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CoD4 Server Submit Problem

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#1 LineX



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 05:40 PM

Hi Guys I want to add my Gameserver over the Server Submit Box. My Source Games works fine but at CoD4 Servers he says "no response"!
My CoD4 IP is linex.ath.cx:28960.

#2 Ghost



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 08:36 PM

Thanks for reporting. Cod4 server adding fixed.

Actually the server was correctly added, but the error message was displayed wrong.

#3 LineX



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Posted 12 April 2010 - 08:45 AM

No problem Guys ;) Setti Rockz :-D

#4 LineX



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Posted 13 April 2010 - 08:43 PM

Guys My Server was added but it won´t show in the Setti Server List.

#5 Ghost



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 05:19 AM

It doesn't reply. Is it online?

#6 LineX



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 11:11 AM

My Server is not 24/7 online I only add the DynDNS but at Valve Games Servers the Server will be Update every time..

#7 Ghost



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 11:59 AM

Setti must verify servers before they're added on the list. Verifications take their time, which means the servers can't be listed immediately. It's the downside of dynamic IP address.

In general nobody should be hosting on a dynamic home connection, although I understand many are hosting anyway.

#8 LineX



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 02:34 PM

I know but I have 50 mbit bandwidth @Home and my IP is not static. I have to use DynDNS... :(

#9 k1ller



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 02:51 PM

Bandwidth hasn't been a problem for many years now. Home connections are generally unreliable. Some reasons listed:

1. Latency on cable connections is usually high
2. Server admins use the same connection themselves
3. Even semi-static IPs change every few months
4. Unable to have dedicated server for hosting a game server
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#10 LineX



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 04:56 PM

Mhhh... I don´t agree my Ping is total normal and I have VDSL 10 Mbits Upstream and 50 Mbits Downstream. I host CSS Gameserver on High rates and Tickrate 100 Slots 24 all works very fine without High Ping etc.. The biggest problem is the 24 h reconnect in my Country.

#11 k1ller



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 07:12 PM

Mhhh... I don´t agree my Ping is total normal and I have VDSL 10 Mbits Upstream and 50 Mbits Downstream.

My point mostly was that in terms of latency / ping it doesn't matter if you have 1 Mbps, 5 Mbps, 10 Mbps or 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps connection if 1 Mbps is all the traffic there is on the server. Upload bandwidth is also more important than the downloading bandwidth because the server will send more data than it receives. Reason for this is that the server is sending bigger "world updates" to clients and clients only send small "status updates" to server. At Setti the upload/download ratio is about 2.5. It means that upload bandwidth is consumed about 2.5 times more than download bandwidth at the same time.

DSL connections often have lower latency than cable connections and that is good for your server hosting.

Tickrate doesn't directly affect consumed bandwidth. Having tickrate 100 only means that your server will simulate the world updates 100 times per second. It doesn't necessarily mean that 100 updates are sent to clients per second.

Variables that affect how much data is transferred between clients and the server are these:

sv_mincmdrate 66

sv_maxcmdrate 101

sv_minupdaterate 66

sv_maxupdaterate 101

sv_minrate 10000

sv_maxrate 30000
Variables sv_mincmdrate and sv_maxcmdrate say that clients should send atleast 66 status updates per second but at most 101 updates. In practice players who have graphics FPS (frames per second) lower than 66 will only send the amount of updates that is their FPS. For more info about this check this article: Rate settings in perspect of FPS.

Sv_minupdaterate and sv_maxupdaterate set the limits about how many world updates the clients can request from the server. Even if the client would request 30 world updates (default) per second he would be sent 66 world updates regardless. The maximum amount of world updates is 101 but at Setti the server is running with 66 tickrate so the maximum amount of updates that can be sent is 66. So even if the client would request more and even though the server.cfg says that 101 is the maximum the server realizes that 66 updates is the maximum that it can send and optimally sends that amount.

Sv_minrate and sv_maxrate mean about the same things as above. However many people misunderstand what sv_minrate means. It doesn't mean that constant flow of 10000 bytes (10 kilobytes) must be sent constantly. The variable means that client can minimally request 10 kilobytes of data being sent to him. Even if the client would request only 1 byte per second he would get updates that are around 10 kilobytes if the server sees it necessary to send that much world updates - for example sending 66 updates per second can require more than 10 kBps. Sv_maxrate again restricts the maximum amount of data that the server would send - if more should be sent but cannot be sent it means that the clients will get "network loss". The other common term is "network choke" which means that the client tells the server that "you are sending more data than I'm ready to receive, please only send me as much data as I've defined in my rate setting".

These settings are nowadays not as important as they used to be. High speed internet connections are 100% common in modern countries. The thing that restricts technically optimal gaming today is the graphics FPS. Low FPS players can't receive or send more updates than what their computers and graphics card can handle.
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