were Zamolxis' laws, was proud to consider his people related to the Geto Dacians. (see http://dacia.org/1ar...year=&arcmonth=).

Observe that the first written message in the history of humanity was found in Rumania, Tartaria where little clay tablets were discovered, bearing a pre-Sumerian writing. Even the puzzle of Dacians versus Gets was solved almost 2000 years ago by Dio Casius in Epitome of Book LXVII: “I call the people Dacians, the names used by the natives themselves as well as by the Romans, though I am not ignorant that some Greek writers refer to them as Getae“.

When will the Rumanian history start not with a meager and insignificant defeat, but with the Geto - Dacian kings and their great victories? Let's try to see how this history would look like…. “At the time when Rome was a clutter of a few little neglected and dusty villages, the Geto-Dacians were battling the great Empires of the world, and winning. Herodotus and Iordanes tell us about the arrival on the Dacian (Massagaete) territory in the year 529 BC of Cyrus, Persian king, the ruler of a vast Empire, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Hindus. His military force, a true war machine, created to crash any resistance attempt, gave up in front of the Massagaete people and Cyrus the Great died in a battle with the Messagets. Queen Tomiris, the victorious winner of the battle, build at Pontus Euxine fortresses today known under the name of Constanta. The name of the queen Tomiris is never mentioned in the Romanian history books. Fifteen years later, in 514 BC, wanting to wipe off the shame suffered by his predecessor, leading 700,000 soldiers and building a bridge made of warships from Chalcedony to Bezants, arrived the Great Persian king, Darius, the son of Histaspe. He wanted to take a closer look at these Gets,” who believe themselves immortals”, and he was given the occasion. In the beginning, Darius proposed marriage to Antirus’s daughter, the Getic king. Despising the king, the Gets refused him. Furious, Darius built another bridge, this time over Danube, penetrating on the Geto-Dacian territory, but the luck didn’t smile to him. He was defeated at Tape and left in a hurry, without stopping in Moesia. His great dream was shattered by the Daco-Getic king Antirus (see: Iordanes Foundation, “Gandirea” Bucharest 2001 page 24). After his death, his son, Xerxes, wanting to revenge his father’s insult (tells us the same Iordanes on page 25), "started a campaign against the Geto-Dacians with an army of one million, of which 700,000 soldiers, 300,000 auxiliaries, as well as 1200 war ships and 3000 transport ships”.

What do you think, gentlemen, about the effort to rise such an armed force against an insignificant people, without culture, who had to wait another 650 years for the Romans to conquer and “interbreed” with them?!

