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#94813 Help with bots in CS Source

Отправлено по ClowTJ on 10 October 2014 - 01:56 PM в Gaming discussion



What i did?

1° Uninstall the game, delete all files in that folder. Then use C-Cleaner and restart the sistem (optional).

2° Re-Install the game in other different folder. Did all the same things again.

3° In this case i just installed the skins. All woks perfectly!!


 Now i can change the bot difficulty with the command. I guess my error the last time was install DeathMatch maps, and i knew the normal install doesn't have this game mode =)... I'll try to install normal maps, mean "BombDefuse" and "Hostages" game mode.

 Yeah, i know... I'm an asshole!!


 Sorry for the misunderstanding, and thanks for take a time and try to give me a solution =)


#94810 Help with bots in CS Source

Отправлено по ClowTJ on 09 October 2014 - 06:48 PM в Gaming discussion

 Thanks for the reply!!


 Yes, i did everything like in the video, and read all the instructions. Installed the game in a folder, then copy the patch in that folder, executed the patch, changed the language in the rev.ini file, installed the maps pack, added some skins and other maps... nothing else.


Don't know where I wrong LOL! I'm pretty surprised, too.

#94804 Help with bots in CS Source

Отправлено по ClowTJ on 09 October 2014 - 06:15 AM в Gaming discussion

 Hi everyone. I'm new in this forum, and english is not my main language. Sorry for that =).


 I downloaded the game from this page (the CS:S Orangebox), installed it, and added a couple of skins and maps. The game works perfectly. But i have a little problem... i can't change the bots difficulty.


 Tried the command "bot_difficult" (0,1,2,3) but nothing happens. In the lan server creation menu, the 3 ones appears (Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert) but can't click them.


 It's been a lot of time that i played the CS 1.6, (mean years) and is like learn everything again; but with bots on expert mode i get frustrated always >.<, and close the game all the time.


 If anyone knows how to change the bots difficulty please tell me. I will be really happy for that. Even tried downloading a program but didn't work.


 I wanna lern all again, but step by step. I like this game... I would appreciate someone help me.


 Anyways, thanks for read and greetings!!



Problema Bots CS Source.jpg