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Make Your Petition Against SOPA & PIPA

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#1 backis13



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 01:24 PM

Alright guys and girls, this is something that can afect us all.
If you don't know what SOPA is watch this vid.

Make your own petition here

#2 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 02:44 PM

Are you aware that USA laws don't apply to rest of the world? SOPA might affect most people in the world but it's still just a USA legislation. Europeans can't vote in USA.

Majority of Setti's visitors are from Russia or Europe.
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#3 backis13



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 03:10 PM

Most sites and servers are located in the US and what happens there can affect you.
There's a link that you can send a petition to the State Department. All you have to do is to enter an e-mail.

#4 cpanther


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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 03:32 PM

according to what I read about SOPA.. is just a USA bill that most likely will not pass in congres..
Tipical USA, they think America is the center of the universe and every one in the rest of the world is going to play ball
SOPA will only be possible if microsoft agress to it.. with is hard to believe that will ever happen

And more to the point.. how long you think will take for some one in Europe to make a operating system like windows ?

SOPA sounds a bit like a internet SOAP :thumbdown:
You don't need to be, to be some one, but been who you are is everything you need to be.

#5 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 04:07 PM

Tipical USA, they think America is the center of the universe and every one in the rest of the world is going to play ball

The legislation does not apply outside USA.

In Europe The Piratebay has been blocked by many ISPs already. Demand to block TPB comes from copyright organizations in movie and music business. See Google news for the topic: http://www.google.co...d&hl=en&tbm=nws

SOPA is usual "sue everyone" type of law that are common in USA. They like to sue whenever it's possible to use someone.


SOPA will only be possible if microsoft agress to it.. with is hard to believe that will ever happen

What?! :blink:

And more to the point.. how long you think will take for some one in Europe to make a operating system like windows ?

Do you mean Linux :razz:
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#6 cpanther


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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 04:22 PM

Yeah I bet the guys at Linux are SOPA fans.....they will love SOPA to go a head :P

PS: I mean.. surely microsoft will have to band the IP's trough windows right?...
You don't need to be, to be some one, but been who you are is everything you need to be.

#7 Xarc


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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 06:25 PM

Yeah I bet the guys at Linux are SOPA fans.....they will love SOPA to go a head :P

lol ... from where did you get this ?

#8 Selena


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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 06:57 PM

Most sites and servers are located in the US and what happens there can affect you.
There's a link that you can send a petition to the State Department. All you have to do is to enter an e-mail.

All countries are affected by this. Example number 1. Wikipedia 2. Ebay 3. Google.

Sopa will give american governments power to stop any site they want, within America of course but this will still affect us.

#9 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 07:21 PM

Sopa will give american governments power to stop any site they want, within America of course but this will still affect us.

They wouldn't be able to stop Setti for example. Setti is hosted in Germany. European legislation in Europe. SOPA doesn't apply in Europe. DMCA is similar issue, Americans can send their abuse messages to Europe but they have no authority outside USA. For example see the popular TPB legal threats: http://thepiratebay.org/legal (btw, TPB is banned by a large Finnish ISP by a court order, other ISPs can still allow traffic to TPB). Also EULA agreements that are common in software are often invalid outside USA. So there is no reason to panic, you are not in the USA.

According to news sites they are not passing the SOPA bill as it is. How they update it remains to be seen...
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#10 MvPRO Administrator

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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 07:38 PM

Unfortunely USA have affect on other countries.

If this vote will be accepted - country will not mean anything.
Lets make setti better!
Find servers which break rules and report!

If you have any questions, you can talk with me on ICQ: 376421296 or E-Mail: admin@mvpro.net

#11 Ghost



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 07:43 PM

Most sites and servers are located in the US and what happens there can affect you.
There's a link that you can send a petition to the State Department. All you have to do is to enter an e-mail.

All countries are affected by this. Example number 1. Wikipedia 2. Ebay 3. Google.

Sopa will give american governments power to stop any site they want, within America of course but this will still affect us.

