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This admin need holidays

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#41 fofo


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 01:54 PM

Oh that's it. Listen you stupid faggots, if you were adults, you would understand what me and others are trying to explain to you. No admin likes mic chatter, everyone one of them will ban you for using the mic excesively to chat with your friends. Use other program. Of course, that might lead to cheating, but we'll catch you and you're gonna be banned along with muted.

Why the fuck should I mute you if you can just stfu or use other program. Or type! Setti doesn't like microphone abuse. Oh and btw, the voice option is for in-game, to report the enemy. That is used in matches not on public servers.
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#42 breezer


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 02:02 PM

I used to speak with Zeicko via team chat and had no problems :)ofc we were speaking in english ,not Greek :)
Rush 'em n00bs ...

#43 Rizla+++


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 02:20 PM

fofo, first of all, YOU ARE THE FAGGOT. i think you should consider paying a visit to a psychologist, it will help. U disguss me, if you are an adult (which i dont think so) , and talk like that, you really suck!

yeahh ban me and mute me. boooo i am so scared. UP YOUR ASS ! Call boogie call MA-mute STA PAPARIA MOU (IN MY BALLS I WRITE U).

instead of you, who obviosly try to be a pro CSS player, through camper methods,i play for fun, and i believe the rest of the greekz do the the same! gamin is fun! you fuck my fun by pyblic muting me, are you a nurd?

If you dont wanna hear me, mute me, why is it so difficult for you to do that? for everyone that is feeling annoyed to do that?

I believe that all you that are annoyed, are just jealous of not being able to find someone from your country to talk with!

#44 fofo


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 02:35 PM

Lmao. Every topic started by the greeks ends up in pure retardness. Thank god we have you, otherwise setti would be so boring. "I believe that all you that are annoyed, are just jealous of not being able to find someone from your country to talk with!". This made my day !! Why go to all the trouble, write in console and shit, if you just can be muted forever?
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#45 Mithrandir



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Posted 31 March 2011 - 03:30 PM

Lmao. Every topic started by the greeks ends up in pure retardness. Thank god we have you, otherwise setti would be so boring. "I believe that all you that are annoyed, are just jealous of not being able to find someone from your country to talk with!". This made my day !! Why go to all the trouble, write in console and shit, if you just can be muted forever?

it's just 3 moves with your mouse dude!! we don't deserve this behaviour!!
we just posted our problem in the forum!!
Fofo at start you tried to make this personal!!!
Now assail/attack all the Greeks in setti with you words! Please stop it here!!
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#46 el greco

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Posted 31 March 2011 - 04:23 PM

fofo i will write to your embassy to protest against your behaviour to the GREEK nation.hehehe.
cmon close this topic, its useless.
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#47 Rizla+++


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 04:45 PM

I insist fofo, GO TO A PSYCHIATRIST. truth may seem funny to you, but its a fact that in each team you will see at least one -two and usually a lot more greeks. And this is your problem. that we are greeks and that we are many! This is exactly your problem, you are a racist. FUCK OFF!

#48 fofo


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 05:08 PM

I just loled. Racist ! Btw, because of players like you Greece was banned from setti couple of years ago. Keep it that way and you'll succeed in banning all Greece again.
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#49 Rizla+++


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 05:24 PM

ok laugh as much you want. why did you post here anyway? were you invlolved in the mute "thing" we were waiting for MAmute maybe to post.. but you.. you are just a camper, that is unable to do 3 clicks to mute us. i dont post anything else. you are the most hmmm how do i tell it in english/.. in greek we tell it complexic :) man. Now go play your dick, in silence, if you want to hear the sperm coming out of your dick! you dick!

#50 fofo


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 06:36 PM

Oh, I made friends again :D No, i wasn't involved in the muting, otherwise you would ask for unban. People are bothered by your chatter, get it ? We don't like it. If we have the power to do smth about it, we do it. Like in this case. You don't like being mute ? Stop talking into mic ! There is no democracy here, there's dictatorship. Your complaints about some admins will not be taken count of. Be glad you're just muted and not banned. You can still play, why all the sadness?
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#51 Rizla+++


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 06:48 PM

I wouldn't normally post, but i fucking instist. PAY A VISIT TO A PSYCHOLOGIST, YOU ARE MENTALLY ILL!! STILL, I CANT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU CANNOT MUTE US BY PRESSING ESCAPE AND GOING TO PLAYER LIST... ARE YOU THAT LAZY? OR WHAT?!?!!?!?!?! or maybe you try to help others that are completely noobs and do not know that option at all? please, Give me a logic explanation! if you know what logic means of course

