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MvPRO Administrator

Member Since 29 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Private

#13704 [New] New extensive fake servers report

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 17 October 2010 - 01:44 PM - impossible server, admins of it spam all servers which are on setti master server registered with bots named "[war3ft.ru] *random Symbols*". You must ban it permanently. - admin of these servers named "Mar1k", this guy DDOs and buguse in all servers, he want. It

+ 1
Strongly agree.
But mar1k servers only two and

Thanks for support.

Yes, i am talking about IP.

#13710 [New] New extensive fake servers report

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 17 October 2010 - 02:19 PM

All Class I. servers banned. Servers with fake players are not yet banned, but it's good idea for server admins to stop using fake players because it's fooling normal players.

Registering servers automatically has been made more difficult. There aren't any visible changes in the server submission form, but it's not possible to automatically submit servers anymore.

:smile-thumbs-up:  Yes, i hope that server administrators may understand, that they mustn`t fooling players.

#13842 [New] New extensive fake servers report

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 18 October 2010 - 11:30 PM


All fakes

Thanks, for helping us to detect fakes.

I will check it in next 6 hours.

#13841 [New] New extensive fake servers report

Posted by trup1k on 18 October 2010 - 11:07 PM


All fakes

#13832 Проблемы с добавлением сервера

Posted by Guest on 18 October 2010 - 08:16 PM

Сервис работает отлично, спасибо вам за то што вы есть )))

#13807 Ban theese FAKE SERVERS !

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 18 October 2010 - 02:36 PM

ok , thx .. i tought k1ller's reply was for mixfix

I am not understand what for did you write it.

Answer the question.

#13824 Ban theese FAKE SERVERS !

Posted by k1ller on 18 October 2010 - 07:18 PM

Your attitude is not warranted. Setti MasterServer is a free service and here you are complaining. You are not entitled to complain about anything related to the service. When you start doing something to improve it you can start making demands.

These were the questions:
Why do you host fake servers? WHY DO YOU HOST SERVERS AT ALL?

#13823 Ban theese FAKE SERVERS !

Posted by TiTex on 18 October 2010 - 07:07 PM

ok , thx .. i tought k1ller's reply was for mixfix

I am not understand what for did you write it.

Answer the question.

first of all , learn proper english or use google translate... if you don't understand , i don't know what you don't understand so you can see my dilema? ... or maybe learn to read so you can understand, next time i'll draw you a picture in paint hopefully you'll understand

P.S. get a life and stop with your "fake" servers because not everybody is realy faking anithing.

second ... i don't see a question for what i should answer to

#13800 Ban theese FAKE SERVERS !

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 18 October 2010 - 11:27 AM

They are not fake servers. WTF?  :angry:  :thumbdown:

Not all. But some.. See it:	IlogicGroup CS 1.6 #Sv1	20 / 24	fy_snow	Counter-Strike	4785.204.9.184:27019	IlogicGroup CS 1.6 #Sv1	20 / 24	fy_snow	Counter-Strike	47 - already removed84.232.150.48:27015 - normal servers, not fake94.177.106.80 - normal servers, not fake188.24.69.170 - already removedGhost, dont blame this guy. Not all have great brain for detection..

hey Ghost , can you please unban my server's IP address wasn't trying to use fake servers, my normal server was hosted on multimple ports first on 27015 , then 27020 and i was hosting a second normal server on port 27017 only fy_ maps.after some time i decided to let go of these servers because my internet connection could not handle it but people (players) were still using those ports for connecting or they've added to favorite and that's why i have not shut them down.so i have multiple servers on my box (real ones) , if you willing to let me add them i would appriciate it , if not ... sorry for my 3 "ghost" servers i was still runingthese are the real ones85.204.9.184:27015 - cs1.6 normal85.204.9.184:27016 - cs1.6 gungame85.204.9.184:27025 - cs1.6 clanwar85.204.9.184:27018 - hl1 deathmatchthx

can somebody please give me a straight answer ?is there any chanse getting unbaned ?thx

Administrator ask you the question.


Why do you host fake servers? WHY DO YOU HOST SERVERS AT ALL?


#13803 Ban theese FAKE SERVERS !

Posted by TiTex on 18 October 2010 - 01:20 PM

ok , thx .. i tought k1ller's reply was for mixfix

#13759 cs 1.6

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 17 October 2010 - 08:28 PM

Уважаемые админы,добавьте пожалуйста мой сервер,

На будущее: вы можете сами добавлять сервера на главной странице сайта (css.setti.info)

#13765 cs 1.6

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 17 October 2010 - 08:40 PM

уже 3-й час пошел,а он не высветился(((я и раньше так просил админы добовляли))

Если сервер не в бане, то он добавиться в течение 24 часов.

#13768 Проблемы с добавлением сервера

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 17 October 2010 - 08:56 PM

MvPRO Administrator
1. Сервер Включен
2. Порт 27015
3. Отключил
4. Недавно сделал, но сомневаюсь что он активирован. Можно ли определить что у меня внешний IP?
И всё равно та-же ошибка...

1. Подключение к серверу через игру не проходит
2. Это ясно. Вы уверены, что он открыт? У вас интернет через модем/роутер?
4. Попросить кого-нибудь подключиться к вашему компьютеру по IP. Например с помощью программы для удалённой поддержки Hidden Administrator.

#13744 Проблемы с добавлением сервера

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 17 October 2010 - 06:27 PM

Есть ещё вопрос. Использовав поисковик Яндекс и Гугли,в гугли ничего не нашел, в Яндексе нашел только программу Lan2net, установил, в итоге упал интернет и пришлось восстанавливать всё. Теперь есть вопрос:
Не могли бы вы сказать собственный гайд по созданию NAT-ip? Все мои поиски безрезультатны + видел на сайте подобный гайд но не знаю где он...

Поставьте сервер только на Internet. Добавляйте в Setti свой внешний IP. Его можно узнать например здесь: 2ip.ru

#13748 cs 1.6

Posted by Guest on 17 October 2010 - 06:41 PM

ну вот сейчас я перезапустил сервер,нажал добавить на главной странице,высветилось зеленым)а почему я не могу держать включенным fakefull_original.amxx,просто он 2 игрока фейк добовляет а когда кто нибудь заходит они убираются,так удобно когда сервер пустой)