Today, the history of the Carpatho-Pontico-Danubian region is rediscovered by some foreigners such as: William Ryan and Walter Pitman (Senior Scientists at Columbia University N.Y.) or Maria Gimbutas (professor of linguistic archeology at the University of California L.A.). Just as N. Densusianu, they are not afraid to declare that the cradle of the old Europe is this place where, today’s Rumanians, are found. In fact, reading their conclusions, we return to N. Densusianu, the one who in 1913, through his posthumous literary work “Prehistoric Dacia”, was introducing the Daco-Rumanians, as one of the first people of Europe and as the ones who shaped Europe. Unfortunately, his work was published in a period when Latinism and other politico - religious type ideas were flourishing. The uselessness of the idea that the Rumanian people emerged after the year 106 AD as a young people in Europe and its emptiness, shocks N. Desusianu, but not his contemporaries, and why not admit it, us, as well. Nicolae Densusianu had the courage to confront them all and to prove a different origin of the Rumanian nation, the one, which, instead of starting with the year 106 AD, stretched over thousands and thousands of years back.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Nicolae Iorga Argiropolus, put again in circulation the unfortunate idea of the so called “Romanizing” of the Dacian people. This halted the Dacian research for a hundred years. In a moment of lucidity and inspiration, he contested everything he had sustained his entire life, by affirming that”we are not a nation of bastards”. Turning over the pages of the world’s publications, we find the American Sumerolog, John A. Halloran asking himself “How can be explained the fact that, inside a western Rumanian region, surrounded by towns with Sumerian names: Urastie, Simeria, Kugir, there were found little tablets made from local clay with Sumerian pictograms on them, but older by 1000 years than the ones from Mesopotamia?” In the “Scientific American Journal” from 1968, the Tartaria tablets are presented as being similar to the ones from Mesopotamia, but earlier by 1000 years. The Russian archeologist V. Titov estimates that the primitive writing has its origins in the Balkans of the IV- th millennium BC. In 1973, the subject of Milton Mc Chesney Winn’s Ph. D. thesis at the University of California L.A., was regarding the emergence of the writing within the Vincea culture, which considered the Tartaria - Romania writing as being the oldest in the world, at least up to the respective date (1973). Marja Gimbutas, professor of archeology at USLA, one of the promoters of this hypothesis, was a coordinator for this doctorate thesis (The living Goddesses – University of California Press, 1999 pg. 50-51), where the above researcher lets us know the fact that Tartaria writing preceded the Sumerian one by a few thousand years. The researcher Haral Harmann from the “Research Centre of Multilingualism” of Brussels, on the 28th of October 2000, at a Conference taking place in Milan, talked about the beginning of writing in the Balkans at 5,500 BC, not forgetting to mention the fact that, till not long ago it was considered that the writing was invented in Summer, in the year 3,300 BC. The Rumanian archeologists were more cautious, considering, in the beginning, the little tablets of Tartaria as fake. Later on, they considered the signs on them as primitive ones, then sacred signs, maybe a sacred writing, maybe the beginning of writing? Or some Sumerian merchants passed through the territory and lost them (and all this with more then 1000 years before Summer’s existence!). How could they, the pre-Dacians, write before anyone else? How were they able to write, if they couldn’t read?

After 42 years from the tablets discovery by the Rumanian archeologist N. Vlassa, their existence begins to be accepted. But the Rumanian archeologists are disagreeing with the dating, arguing that it would be an historic inaccuracy to consider these tablets as old as the rest of the world does. In 2004, one of my friends, Marco Merlini from Italy, took samples of the bones, found at the same archeological site where the Tartaria tablets were found, to Rome to be Carbon tested for age. The results were a surprise for the Romanian archeologists only; the tests showed that the bones were 7,540 years old, 2,000 years earlier, before Summer started its existence. Therefore, the writing on the Tartaria tablets was at least that old. There were additional surprises. The bones belonged to a woman, in her early fifties with an anatomical defect of the left leg, not to a man, as earlier believed by the Rumanian scientists. Some of the previous Congresses of Dacology tried to answer some of these questions:

- Did it exist in Europe a writing, 2000 years older than the Sumerian and Egyptian writings?

- Where in Europe did it emerge? In the Carpathian-Danubian space?

- Did this writing of the proto-Europeans disappear or did it continue until today?

- Is it possible that a short period, of 165 years of occupation of only 14% of the Dacian territory by Roman mercenaries, caused the complete disappearance of the Dacian language, and replacing it by Latin? Doesn’t it make more sense that the Indo-European language which emerged from the Carpathian-Danubian space, gave birth not only to the Sanskrit language, but also the “Romance” languages such as Latin?

The most serious theories of Indo-European Origins propose that the homeland of the speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language is to be found in the Southeast Europe. This theory was most comprehensively proposed by the eminent Russian linguist and historian Igor M. Diakonov in his seminal paper [(1985). “On the Original Home of the Speakers of Indo-European.” Journal of Indo-European Studies. Volume 13, p. 92]

One of the most respected archaeologists of our time, Colin Renfrew thinks that Proto-Indo-European unity is to be found in the Balkans, in agreement with the opinion of Diakonov. Proto-Indo-European was however an offshoot of Pre-Proto-Indo-European which was the language of the early farmers who crossed from Anatolia to settle in Thessaly. There, and in their subsequent northern expansion was formed the Proto-Indo-European community which subsequently gave birth to all the historical Indo-European languages “The Tarim Basin, Tocharian, and Indo-European origins: a view from the west,” in V. Mair (ed.), The Bronze Age & Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph #26, vol.1) From the Carpathian-Danubian-Balkans center, as Diakonov realized, (around 5000 BC), a language division appears, with the bulk of the early Proto-Indo-European languages of central and Western Europe (the languages of “Old Europe” in some terminologies) on one hand, and those of the steppe lands to the north of the Black Sea, on the other (4th millennium BCE).

