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#1 Guest_

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Posted 14 March 2010 - 06:11 PM

We at Setti #1, the regulars, enjoy a good gameplay without retarded team attackers, bombers that don't realize they have to plant and so on and on. So since now there are 4 setti servers do you think we can at least have Setti #1 russian and ukrainian free? You can redirect them to the other servers or just ban them from this one.

Sincerely yours, fofo.

#2 k1ller



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Posted 14 March 2010 - 06:19 PM

Yes, there are plans to make #1 good for regulars while #2 - #4 are for newcomers. Blocking Russians and Ukrainians is not a good solution.

There are few ideas about how to improve gameplay, but... well we'll have to wait and see. Having too much "good regular players" is not good for gameplay either. Setti #2 - #4 probably improve in gameplay when there are more admins and stuff like that. Getting good players from #2 - #4 to #1 might be one option. Then we should figure out way how to get complete noobs away from #1. "Average joe" players are still required for good gameplay.
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#3 Guest_Infect Tempura

Guest_Infect Tempura
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Posted 15 March 2010 - 10:25 AM

Same opinion than Fofo,

I discovered four server yesterday and i was surprised to see a lot of "new players" and free Slots, however i quickly became disillusioned when i started to play...
I was very fast disappointed when i saw they were for the greater part, TA'ers, TK'ers or cheaters... First Server tested, in less than 2min, 1TA and 3TK .... This morning on #1 , 2Cheaters, ....

I need to know where are the good regulars. I'm pretty annoyed

Will you do something to fix this influx of bad player?

#4 Guest_

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 01:09 PM

Is there a way to coordonate the server with psychostats? Write a script or plug-in, i dunno. This way you don't need to ban russians but only allow the ones with at least 1:1 kd. I know it's a long shot, but i was just asking if it's possible.

#5 Guest_

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 01:29 PM

I haven't seen russian with KD 1.1 ,maybe 0.2 ;)

#6 Guest_

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 01:54 PM

Psychostats also shows teamkills, bomb planting / defuses and hostage rescue. Coordonating that with the server, in time, will clean the server of team attackers, non defusals and so on. But IF it's possible.

#7 k1ller



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Posted 15 March 2010 - 02:52 PM

Psychostats also shows teamkills, bomb planting / defuses and hostage rescue. Coordonating that with the server, in time, will clean the server of team attackers, non defusals and so on. But IF it's possible.

It's possible and we've done it previously with "skilled time" plugin if you remember that one. It doesn't work reliably because players can't be reliably identified through SteamIDs. Name based identification still works somewhat well but the results weren't encouraging anyway. When good players (top-100) play against each others they start playing like complete idiots, they become noobs. Good players need the noobs to feel that they are good. When they play against each others and get score like 10 - 10 and team scores are 5 - 5 good players quit because they think "they are having a bad day".

Problem with the Psychostats identification is also that the noob players should play there for example 1-5 hours before they could be identified as noobs. How else could you tell about a player who has never played before whether he is a noob, average or pro? There are gazillion noobs in the world so even if we could identify and ban 10000 noobs at Setti there would be gazillion-10000 noobs still joining the server at any given time. Impossible to ban them all.

I need to know where are the good regulars. I'm pretty annoyed

Setti #2, #3 and #4 obviously are lower in skill now. Everybody starts as a noob. I expect the skill level to improve a little bit over time, however it's quite likely that players on Setti #1 will be overlords at #2 - #4 anyway. That is why Setti #1 players shouldn't even bother to go at #2, #3 or #4 just so they can complain about the skill level there. If you still go you go there knowingly.

Regulars will probably return to Setti #1 as soon as they learn about the new IP. That server probably recovers to "full health" quite soon as regulars find it.

One idea that I've been thinking is that we take Setti #1 away from Setti's MasterServer with some neat logic. The regular players would still join Setti through favorites or whatever. New good players might find Setti #1 through servers #2 - #4. If player amount at Setti #1 would drop below some threshold the server could be put back in the MasterServer (= neat logic) to fill it with any noob or pro who happens to double click Setti CSS server in the serverlist.
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#8 Guest_

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 03:40 PM

I like the last one

#9 ticon_



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Posted 15 March 2010 - 05:47 PM

One idea that I've been thinking is that we take Setti #1 away from Setti's MasterServer with some neat logic. The regular players would still join Setti through favorites or whatever. New good players might find Setti #1 through servers #2 - #4. If player amount at Setti #1 would drop below some threshold the server could be put back in the MasterServer (= neat logic) to fill it with any noob or pro who happens to double click Setti CSS server in the serverlist.

I like this idea. When Setti's not in Masterserverlist, cheaters also can't join it that easy i think.

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