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Logitech G5

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#1 Guest_

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Отправлено 02 October 2009 - 04:32 AM

Look what Perplexer got himself for a present. :-)

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Alright, now the serious stuff. This is a 2007 revised version of Logitech G5 with two thumb buttons. I was choosing between MX518 and G5 and it was a hard choice cause oppinions were balanced. I only chose G5 cause it's newer, laser and has a scroll tilt button. I knew I could never reach the sentisivity + button on MX518 which was in front of the scroll wheel so I went with G5. As I understand the shape is the same. But here is the problem ... I don't like it. Left side of the mouse is good but the right side is terrible. It has a stupid ugly bulgy edge on the right side which interferes with the position of your ring finger. I used to have my ring finger and my little finger resting on the right side on my old Logitech MouseMan Optical wireless mouse. That's the best for proper balanced grip. But on G5 there is not enough room for both fingers on the right side cause you will start dragging your little finger on your mousepad and hamper the movement. The other option is to have only your little finger on the right and move the ring finger on top of the mouse, next to the right mouse button, above the edge of the mouse. But then your grip won't be balanced and you just can't have three fingers on the top of the mouse. The best would be if you can have your ring finger at the edge of the mouse but they made a stupid sharp bulgy edge there which HURTS your finger. So in my oppinion, the shape of G5 is terrible, at least compared to my old mouse.

The thunb buttons and wheel button are also very cheap. They don't use the same micro switch as the main left and right buttons. They don't click like the main muttons. They are quieter and feel very poor. Wheel button is also very hard to press. On my old MouseMan Optical, all buttons including the thunb button and wheel button used the same micro switches and clicked the same as the main left and right button. This was a really high quality product. Scrolling on G5 works good though.

Another terrible thing is the software/drivers called SetPoint. It still has the same bug as MouseWare 10 years ago plus more. You can set it to detect a game and use special button settings but that doesn't work always. When you go to CSS it works but if you ALT+TAB to Windows and back to CSS your sensitivity will get all messed up and button assignments will be lost. Also the 3-stage sensitivity led indicator on the mouse will get locked to low setting when changing to CSS and you need to click +/- on the mouse to unlock it.

Because CSS does not recognize all buttons on G5 (it only supports 4 mouse buttons MOUSE1, MOUSE2, MOUSE3, MOUSE4), the only way to bind them to a function in CSS is to first bind them to some key in SetPoint software and then use CSS to bind that key to a function. For example if I want to use the forward thumb button for reload, I will have to use SetPoint to bind thumb button to key "r" and then bind "r" to RELOAD in CSS. So now when I press the forward thumb button on G5 it will reload the weapon. But there is also a bug here because sometimes this key reacts with 1 second delay. This is terrible if you are in a fight. The solution is to disable game detection and button assignments and use one of the recognized four buttons in CSS (left, right, middle, back thumb).

Another bad thing is that this is a laser mouse. Laser keeps tracking even when you lift the mouse 1cm from the mousepad. This means that lifting and repositioning the mouse will be a hard thing to do with G5. I did this a lot with my old mouse but with this one it's shit. I have seen one other person write about the same thing somewhere on the Internet and he is completely right.

At the moment the only good thing about this mouse is that it does not have any stutter. I had a bad stuttering problem on my old MouseMan optical wireleass mouse. When I was clicking a button (for example firing pistol) the game stuttered, like if the FPS dropped to 5. I believe this is because it was wireless. Perhaps today's wireless mice don't have this problem anymore. Anyway, G5 wired mouse doesn't have it so I can finally shoot with the pistol properly. General accuracy also feels better but I need more time to get used to it.

So generally at this moment I am not really happy. A lot more negative things than positive things about this mouse. The biggest problem is the shape, the sharp edge on the right side. Very uncomfortable. I don't know if I will ever get used to this. Too bad MX518 seems to have it also.