#52 Rizla+++


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 07:03 PM

for ban Rizzla and rofos
I wanna hear the enemy footsteps not you! annoying

hmmm and the second time u banned rizla while he was on the other team what was the reason?
i dont think that anyone said to remove u from admin boog, relax man, thats not the point here...or if slo mamut needs holiday as the title of the topic says...actually most of the players on pub3 dont know him at all,btw he is really good admin i would say.the point should be about voice chat i think, is it allowed or not...and if aint allowed then it should be disabled if possible.

of course he never saw your post el... the second time he banned me because after the bomb that i had planted, and after all terrorists dead, the bomb exploded, and i said "bammmmmm up in jesus ass". So let me understand. jesus is jesus (christ), and jesus is black is boogie woogie. Why when i refer to jesus, i must mean jesus is black??? who do you think you are mr boogie-woogie? jesus christ?

And yes of course you did not call mamut... suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, he just came a nice day and said hmmm lets just random mute 4 greek friends. Your hypocrisy deserves oscar!

#53 fofo


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 08:50 PM

The only logic here is that you are stupid and didn't understand a thing. You think you got muted because you were bothering mamut? well, along with that, he did a good a deed to the other players too. I told you, just because other players aren't complaining it doesn't mean they're not bothered! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS ? If not, open up a poll and ask this: "are you bothered by other players talking into mic while playing?". An another thing: as long as you talk in mic when you are dead, there's no problem. Of course, if you don't scream, make stupid noise or play music. That will get you banned, not just muted. If i'm alive and you're alive and you talk into mic with your friends I CAN'T HEAR ! and i need to hear foosteps and shit. And when i say I,i mean the other players, not just me. This is the opinion of most players. Have a nice evening.
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#54 Rizla+++


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Posted 31 March 2011 - 09:39 PM

Its always better to be stupid than psycho. if the others players want to mute me why dont they? why does an admin have to public mute me??? because the others players are shy... ?? because they dont talk?? I had the same issue with some russians guys. I didn;t like their language (at least i admit the truth). El greco suggested to mute them. Yes i am noob and i didn;t now that option existed! this is completely tragic.. please dont say anything else, i 've heard enough of your shit.

I didnt say i was bothering Mamut. what i want you to understand, is that another admin who did not have enough rights to mute us public, ASKED this from Mamut..... do you fucking get that!?

Well if this is not a gay thing then what is ??? (let me guess..me? , you are so predictable)

You know, not admitting something just because it is impossible to prove it(boogie woogie - of course no, he didnt call mamut, LOLs) is getting on my nerves.... Do you have an explanation on how and why mamut came and muted us all out of a sudden? Behind this lies boogie and noone else (perhaps u too, since u support it that much). Anyway, have a good night, u dont undersatnd at all why I am mad.. The only warning i got from boogie was like "Rizla please leave team" I asked for the reason, the dude never answered, i teamkilled him, and thats how a little war started between us. with 3 more bans, not all deserved. As for the other players, i have to say that it was completely unfair at least for Mithrandir, who just said hello. they just waited until all 4 of us where in game, even if in different teams, and then BAM! I wonder if you know that things happened like that... you just say "dont talk to mics, cause i dont hear shit." you keep avoiding answering on WHY DOOESNT SOMEONE MUTE USING THE PLAYER LIST??? ok then, as el greco said, mute the voice in general in SETTI server so that everyone like you is happy.

Also the WHOLE GREECE ban made me laugh a lot, thank you hahahha

For fucks sake, you may have communcation problems, but we dont . and again i tell you, that we do not tell the stories of our lives, we talk about the enemies coming ;) the ones you dont hear, we see them and tell the rest OK?! now drink your tea, and have a deep sleep. gn

#55 Mithrandir



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Posted 31 March 2011 - 11:48 PM

shame on you fofo!!!! shame on you man!!!! u banned rizzla for no reason!!!!
do not ever speak to me and my friends man!!! You have the worst behaviour on setti!!! I am so sorry!!!
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#56 Luffy-4-


