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Member Since 09 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2013 10:25 AM

Topics I've Started

Sigma is not happy!

14 June 2011 - 08:15 PM

I'm trying to join the server and there are 28 ppl in a 24 ppl server. What the hell?!
Fix it, kthnxbai.

What happened to Sigma?

17 February 2011 - 03:34 PM

yeah what did happen to that awesome Sigma guy?

hey I heard he's been trying to join but can't BECAUSE THERE ARE 30 PLAYERS IN A 24 PLAYER SERVER ALL THE TIME WHAT THE FUCK?!

fix it, kthnxbye ;)


01 June 2010 - 11:50 PM

Why is my reputation -2 ???
Is there any way to change it or is a matter of what others think of you?

Rank YOUR 5 Top And Bottom Maps

27 May 2010 - 08:56 PM

Write which your 5 favorite, and most dreaded maps are. Any and all maps are allowed, they don't have to be in the Setti cycle. I'll go first :


Aztec (STUPID ASS AWPING MAP  :angry:  )

How about you?

ADMIN ABUSE - Guess who :)

22 May 2010 - 12:54 PM


(Copied from Sigmas console, double space has been added to make it easier to read.)

(CT) Perplexer attacked a teammate

(CT) Perplexer attacked a teammate

(CT) Perplexer attacked a teammate

Perplexer killed WiZzArDs |JoSe.CueRvO with deagle.

Mvk killed θου βου with awp.

Player Perplexer has been forgiven for team killing WiZzArDs |JoSe.CueRvO

*DEAD* WiZzArDs |JoSe.CueRvO :  wtf

Perplexer killed Opfer with awp.

(CT) tn!true attacked a teammate

(CT) tn!true attacked a teammate

(CT) 8Ball attacked a teammate

*DEAD* Sigma :  pffff lol

WiZzArDs |JoSe.CueRvO :  wtf????????

(ADMIN) Perplexer: banned player WiZzArDs |JoSe.CueRvO

tn!true :  ))

WiZzArDs |sHaines^ :  wtf perp


Perplexer :  shut up !

tn!true :  perp noob

Surex connected

MOUSE3 is unbound.

Opfer attacked a teammate

8Ball killed θου βου with m249.

Sigma :  perp thats admin abuse!

ABASRATCA killed FiNn with m4a1.

ABASRATCA killed OpTic Irish with m4a1.

[PaThetiC] UnlimitED :  ya

Player -V@$iLH$_g13- { m@g@$_g@mi@$ } was autokicked for breaking the 120ms
ping limit on this server

(ADMIN) Perplexer: banned player Sigma

You have been banned by Admin for 120 minutes

Disconnect: Added to banned list.

Disconnect: Added to banned list.

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Jose gets banned.

Posted Image

Saying this, and only this, got me banned. I was banned immediately after this picture was taken.

Posted Image