#2 Guest_

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Отправлено 02 October 2009 - 04:58 AM

Here is my old mouse, Logitech Mouseman Optical wireless:

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I bought this mouse 9 years ago. It was the world's first wireless optical mouse. I played every FPS game with this mouse, including Quake, Unreal, Half Life, and CSS since 2004. You can see the wear and tear (rotfl). In CSS I had the thumb button bound to "reload" and the wheel button to "special function" (AWP zoom, silencer, ...). So you can imagine how many times I pressed it. Also the thumb button was at the buttom and not at the top so it didn't throw my grip off-balance when I pressed it. And let me tell you, ALL BUTTONS on this mouse still work PERFECTLY. All buttons use the same micro switches. This mouse was built like a tank! The only reason I replaced it is because it has a bad stutter, presumably because it's wireless and because it didn't glide well anymore since the pads were totally worn off. You can see it has smooth right side edge and a lot of room on the right side for both ring finger and little finger, so it allows perfect grip. This was a very good mouse! I now have it by my bed so I can control my PC from bed when I am watching movies at night. :-)

#3 Guest_

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Отправлено 02 October 2009 - 07:57 AM

My g9 has 2 cases or how are they called. On one you get a big space for your thumb, but you are right, the ring finger and little finger don't have any support. It is kinda annoying

#4 Ghost



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Отправлено 02 October 2009 - 12:48 PM

I Agree. I have G5 too. I don't like the shape of the mouse. I haven't noticed the sharp right edge, but the mouse doesn't feel right.

The buttons are also bad. Also the neat tilting wheel is totally useless. It's impossible to tilt the wheel without losing control. The tilt mechanism is also cheap.

Lifting the mouse slightly throws everything up-side-down.

The drivers are also bad. Luckily I don't use any of the nifty stuff.

MX518 is better, but I think they could still improve the general shape of the mice. I wonder why everybody keep saying G5 is such a good mouse. The only good thing is those weights. I have 17.5 grams, most of it on the back side of the tray. It balances my AWP handling just nice :)

#5 Guest_

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Отправлено 02 October 2009 - 05:45 PM

You made a good choice going for the laser, and there's no way in hell this mouse will last you 9 years. They don't make mice as they used to. Razer copperhead lasted me 20months...now the power flickers on and off every 3min...In January i bought Logitech G9 which broke down today, the so called "gaming grade laser" sensor...dead! Now I'm back to my old backup friend..5 Carrefour mouse.

#6 Guest_

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Отправлено 02 October 2009 - 07:22 PM

dude, i have my g9 for 1 and a half years now. NO PROBLEM. Maybe you just have bad luck or you're the angry gamer kind, smashing keyboards and mices everytime you die :D

#7 Guest_

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Отправлено 03 October 2009 - 06:50 AM

Never used violence against my little friend. It had a peaceful death, died on his pad while i was at work and the PC downloading. The night before i adjusted the pooling rate...wonder if that has anything to do with it.

#8 Guest_

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Отправлено 03 October 2009 - 09:29 AM

:D :D :D :D hehehe Gen is so funny :D :D ,always full of jokes ;)
I have my G5 nearly year and a half ,and it's the best mouse I've ever had . I just don't get it why r u moaning about it?I agree that it takes time to get used to it ( it took me about 4 weeks ) ,but now everything is just fine ;)

#9 k1ller



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Отправлено 04 October 2009 - 07:42 AM

I have MX518 and it's not perfect either. In my opinion it's too light and feels like a cheap toy. Ring finger and little finger cannot rest on the mouse. The wheel is fine and left/right buttons are OK, I don't use the other buttons at all. The + and - signs in the mouse are quite useful to adjust the accuracy (speed) in-game. For AWPing slower movement is good.

Weighting option in G5 is very good.
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#10 Guest_

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Отправлено 06 October 2009 - 02:23 PM

The protruding right edge of the G5 is still making me lose sleep due to the pain it causes to my ring finger so I watched some YouTube videos on different grip styles.