More recently, Finnish scholar Kalevi Wiik has also analyzed the Indo-European origins in Southeast Europe. He has expounded his theory on the origins of European peoples in several journal articles and, more recently in his book “Eurooppalaisten juuret” .There is also an article written by him on the Web [Europe's Oldest Language].

The theory of the Indo-European origins in Southeast Europe has received additional confirmation recently from Gray and Atkinson. They were using a methodology similar to that used in evolutionary biology, [“Language-tree divergence times support the Anatolian theory of Indo-European origin,” Nature 426, 435-439]. The results of all analyses, irrespective of the initial assumptions were very robust and accurate. They were also in agreement with an other independent linguistic analysis of Indo-European languages [Rexova, K., Frynta, D. & Zrzavy, J. “Cladistic analysis of languages: Indo-European classification based on lexicostatistical data.” Cladistics 19, 120–127 (2003)].

For thousands of years, the legend of the great flood has survived in the biblical story of Noah and such Middle Eastern myths as the epic of Gilgamesh. Few scientists believed that such a catastrophic deluge had actually occurred. But these Bible “stories” for some scientific people appeared to have a real sense. William. Ryan and Walter Pittman in their scientific research regarding Noah’s Flood, “The new scientific discoveries about the event that changed history” have discovered an event that changed the history; a sensational flood that took place 8,600 years ago in what is today the Black Sea. The archeologists searched the length and breath of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia for evidence of such a flood, to no avail.

The end of the Cold War enabled Ryan and Pitman to team up with oceanographers from others countries, to explore the Black Sea. Using sound waves and coring devices to probe the sea floor, they discovered clear evidence that this inland body of water had once been a vast freshwater lake lying hundreds of feet below the level of the world’s rising oceans. By 12,500 B.C., the earth temperature had increased, and the Eurasian ice sheet started to melt. The level of the sea and oceans increased with 150 meters. The England peninsula became an island. The Atlantic Ocean water burst through the Strait of Gibraltar and refilled the Mediterranean basin.

The increase in the Mediterranean Sea level by 150 m. had a disastrous consequence: being flooded, huge pieces of land sank. One example is the piece of land that was linking Balkan peninsula with Anatolia (Turkey today) which disappeared, giving birth to a new sea, the Thracian Sea, later known as the Aegean Sea and a lot of new islands. Strange cultures, very advanced civilizations were left in these islands, a long time ago, on the tip of mountains, proving that this piece of land was an important corridor of civilization who was linking Europe and Asia. Suddenly, the legend of the lost Atlantis started being more realistic.

Sophisticated dating techniques, sometime using both the carbon 14 and a new method of Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) confirmed that 8,600 years ago the mounting seas had burst through the narrow Bosporus valley, and the salt water of the Mediterranean had poured into the lake with unimaginable force, racing over beaches and up rivers, destroying or chasing all life before it. The bank of the lake, which has been an unique oasis, a Garden of Eden for an advanced culture in a vast region of semi-desert, became a sea of death. The people fled, never to return.

Today, the scientific people explore the exiting archeological, genetic, and linguistic evidence suggesting that the flood rapidly created a human Diaspora that spread as far as Western Europe, Central Asia, China, Egypt, and the Persian Gulf. They suggested that the Black Sea People could well have been the mysterious proto-Sumerians who developed the first great civilization in Mesopotamia, the Pre-dynastic pharaohs and the Semitic people. Understanding these testimonies presupposes a little reflection when we are speaking about the old Rumanian or, better said, the Dacian history.

