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Member Since 14 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2022 12:01 PM

#57141 admin apply

Posted by SyrinXeno on 19 December 2011 - 05:17 PM

Hehe, bumbly ... ;)
Very active and friendly.
+1 :thumbsup:

#56718 CS:GO Maps for Source!

Posted by SyrinXeno on 13 December 2011 - 03:10 PM

I found de_dust2 and de_dust from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive converted to CS:S maps!

Posted Image    [color=#a9a9a9]de_dust2_csgo

Posted Image    [color=#a9a9a9]de_dust2_csgo

Posted Image    [color=#a9a9a9]de_dust_csgo

I don't have a CS:GO Beta key, so I can't compare how they correspond to the actual CS:GO maps, but they really look like them from what I've seen of CS:GO so far.
I tested them, they are more fps consumable (You don't say!), but still playable (I hardly came below 200 fps with my own config). De_dust2 wasn't changed a lot, still more than I expected (by Valve, not the one converting the map). De_dust was changed quite a bit (there are now stairs going up from the underpass, bombsite B was moved a bit, etc. ...), but I think for the better, gameplay- and balance-wise. One thing I noticed though is that barrels aren't movable now, I'm not sure if they are in CS:GO, but in these ported maps they behave more like wall (you can jump on them, shoot through the side dealing less damage, ...).
The maps are very large, de_dust_csgo has 121 MB and de_dust2_csgo has 115 MB. I'm not sure if Setti servers can handle them and the possible traffic resulting, they can't even handle a lag-free game at the moment (else redirect everyone to download the .rar with half the size from the link above or from Setti homepage), but I'd really like to see those 2 maps on the Setti servers as soon as possible! :thumbsup:

Have fun, SyrinXeno!

#56572 Battlefield 3

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 December 2011 - 01:37 PM

How awesome?

#56468 de_inferno in reality!

Posted by SyrinXeno on 08 December 2011 - 12:20 AM

Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

I'd pay a lot of money to play paintball there xD

#56182 Psychostats

Posted by SyrinXeno on 03 December 2011 - 11:53 AM

Is there an estimate when it is going to work again? Worked the last time on 30.11 for me ...

#56176 Petition: Remove those nonsense camping maps

Posted by SyrinXeno on 03 December 2011 - 10:56 AM

cs_office: Not that unbalanced, it's just once one side is winning hard for the other one to catch up. Also it gets played too often and hence a little boring.

de_italy: Most unbalanced map on the servers, I wouldn't mind if it was removed/replaced.

de_dust: Also too unbalanced, unless Ts manage to rush to the first bombsite (A?) it's very hard for them to win which often results in camping Ts ... should definitely be removed/replaced (maybe there's a map like the de_dust in cs:go coming?).

de_aztec: Unbalanced, but somehow like Lemming enjoys de_italy, I enjoy this map ...

de_cbble: Balanced enough, shouldn't be removed.

de_nuke: One of the best maps imo and only unbalanced if T team consists of noobs. Keep it!

#56096 Battlefield 3

Posted by SyrinXeno on 01 December 2011 - 09:22 PM

#55976 Laggy pub2 server

Posted by SyrinXeno on 30 November 2011 - 12:22 PM

All servers equally lag like shit! It's no more fun to play, please fix it already!!!
Could it be the server providers?

#55913 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 28 November 2011 - 09:37 PM

Regarding the vertigo incident with the ladder:

I checked several other demos, apparently SourceTV doesn't capture the sound it makes when a person jumps off another person.

https://css.setti.in...-de_vertigo.dem short demo, about Tick 6000?
https://css.setti.in...226-de_dust.dem Tick 86000

Is this a common problem, or does only Setti's SourceTV have it? Can it be fixed? Anyway, just wanted you guys to know that.

#55283 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Posted by SyrinXeno on 20 November 2011 - 12:46 AM

"fullface"   STEAM_0:0:1025281120 WH
He aims a lot through the wall, you can notice his wh especially when he is on roof, then there's a solid proof at Tick 112k, also 122k, maybe 143k, again 153k ... and then demo wasn't uploaded fully yet ^^
Anyway, should be enough proof ... maybe watch from 60k? How often he knows enemy position on roof.

#55204 banned from no awp server

Posted by SyrinXeno on 19 November 2011 - 10:17 AM

  • Location ukraine ... I guess from Ukraine? ^^
Btw, I had the same problem long ago, it was probably a permanent auto-ban for I_love_Boobs back then, that's why you were banned.

#55175 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 18 November 2011 - 11:38 PM

All right, this thread is getting ridiculously long.

Some players that I respect have made it known to me that they were unconvinced that he cheats. So, it is not impossible that I have made a mistake, although I am confident that I haven't. In order to put a temporary end to this mess, I thus "officially" agree to unban SyrinXeno, but I reiterate my opinion that he is dirty and will be caught sooner or later.