That's one of the problems, but realistically they're not going to "stop any site they want".

The biggest problem is that big social media companies like Google, Wikipedia, blogging sites and such will be too easy to sue. Then those big companies will wash their hands by banning minorities from their sites because that's easier than solving numerous specific cases. For example Wikipedia could shutdown Romanian Wikipedia because they don't have resources to control what Romanian people write there. It's easier than being sued over dozens of individual Romanians writing copyrighted content to the Romanian site. Similarly other sites would voluntarily block more than is legally required because it's technically and financially better. This would unnecessarily restrict the freedom of internet for those who're not in the majority. It would be more of a voluntary restriction from the site administrations rather than legally enforced restriction.

There was good blog post about this somewhere, but I don't remember where it was anymore. The main point was that every time companies have legally "protected" themselves they've done it in a way that is too extreme - just to avoid similar legal problems in the future.

#12 Ghost



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 07:46 PM

Unfortunely USA have affect on other countries.

If this vote will be accepted - country will not mean anything.

Yes it will.

#13 cpanther


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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 09:07 PM

Yeah I bet the guys at Linux are SOPA fans.....they will love SOPA to go a head :P

lol ... from where did you get this ?

How you think that SOPA bill will be enforce ? is only one way to do it.. The USA goverment have to give the ban IP's to ISP's.. then your ISP will erase the IP from your DNS ( Domain Name System )...etc

But is thanks to microsoft that ISP's have that level of control in your computer...
If your operating system don't allow that much control.. SOPA will be impossible to enforce.
You don't need to be, to be some one, but been who you are is everything you need to be.

#14 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 09:15 PM

But is thanks to microsoft that ISP's have that level of control in your computer...
If your operating system don't allow that much control.. SOPA will be impossible to enforce.

How do you come up with this stuff? :wacko: Did you read it somewhere? :shock: It doesn't make any sense. Reading your earlier posts you aren't trolling either. It's puzzling... I knew people like you exist but why?! Why do you come up with this random stuff?! Why are you posting it on the internet... weird.
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#15 cpanther


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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 09:59 PM

But is thanks to microsoft that ISP's have that level of control in your computer...
If your operating system don't allow that much control.. SOPA will be impossible to enforce.

How do you come up with this stuff? :wacko: Did you read it somewhere? :shock: It doesn't make any sense. Reading your earlier posts you aren't trolling either. It's puzzling... I knew people like you exist but why?! Why do you come up with this random stuff?! Why are you posting it on the internet... weird.

Hey maybe I'm wrong.. or maybe I'm right...If you know a way to connect to the internet via MS-DOS.. let me know please...

But to have an ADMIN in any forum been offensive and attacking some one for having a point of view.. that is very low...and a bit disappointing..

Maybe a productive post explaining why I'm wrong will been better :thumbdown:
You don't need to be, to be some one, but been who you are is everything you need to be.

#16 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 11:03 PM

Hey maybe I'm wrong.. or maybe I'm right...If you know a way to connect to the internet via MS-DOS.. let me know please...

People who were born in 80's or earlier know how to "connect to the internet via MS-DOS". It has nothing to do with how DNS services would be blocked. It's irrelevant whether you use DOS, Linux or Windows.

Maybe a productive post explaining why I'm wrong will been better :thumbdown:

You are wrong in so many levels that it's practically impossible to explain.

The misconceptions that you have are just too many. For you the internet is about Facebook, Google and games. You can't do anything to your presumably young age. However you shouldn't be that ignorant.

This is internet:

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#17 cpanther


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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 11:14 PM

Hey maybe I'm wrong.. or maybe I'm right...If you know a way to connect to the internet via MS-DOS.. let me know please...

People who were born in 80's or earlier know how to "connect to the internet via MS-DOS". It has nothing to do with how DNS services would be blocked. It's irrelevant whether you use DOS, Linux or Windows.

Maybe a productive post explaining why I'm wrong will been better :thumbdown:

You are wrong in so many levels that it's practically impossible to explain.