Sincerely yours,

Dr.Napoleon Savescu

21-26 Broadway, New York 11106


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 07:32 PM

omg so many to read :o :D

#17 fofo


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Posted 22 January 2011 - 09:06 PM

No it's not, it's just a bigger font size :D
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#18 CC:)



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Posted 22 January 2011 - 10:29 PM

Is there some archaeological famous constructions or ruins of the palaces, cities, villages, defences of the Dacian period? I am just interested...i ve been trying to find something from Google and Wiki after your article, but couldn't. I know that in time when Alexander the Great was born ( 4 century BC), his father - king of Macedonia Filipp II was having some wars with neighboring countries who were speaking Thracian language, in some sources sientists say that Dacian people were speaking Thracian language too. I dont know if that was latin or not thought :mrgreen: I just know that Macedonian people were counting Thracians as wild people...though the mother of Alexander and wife of Filipp II was princess of Thracian people...for sure. This is the fact. So i wonder might be history lies...Filipp IMHO couldnt marry a wild princess...Ok, anyways kings/qweens of deferent times liked to re-write/re-make history books like they want to show it to thier nations and following generations...that is not the first example.
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#19 fofo


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Posted 23 January 2011 - 01:13 PM

Of course, I got 2 right here in my area. One is Enisala and second is Aegyssus. This is right in my town.
Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa former Sarmizegetusa was the capital of Dacia before and after roman conquer.

But I guess you're looking for Atlantis :)
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#20 Xevax Tavax

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Posted 23 January 2011 - 07:40 PM

Hmm, I don't want to argue on this topic, because it's usually very hard to do that with Romanians. I mean.. I like Romanians, including most setti players, I even admit that in many aspects they are much cooler than Hungarians (etc. languages, mobility, ambitions) but for some reason their attitude towards history is very, very weird, and this seems to be unique in our continent..

1. Ok, let's say, you are the oldest nation in Europe. Is that something you should be proud of? I like my country's history as well, but I don't feel any pride or shame, as the things happened were not done by me or whatsoever. The fact that Hungarians arrived to Europe quite late, moreover from Asia, is not affecting the present in any way, we are a European nation, just like others, with rich culture and past. The things which took place thousands of years ago, have absolutely no impact on the countries' and nations' current state.

2. Countries vs. nations. It's a common misbelief, when ppl mix the history of several states and kingdoms with the history of people living in it. The fact is that since we have Y-chromosome analysis available, it's easy to check to which ethnic group people were and are belonging to. And the results are showing that in Europe almost every nation is incredibly mixed - in Hungary, only a few percent of the present citizens have the father-line DNA of the old ugro-finnish family, mostly we are of Celtic and Germanic origin. And this goes for the nations around as well - even though Celts were officially "conquested" by germanic and slavic tribes in the first yearthousand, it doesn't mean that all the people were killed and replaced by new nations, but there was a huge mixture of several ethnic groups. That happened in Dacia as well, moreover:

3. The history of Dacia is well documented in the Roman era, but what happened in the next few decades, is a chaotic period of different nations conquesting and settling in the area - just a few of them: Huns, Pechenegs, Iazyges, Avars, Hungarians, some Slavic tribes, and later on the Mongols, the Osmans, and last but not least: the Saxons. What means, that you can be a grand-grand son of some Dacian guy just like a grand-grand son of some other guy, but most probably you have many different ancestors.

4. Just a small note - unlike many Hungarians, I'm always trying to be objective, and I'm always criticizing the idiots in my country, who believe in theories which make Hungarians a superior nation.. it's 100% bullshit, and same goes for everyone. And, unfortunately the Daco-Romanian continuity tends to be theory like that - from what I've read, the theory was created in the mid 1800s, the era of romanticism, when national self-counciousness appeared, and the people were looking for some cool old legends, to find their roots, + Ceausescu's education system had also this urged "romanizing", merging bullshit into real history (e.g. Hungarians = Huns..)

Not saying, that there's no connection between the people of Dacia and Romania, and your language is the best proof that you are a very old nation in Europe. But try to remain objective - this is a big mix ;)

Huh that was loong lol... Cheers!


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