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There have been 14 items by NiTrOwow (Search limited from 15-January 19)

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#61044 Banned for doing a great job

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 04 February 2012 - 02:09 PM в Ban / unban requests

it is ya fixed

#61040 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 04 February 2012 - 01:38 PM в Ban / unban requests

Name: Killstreak
Mic spamming at frame 300 (he didn't stopped)
And spawn camping.. I blow em up with my nades. Becuz he was spawn camping all the damn time.

Steam id:

#   7677 "(*Killstreak"	  STEAM_0:0:1623556324 18:48	  59	0 active


You can find demos to every game on Setti servers here: https://css.setti.info/setti/demos/
Just post the proper link.

lol dude i didn't know that btw my links are proper.


#61036 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 04 February 2012 - 01:03 PM в Ban / unban requests

Name: Killstreak
Mic spamming at frame 300 (he didn't stopped)
And spawn camping.. I blow em up with my nades. Becuz he was spawn camping all the damn time.

Steam id:

#   7677 "(*Killstreak"	  STEAM_0:0:1623556324 18:48	  59    0 active


#61031 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 04 February 2012 - 12:34 PM в Ban / unban requests

Name: EssaH
Cheats: Aimbot & Wallhack
It was always on since he joined.

Steam id:

#   7643 "EssaH"			 STEAM_0:0:1439568818 07:25	 116	0 active


And now do something about it N!663RZ

#61004 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 04 February 2012 - 01:28 AM в Ban / unban requests

Name: Proc
Cheat: Speedhack & wallhack.
He was doing this in every round.
He was also teamkilling a lot before (users leaved the server)

Steam id:

#   7160 "Proc"			  STEAM_0:0:1907297904 07:36	  39	0 active


#61002 Server security suggestion?

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 04 February 2012 - 12:33 AM в Offtopic

Steambans = Obviously doesn't make much sense at Setti :wacko:
KAC = Already installed
SMAC = What is this? Same as KAC?
zBlock = This was tested but caused more problems than solved

Plugins can be installed and tested. However it doesn't make sense to just install random crap to see whether it works or not. Good administration has proven to be best effort in fighting cheating + idiots.

PS. Why is the animu characther in your sig programming on a Mac (ESPON is the brand) with Windows command prompt? Opening and closing new windows all the time.

Obviously you seem to know nothing about security.
Steambans makes diffrents. And SMAC = source mod anti cheat (just an awesome anti engine)

King Regards,

#60827 Cheater

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 02 February 2012 - 01:04 PM в Ban / unban requests

Can't find the right topic.
And i'm not wasting anymore of my time since you didn't do anything on my server security reminder.
Like if you are to lazy to change some server settings and installing some pluginz or addonz.

Server is still as weak as shit. Cheat engine is not even detected.

Here is a Neat guy with wallhack. I have no demo, sorry i'm not wasting anymore time on css setti.
Secure ur css servers first.

#   4257 "KAJMAN"			STEAM_0:0:527694035  1:11:00	74	0 active


#60327 Server security suggestion?

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 27 January 2012 - 05:24 PM в Offtopic


#58432 Server security suggestion?

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 03 January 2012 - 08:44 PM в Offtopic

Servers under ddos attack now... My god just install a few scripts and all the problems are solved.....
This sucksss.


#58415 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 03 January 2012 - 06:29 PM в Ban / unban requests


So again the full server got fucked again by 2 cheaters..
When i came back (~15 minutes) later those two idiots where still in it in a nearly empty server.

] status
hostname: Setti GO4CSS server
version : 4785 secure
udp/ip : (public ip:
map : de_dust_go4css_beta2 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z



#   6496 "POPELMAN"			   STEAM_0:0:1577666023 16:29	  65	0  active

#   6494 "Killmeister"	 STEAM_0:0:1733455303 18:40	 58	0 active

Download Demo:

Steam_id of another cheater:


#   6514 "Redoxodron"		   STEAM_0:0:401952988 01:33		  96   0 active

Download Demo:

Best Regards.

#58376 Cheat reports. Including demos.

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 03 January 2012 - 01:44 AM в Ban / unban requests


So again the full server got fucked again by 2 cheaters..
When i came back (~15 minutes) later those two idiots where still in it in a nearly empty server.

] status
hostname: Setti GO4CSS server
version : 4785 secure
udp/ip  :  (public ip:
map : de_dust_go4css_beta2 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z


#   6496 "POPELMAN"		  STEAM_0:0:1577666023 16:29	  65	0 active

#   6494 "Killmeister"	   STEAM_0:0:1733455303 18:40	  58	0 active

Download Demo:

Steam_id of another cheater:

#   6514 "Redoxodron"		STEAM_0:0:401952988 01:33	   96	0 active

Download Demo:

Best Regards.

#58333 Server security suggestion?

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 02 January 2012 - 04:23 PM в Offtopic

Well somebody should find out more about SMAC. People said zBlock would be good too, but then we got lots of reports from players getting kicked, banned or otherwise restricted because zBlock thought they were cheating. Then we tossed zBlock. What does this SMAC do? Is it good or is it just another plugin causing trouble for normal players?

Steambans addon would also be great for vacced steam player who change from the original masterlist to the setti masterlist, They would be possible be steamban banned to and vac so they will be nice and cleanly blocked by it.

#58332 Server security suggestion?

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 02 January 2012 - 04:21 PM в Offtopic


We had zBlock installed for a while about week ago. Normal players reported strange problems with zBlock restrictions. Then we disabled zBlock. It caused too much trouble for casual players.

What is smac?

Smac is source mod anti-cheat.

Best Regards.

#58217 Server security suggestion?

Отправлено по NiTrOwow on 31 December 2011 - 06:03 PM в Offtopic


I was worried about the cheaters all the time that will kill setti. I have a solution for you guys.
Don't worry i'm now 4 years in hacking/cracking/security/coding selection.. Working my way out to secure servers (sql) game servers auch servers and so on..

Just one tip to get rid of the biggest free cheats out there on the webz
Project-7, tobys,  etc

Install smac, and steambans addon. Problem solved. Even x22cheats will fail at smac. So i would say give it a shot. And trust me i used x22 to and other i already have 2 banned accounts (One vac one steambanned) I know what the best way is to ensure the amount of cheaters wallhackers aimbotters. Aimbotters are easy to take out. The biggest thing they will fail all at is View angle becuz of the FOV. They will recieve a perm ban when detected. 90% of all those cheats have it enabled on default. Noobs will be banned instance.

And steambans is just awesome, one demo of a cheater with steambans addon installed > sb_status > www.steambans.com > report > Approved? Yes > Player banned of 931 servers!

Just please do something about i don't give a shit what but just fix the cheat problem to gain more players and have more fun!
Becuz i love the GO4CSS server. And one thing! (last one) Please add the admins skins to the sv_pure ignore list. So Material wallhack wont work.

Smac for eye angles violation.
Also install zblock for anti name-changers.
And command line flooding and so on.

Helpful Linkz:


I hope you guys take my advice. And hope to see improvements on the server security so..

Best Regards,