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#1 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 12:24 AM

I am completely tired of pushing auto assign on every map and playing against nice b00bs and uzzy on 95% of times. Not because they are any good, but because they are completely shit, lower than low, the definition of cancer in cs. Nothing is more low than a player who needs to choose the easier side on every fucking time for 600+ hours straight. Any normal server would ban these kind of idiots over any random cheater any given day. GG with explaining -40 teamratio, complete fags. I wish one day i would be as cool as you guys? 600+ hours of constant whoring, how do you people even do this? Do you actually think you achieved something with all this trouble? Better KD? Better rank? Better erection? Any old schooler would know its about winning the round, not about your personal stats, but i guess you dont learn basics in nonsteam. I would at least loose my focus for 5 minutes or something, but 600+ hours straight? Wow.. just wow...


From now on ill just tk your asses. I dont really care if i am banned. Who the fuck would want to play with retards like these anyways?

#2 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 07:20 AM

Hahahaha, Maska get a life, how sound that ? :lol:

#3 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 09:25 AM

Welcome to the club, personally i would BAN players like Plexer and Co, they bring nothing to the table whatsoever, no defuse, no planting, no rescuing the hostages... just camping in some god forsaken hole 90% of the time.
There could be a solution...remove Psychostats, or leave some stats about the accuracy, online time etc., this way there would be no reason for them to play like this.

P.S. course that would have no effect on perp because he's a "C" word, god bless him :).

#4 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 10:41 AM

You can't do nothing about that. The sooner you accept that fact the less gray hair you'll get.

This topic was brought up before, by me, I titled it "balance" if you remember. When I was admin I used to slay, kick, ban non-planters and WTJ whores but later realized that doesn't lead anywhere. The only player who changed was Flash )IeS( but the rest were back on WTJ the next day. You CAN'T change that on a public server.

Take any de_piranesi demo and watch how Ts plant A and CTs don't attack/defuse A at all. Every single round they will run to B and inside but never to cover A. And at least 3 of them camp out of time at the end.

I have noticed WTJ patterns on some regulars as well. Again, this is not a private war server but a pub with plenty of noobs and if you join such a server it means you want to have some relaxing fun, as opposed to play a "serious" clan war. And you're obviously not relaxing. You will have a relaxing fun only if you ENJOY your game. And you can enjoy it only if you play however you want. Join the side you want. Nobody will care about balance. And when you play like you want then you will stop caring about others (just as they don't care about you, right?), trust me.

#5 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 12:15 PM

take all 1 year piranesi demos and u woulnt find perp rushing A, usually only bridge :D

and maska you not only low in css but in math too, if u join auto u cant end playing against "one side chooser" 95% of times, so for better balance join easy team bc u cant help your team anyway, prolly u cant learn pub basics in steam!?

#6 Sculder_


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Posted 30 December 2009 - 12:57 PM

santa b00bs : whoresss

#7 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 01:08 PM

OMG nice wh000000re if I were u ,I would stfu !!! I'd say u the leading whore at the moment. :o :shock: http://css.setti.inf...tyle_emoticons/default/icon_exclaim.gif

Once we were playing de nuke (maybe 1 week ago) ct was winning as always (6-1 I think), and nice b00bs joined the game !!!!he waited 3 rounds at spect to get a slot at ct !!!!,omg that's so pathetic....and u will never se him palying ,as t at aztec,ct at italy ,t at nuke ,t at fire...and so on and on.... U just can call it MEGA WHORING ! Even after swap he plays 1-2 rounds tops --->goes to spect---> quits the game.
Also there is a big difference between uzzy and nice b00bs , first of all ,it's much easier to kill uzzy then nice wh0re , cos uzzy is not protected by the human shield ,unlike nice wh0re ( behind 3-4 players back ) if u managed to kill 3-4 players in a row ,nice wh0re will make sure u won't go any futher ( do u cach my drift?)

so... I've decided to make TOP SETTI WHORE LIST (monster bots not uncluded :) ) , so here we go :
1. Perplexer
2. nice b00bs
3. Slo mamut
4. uzzy
5. bugy
7. toni ALABAMA
8. Juice
9. saka zulu
10. easy ALABAMA

P.S. : u can also post your own TOP SETTI WHORE LIST , I would love to see it :D ,cheers..

#8 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 01:15 PM

lol 4 place that means you think a lot about me

#9 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 02:16 PM

u breez drink much jack maybe, post that demo where i wait 3 rounds in spec, lol u can think prolly clear, and stop whoring - always after good players in one whorin team.

just joined server and guess what - pro whore breezer again in same team with all best players :D

#10 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 02:47 PM

u breez drink much jack maybe, post that demo where i wait 3 rounds in spec, lol u can think prolly clear, and stop whoring - always after good players in one whorin team.

r u retarded nice wh000re? who called me whore in game? unlike u bum ,I join hard side ,swap myself to other team to help if needed ,always trying to defuse....how many times ppl called u whore?huh? i remember once Rde start to TA at office ,cos u camped with awp like clueless monkey and didn't helped your team to rescue hostages ,and he said something like that : nice b00bs don't think that next round time runs out and u still be alive with awp.

U see the problem is ,that players like nice FAG can't be ranked 95 at stats ,cos after 4 years of playing at setti and 95!!!!,that's a shame right http://css.setti.inf...tyle_emoticons/default/icon_question.gif
Perplexer was right about one thing ,that he really balanced teams and banned people , but it's only happend like that ,when his team was loosing :D

edit: teams was fair ,same amount of good players at both teams, b00bs joined t(easy side as always) they lose 3 rounds in a row,and guess what happend? nice FAG swaped to winning team :D :D :D :D u fooled yourself on this one hahahaha ;)

#11 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 03:04 PM

lets say it right - u join teams with good players, when ur your team wins 15:0 u don't swap. i saw that so many times... funny how u master whore shit so much about whorin.

#12 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 03:30 PM

lets say it right - u join teams with good players, when ur your team wins 15:0 u don't swap. i saw that so many times... funny how u master whore shit so much about whorin.

first of all ,when the new maps starts i don't press tab to see where the other players goes ! let's say map is italy :I joined the game --->pressed enter ---> pressed 2 --->pressed 1,clear? if my team wins more then 3-5 rounds ,I try to swap to the other one to help ,but sometimes u can't get a slot ,it happends rarely but it happends ,and when I'm playing as t at aztec or nuke and ct loosing I won't swap myself for one simple reason,no matter how shitty your team is u alway can get easy frags at those 2 maps.

and 1 more thing for the record : b00bs please stop talking bullshit,cos everybody knows that u're a WHORE ,be carefull u might have germs in your ass for whoring so much :D :D :D

#13 Guest_

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 07:44 PM

Hahahah i really laughed when boobs called breezer a whore
Have u ever seen breezer play boobs? the guy's crazy he rushes like a suicidal terrorist bomber (no offence breez ;)) and what do u do: u crouch.
Beside all that i started to not give a shit about that i just try to find a way to kill them if they start to annoy me; they just play it like it's a real war, who would rush there?

#14 Guest_

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 01:02 PM

hehe no problem buddy :) ,u see ,whores don't just don't get it ;)

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