The misconceptions that you have are just too many. For you the internet is about Facebook, Google and games. You can't do anything to your presumably young age. However you shouldn't be that ignorant.

This is internet:

Right...you just offended me again...make a remark about how people use to dial-up to other computers in the 80's....and show me a you tube video about how to set a network in MS-DOS...

I bet porn looks great with 1 and 0.. and in white letters...but that not explains why I'm wrong :thumbdown:
You don't need to be, to be some one, but been who you are is everything you need to be.

#18 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 11:20 PM

Offended by a MS-DOS dial-up video, congratulations :thumbsup:
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#19 k1ller



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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 11:31 PM

TheDailyWTF has a good supporting message for SOPA:

Check the message at http://thedailywtf.com/ (will probably be gone tomorrow so QFT).

Support The Daily WTF in Supporting the Support SOPA Movement

It’s January 18, 2012 and, while most of the internet has decided to blackout their sites in opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), we’re taking an opposite stance and are whiting-out The Daily WTF in support of SOPA supporters.

If there’s one thing that SOPA proponents like myself and SOPA opponents can agree on, it’s that PROTECT-IP and the Stop Online Piracy Act have little to do with protecting intellectual property and stopping online piracy.

After all, those who choose to steal creative works like the “I Have a Dream” speech from artists like Martin Luther King Jr. can already be sued and prosecuted under existing United States copyright laws. IP thieves living overseas can already be extradited to face justice in our federal courts. And the Department of Homeland Security can already arbitrarily seize domain names that fit its arbitrary standard of violating national something-or-other.

While these laws will make such acts more illegal (and therefore reduce infringement), they’re doing something much, much more important: helping dismantle DNS and the internet as we know it. And that’s something that we firmly support and can stand by.

You see, back in the day, if you wanted to get online and access electronically-stored information like digitized photographs, electronic bulletin boards, and informational databanks, there was only one thing you needed: a telephone number. You’d simply fire up your favorite telecommunications program (mine was Telix), have it dial that phone number, and after a refreshing symphony of beeps and hisses, you were online.

Each phone number transported you to a quaint, peaceful community that was almost entirely self-sufficient. There was no “hyperlinking” between systems: you simply wrote down the phone number, signed-off of the current system, and then dialed into the new system. And let me tell you, there are few experiences in life that can parallel the utter bliss of discovering a new phone number and a new electronic resource.

And then the Information Superhighway – and its tightly integrated Domain Name System – came along, decimating these peaceful, independent communities. The bulletin boards of old were ground up and churned in the giant “dot com” machine, leaving an interconnected web of domain names. There’s no more “going online” – you’re already online – and if you want to access an electronic resource, you can use a “domain name” like TheDailyWTF.com.

Domain names are highly confusing in that they not only describe what the electronic resource is, but where it is as well. Nothing else in the world works like this for obvious reasons. Could you imagine the complete confusion in day-to-day things like getting a phone number? Is that “jenny eighty-six dot com” or “jenny eighty-six dot net”? We would be in complete chaos.

SOPA and PROTECT-IP offer hope in returning to the golden age of telecommunications, and to the days before the Information Superhighway polluted the online culture with this domain name nonsense. Let the Domain Name System a natural death and prepare yourself for the Internet Protocol Number (IPN) renaissance. All you need to do is start a notebook that lists electronic resource names and their corresponding IPN. And let the first entry in your notebook be

The Daily WTF

We can only hope that our legislators introduce common sense guidelines to ban HTTP (and HTML/JavaScript) as well so we can all return to the more sensible GOPHER standard.

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#20 cpanther


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Отправлено 18 January 2012 - 11:33 PM

Offended by a MS-DOS dial-up video, congratulations :thumbsup:

Hey!!! what if I'm from some weird planet were MS-DOS means something very nasty...like..you are a pink elephant... :lol:

All fun and games....no worries..

You ask why I post in the internet... because I like learning.. even if some times I may be wrong ;)
You don't need to be, to be some one, but been who you are is everything you need to be.

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