As SyrinX himself said, many experienced players will be able to spec on server 1 and judge for themselves.  New complains are thus sure to be heard soon.

Thanks. It's never easy to admit mistakes, although you kind of are not doing this, but to be unbanned by you was what I was going for.

I'm also sure complaints will keep coming, because my (to you) "weird" playstyle isn't going to change, and with everyone spectating me now and watching my demos, the chances are high there will soon be another compilation of some nice kills by me. To everyone: just make sure you post demolinks and Ticks instead of making useless videos.

See you on the servers, peace out.

#55097 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 18 November 2011 - 10:40 AM

Ops..... Syrinxeno has forgotten that he was flashed??????
but he heard someone breathing out there and Bang!!!! :thumbsup:

lol Al1, you don't ever get it, do you? Youtube videos prove nothing at all, write demolink and ticks or just stfu!
This is a position in the map I'm almost every time at, and if at all, it might prove I can either find the window or a certain position blindly by now, or that I can get lucky as well. If you keep on searching every demo I've played in, you will also find parts where I kill people through smoke, wanna cut it out of context and post a video about them? I can also send you demos where it looks like aim, I still don't have any hacks, but at least you could make more meaningless videos. Of coure you'd have to cut out all the times I try shooting when flashed or through smoke and dont hit someone ...
It's a little odd that I zoom another time, but maybe I saw someone before getting flashed whom you can't see in your low quality video.
I don't remember the incident anymore. But this is not my clan tag, are you faking these videos?

#55041 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 17 November 2011 - 05:58 PM

But I wash myself regularly :(

Seriously now, where do you still find any evidence, I explained everything. If I watch all your demos, use r_drawothermodels 2 to playback them, with settings like removing shadows, cut the parts I need and upload it on youtube, you will also look like a cheater! Anyone would, but does it prove anything? I offered you to make a live gameplay video of me, to show you that I'm just a rather good player, but you wouldn't accept it. So why should I have to prove that I don't cheat when it's not even proven I do? Didn't I play long enough on Setti, ban and report enough cheaters and made clear how I feel about them, to be treated with a little more respect and "trust"?

The fairest would be to unban me yourself Lemming. Let me play on Main server and bring you the "smoking gun" evidence you need, even though I know it won't happen. I can live with not playing with you, just kick me in that case, but don't make another headadmin rectify your mistake and maybe admit that you banned too early due to the false image a not veridic youtube video gave you.

#54970 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 16 November 2011 - 10:22 PM

I said I heard the ladder, not one sound, and to be honest I can't remember every time I killed someone and how, so let me put it that way: I heard something. And after I killed Orion, I think I didn't even bargain for another enemy, but I saw him and he fled to the right. At that point, I knew someone was to the right or he went down, I threw a nade and checked to the right where the chance of meeting an enemy was higher than to the left, and after having peaked in already, I would have been shot in the back anyway, so turning to check the corner now would be futile. To be honest, I never encountered 3 enemies coming up the ladder, and in my opinion checking left in this situation would be just plain stupid. If you know someone is in there but you don't know where, it wouldn't be, but if you know someone is to the right, it would be.
You mean right after that when I look down? I shortly looked down to see if I can still see the one fleeing, but I didn't so I immediately went back, why should I stay there any longer?. Also you can see his hand, but I think it was the shortly looking down thing.

Concerning the nade kill: as I already said, I wasn't flashed, I killed the first and saw the 2nd run behind the corner, checking right again would be the better decision, since there already was a fight (another ct died there) and a third person there would have shot at him. I'm just trying to explain it, I didn't think that at this point, but I decided to look right, and I still think the chances in this situation for another enemy were higher to the right. After that the round was already over ... or did you mean another point? Post ticks to prevent misunderstandings.

How was it lucky timing, I didn't hit him. I managed several wallbangs on Setti already, why don't you complain about them?

I think you mean de_tuscan, and I'm not at head level of a crouching target, I'm somewhere in between both ... not because I want to have the shortest way in both cases and I know I would be faster to react, but because I'm not a world series pro, and I also do mistakes (I guess this one was caused because I was coming from a higher level than the next position an enemy could be at).

Neither Zbang nor you play a lot with me, how can you say something like that. How often have we played together, like 4 times?

I don't mean to offend you Lemming, but you said you have been playing CS:S for 5 or more years now ... I couldn't tell, because you simply don't play like that. I play this game for 1 year now, and I'm able to compete with most of you. It is sad that you can't trust me, but it's your decision.

Btw, quite fair of you: *DEAD* Lemming grrrrrrrrrumpy :  i personnally believe he is dodgy
Lemming grrrrrrrrrumpy :  although the videos are not completely convincing