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 12:30 AM

I wasnt even evolved on the sittuation, but i have some complains too. First of all what was the "all Greece ban" threat, i mean its racist and doenst have any logic in it. People of the same county speaking their language is just naturall, please stop being paranoid. I have been playing in Setti #3 for 3-4 months now but i have never heard any complains about speaking in mic or even speaking in Greek by ANYONE. Secondly u complain that with the team speak you cant hear footsteps gunshots etc, i counter your arguement saying that it also help you significantly while playig when someone tells you where he is, where the enemy is, where to cover, who is camping behind the wall, or where the bomb is thats why the damn "K" key exist in CSS. Rizla rofos and Mithrandir not always but many times guide the team with team speak and i dont think ANYONE can deny that. The "i cant hear footsteps" arguement is out of the picture cuz there are many counter arguments that teamspeak can help. If none of the above happened then they deserve at least 1-2 warnings. You cant just say "shut up" and after 10 seconds simply ban or mute them. Its just not logical. Lastly if you dont like when people communicate with each other then turn off the teamspeak in all Setti servers, dont go mutting 3 random guyz. If the teamspeak is their everyone has the rigt to use it...!!!

#57 fofo


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 12:34 AM

Oh was that Rizla ? Sorry, I thought the nickname I banned was "fofo". Maybe my eyes are failing me.

Tell him not use other players nickname, especially mine.
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#58 derkevevin



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Posted 01 April 2011 - 02:18 AM

my nose is bleeding.
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#59 derkevevin



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Posted 01 April 2011 - 02:28 AM

Oh, I made friends again :D No, i wasn't involved in the muting, otherwise you would ask for unban. People are bothered by your chatter, get it ? We don't like it. If we have the power to do smth about it, we do it. Like in this case. You don't like being mute ? Stop talking into mic ! There is no democracy here, there's dictatorship. Your complaints about some admins will not be taken count of. Be glad you're just muted and not banned. You can still play, why all the sadness?

but he(rizzla)s right.
why dont player mute?
even i know how to do that and i RARELY play css.
i think you guys know that you are wrong but you just dont want to admit it.
if you dont CARE about it at all, its different. then u just act like an ass. :/
W3 @re teh w1n;/

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#60 Rizla+++


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 05:13 AM

Oh, I made friends again :D No, i wasn't involved in the muting, otherwise you would ask for unban. People are bothered by your chatter, get it ? We don't like it. If we have the power to do smth about it, we do it. Like in this case. You don't like being mute ? Stop talking into mic ! There is no democracy here, there's dictatorship. Your complaints about some admins will not be taken count of. Be glad you're just muted and not banned. You can still play, why all the sadness?

but he(rizzla)s right.
why dont player mute?
even i know how to do that and i RARELY play css.
i think you guys know that you are wrong but you just dont want to admit it.
if you dont CARE about it at all, its different. then u just act like an ass. :/

Oh thanks man, at last someone that agrees WITH LOGIC. As you said, he doesn't care, he is a total ass that is for sure. You can mute me, everyone can.. He will NEVER answer to this part of the question. WHY CANT YOU MUTE ME MANUALLY YOU PSYCHO? cause you re a psycho, let me answer this for you. I hope that u understand the situation and why I am talking this way.. 4 friends muted by mamut, after boogie called him, because.... they wanna tell us it is for the good of shy players who cant speak, to feel undisturbed? i dont think so.. THAT IS THE TRUTH that is spoken by the facts. It was a "NOW WE WILL SHOW YOU" demonstration. an admin conspiracy. It cannot be anyone else than boogie, who personally started hating me 4 days ago when i was in his team, (and also could not make 3 kliks to mute me, but instead asked me to leave). That "man" cant even admit it, because that man is a woman! El greco kindly asked her if she called mamut and she answered "ofc not"... YOU RE NOT FOOLING ANYOBODY. Clean the place from piece of shit admins like you 2!

So yesterday i was banned for using nickname "kyra-fofo" (for one round, and the fofo's kids notified him at once (hhahah do you pay them for this?? - ROUUFFFFFF). Excuse me but is this how they call you? i though it was fofo.. If i was Admin and someone had nick Rizla-paparizla i should ban him!? IF i ever be a admin, i will never do that! not for nicks... for fucks sake! (here you must say fofo that i will never be admin)

For once again, i have to tell it. PAY A FUCKING VISIT TO A GOD DAMNED PSYCHOLOGIST! HE WILL HELP YOU OUT WITH YOUR BEHAVIOUR. Besides, Who crazy admits his craziness??? GO GO GO!@ to a psycho doctor! die die die from cancer you disgusting miasma... "this is not democracy" get fucked ! who are you? who do you THINK you are?! you disguss all the community with your actions Ms. fofo!

Mithrandir, thanks for your words... but be careful as this stupid could ban you too just for supporting me.. haha but he will just fart your balls hhahahahahaa.

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