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Member Since 28 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2012 01:34 AM

#70604 BMW 328

Posted by Rafy on 16 July 2012 - 11:46 PM

Guyz i want a new car...bmw

#71047 hurry up and get them

Posted by mostafa878 on 27 July 2012 - 12:44 AM

hi everyone i'm giving out premium netflix accounts hurry up  and get  them
User: wunderbra
Pass: wunderbra
User: Alberto
Pass: 123456
User: taylor32
Pass: taylor32
User: Zephyr
Pass: Zephyr
User: krngq81
Pass: mothugs
please comment when done :)

#1218 Masterserver installation instructions

Posted by k1ller on 06 August 2009 - 06:55 PM

Clarify few things:

1. You see cracked serverlist in your patched Steam, correct?
2. You see only few servers in your standalone Intenet-tab, correct?

Masterserver works for both Steam, no-steam and practically every game. The query protocol is exactly the same but each game just requests their own type of servers. For example CS:S requests "css serverlist" and GMod requests "gmod serverlist". For some games there are not much servers to show.

Check servers page at http://css.setti.info/servers and click the links on the left navigation. In the "other" category you'll find all the game types that don't have their own category.

If you think this didn't answer your question then post which server you can't see.