Check the guy at
Skip to 3:20 where he shows how he used to grip his mouse and how he then changed his grip (3:45).

At first he had the three middle fingers on top of the mouse and only had his little finger at the side. Then he changed the grip and had only two fingers on top and ring+little finger at the side. This second style is what I use and for this style G5 is terrible. It's actually so annoying and painful that I'm probably going to void my warranty and smooth out that edge with a drill tool. :-)

I'm wondering how you G5 and MX518 owners position your fingers on the mouse. Let me know.

#11 Guest_

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Отправлено 06 October 2009 - 07:39 PM

Well, the mouse underwent surgery just now and the doctor is happy with the result. I sanded off the right edge with my trusty Mister Tool mini sander/drill. Feels much better now. I call it ... the G5 Pro :-)

#12 Ghost



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Отправлено 06 October 2009 - 08:06 PM


#13 k1ller



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Отправлено 06 October 2009 - 08:13 PM

I'm wondering how you G5 and MX518 owners position your fingers on the mouse. Let me know.

I use the claw-grip with my index finger on left mouse and middle finger on mouse2. Ring finger and little finger are on top of eachothers so that little finger is touching the mouse pad. When moving the mouse my little finger is constantly touching the mouse pad. For small movement rightward I lock the little finger to the mouse pad and just push with my thumb to tighten the grip.

This is just how I'm used to use the mouse. Even though I "get used to the mouse" I do realize that this is not perfect and if I were to design a mouse it wouldn't be anything near this.
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#14 Ghost



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Отправлено 06 October 2009 - 08:58 PM

I have G5 and I use claw grip. I have little finger on the right side, the tip slightly touching the mouse pad. The ring finger is on the top of the mouse, but only about 50/50 on the button. My middle finger is on the middle button, but it can fall to the right mouse button also. If it falls to the right mouse button I have it against my ring finger, which is not on the right button anymore. The index finger and thumb are normally on their place.

I haven't paid attention to the sharp edge on the right side.

#15 Guest_

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Отправлено 14 October 2009 - 01:39 AM

Look at my skill graph at Psychostats since I got the new mouse:

:shock: LMAO

And that's just the mouse.... ;)

#16 k1ller



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Отправлено 14 October 2009 - 09:53 AM

Maybe it's just temporary effect, you are performing better because you are aware of using a brand new mouse. In a few months it has lost its newness and your skill will decrease back to noob level. Also it's a long way to #1 still.
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#17 masterx_



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Отправлено 14 October 2009 - 04:12 PM

Look at my skill graph at Psychostats since I got the new mouse:

:shock: LMAO

And that's just the mouse.... ;)

It's not the mouse, it's the fucking nooby game style WHORING WTJing CAMPING

LMAO :shock:

I got to WTJ cuz I always play in the losing team

#18 Guest_

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Отправлено 14 October 2009 - 05:03 PM

[color=#D9E2EC] :D---------------- :D------------ :D----------- :D :D---------------- :D- :D
:D---------------- :D- :D-- :D- :D---------- :D--- :D----------- :D------- :D
:D---------------- :D---- :D---- :D-------- :D------- :D------ :D------------- :D
:D---------------- :D------------ :D------ :D- :D- :D- :D---- :D------------- :D
:D---------------- :D------------ :D----- :D------------- :D----- :D-------- :D
:D :D :D :D----- :D------------ :D--- :D---------------- :D------- :D- :D

This is just the begining. i7 is coming baby...... :-)

#19 Guest_

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Отправлено 14 October 2009 - 05:13 PM

Look at these three bad boys. :shock: :lol:

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#20 Guest_

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Отправлено 14 October 2009 - 06:12 PM

I hope you'll get ride of your nesrofobia and start to move in game, when you get the new parts. :mrgreen:

And no matter how good your PC is I'll always be better and faster than you are.

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