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There have been 55 items by zeldajae (Search limited from 16-January 19)

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#14583 Permban

Отправлено по zeldajae on 26 October 2010 - 12:15 AM в Ban / unban requests

Is it useful to permban steamids? If I am not mistaken they can easily be changed. I think it would be better to ban their IP's, maybe there is a way to check in the logs which IP was used by these Steam_IDs and ban the IP as well.

Actually, SteamID cannot be changed.

#13413 Cannot join Zombie Servers ---- "Invalid Steam Key Size" NEED HALP...

Отправлено по zeldajae on 13 October 2010 - 01:06 PM в Counter-Strike: Source

You can't because you are nabs, I can join all zombie servers

same error for me, they tricked us with this shity version of CSS

haha "they tricked us with this shitty version of CSS my precious"

DID YOU GUYS READ THE FAQ's on CS:S Non-Steam OrangeBox??? READ THEN post.
The reason it gives you that because either that particular server is patched with old version or newer version, depending on which CS:S your is patch with.

Example: Your CS:S is patched with Version
The Server 1, is patched with Version
The Server 2 is patched with Version
And Server 3, is patched with Version PATCH <--- GET IT [color="#FF0000"]HERE)

You cannot go in either Server 1 or 3 because you don't have the correct version match. You can only join Server 2.

#13412 Bug CSS !!

Отправлено по zeldajae on 13 October 2010 - 12:59 PM в Counter-Strike: Source


I downloaded all parts (7)

But when i extract juste a readme appear --'

They are not an .exe

Okay. When you download all 7 parts, you have to extract them. To extract them, you need WinRAR.

[color="#0000FF"]Right-Click on the first part, and click extract files.

Then Click OK. This should extract it to your desktop, which will give you 2 files, the installation file, and the readme file.

NOW, create a folder in C:\[Folder Name], without the brackets. For example, mine is C:\Counter Strike Source

Once created, install.

When you install, it will ask you to extract the files in which location, browse to the C:\[Folder Name].

Then let it install. Its best to not to use any other programs.


Once, completed, you are good to go!!

#13411 hl2.exe has stopped working

Отправлено по zeldajae on 13 October 2010 - 12:51 PM в Counter-Strike: Source

Same thing happend to me. Whats da deal?? Can anyone answer? Does anyone has a solution??

Follow these steps exactly.[color="#0000FF"]
First read them, then do it!!!

1. Delete [color="#FF0000"]ALL of the files that was extracted during installation. Including the folder. [color="#FF0000"]MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT DELETE THE INSTALLATION FILE ITSELF(i.e. CounterStrikeSoruce.OrangeBox.Setti.exe)
2. Re-Boot.
3. Install it again, and TADA. It should work.

#13408 CS:S Orange Box(From Setti) Shows Error everytime I start it....

Отправлено по zeldajae on 13 October 2010 - 11:12 AM в Counter-Strike: Source

This is one of the best error descriptions I've seen  :thumbup:

However that problem ("hl2.exe has encountered a problem ...") is very common. It can happen for lots of different reasons.

Hopefully someone can come up with a better answer.

PS. If you register at the forums you can edit your posts. Guest accounts can't edit.

Thank you, and I have registered. Its much better, lol.
I was able to manage to get the error file that occurred yesterday. What happened was I was in a server, and a we switched maps. I went on to a surf_map which, I didn't not have in my maps folder, so I downloaded the file, and as soon as I joined to server, my whole laptop crashes into a blue screen saying there was a system error.

I tried system restore, however it wouldn't allow me to restore to any previous points. Here is the file I managed to get...

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 1003
Source: System Error
Version: 5.2
Message: Error code %1, parameter1 %2, parameter2 %3, parameter3 %4, parameter4 %5.
Error code 1000008e, parameter1 c0000005, parameter2 bf2678df, parameter3 99548a5c, parameter4 00000000.

0000: 53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 45   System E
0008: 72 72 6f 72 20 20 45 72   rror  Er
0010: 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65   ror code
0018: 20 31 30 30 30 30 30 38    1000008
0020: 65 20 20 50 61 72 61 6d   e  Param
0028: 65 74 65 72 73 20 63 30   eters c0
0030: 30 30 30 30 30 35 2c 20   000005,
0038: 62 66 32 36 37 38 64 66   bf2678df
0040: 2c 20 39 39 35 34 38 61   , 99548a
0048: 35 63 2c 20 30 30 30 30   5c, 0000
0050: 30 30 30 30               0000    

0000: 74737953 45206d65 726f7272 72452020
0010: 20726f72 65646f63 30303120 38303030
0020: 50202065 6d617261 72657465 30632073
0030: 30303030 202c3530 36326662 66643837
0040: 3939202c 61383435 202c6335 30303030
0050: 30303030
A blue screen (Stop error) was reported. The message contains details about the error. A matching event with Event ID 1001 might also appear in the event log. This matching event displays information about the specific error that occurred.

Any help would be really appreciate it. Thanks!!


Actually, I do not need any help now, as I figured out the solution. If anyone else is having the same problem, try this. Delete ALL files that was extracted from the OrangeBox Setti.exe, then restart. Re-install, and TADA!! It should work. If, not then, I can't help you. Sorry.

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