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There have been 659 items by P_W_S Marcello (Search limited from 10-January 19)

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#69386 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 04:55 AM в Setti CS:S servers

Hey All :)

My Name is P_W_S Marcello and i play often on Pub#2 and Pub#4. But at unlucky times, when no admin is on, and only a few players on the servers, there are a few cheating kids and i must TK them until they stop spinning around ;) So i thoght it would be quite easier to just Ban them, and that's why i made this : :)
All players on the Pubs #2 & #4 like me. Also i can distinguish between a Hacker kiddy and a skilled player, because i know what the signs for a hack are. I just created a new Setti Forum Account, because with the old one i couldnt post anything in he forum, so don't wonder about my Forum inactivity ;)

I would like it if u look like this little yellow thing :thumbsup:

Sincerely Yours

P_W_S Marcello

#69422 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 02:15 PM в Setti CS:S servers



I would like to know the reason :)

#69424 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 02:28 PM в Setti CS:S servers

1. Noob, (your stats are not the best) --> Saw u playing yesterday...
2. So I don´t think you are able to catch cheaters who are using wh --> for aimbot, if you ask for an admin on the other servers, you will find one mostly.

1. Ok, my mouse broke, maybe u could see taht if u look in thge psychostats at the dropping of the skill
2.I know what the signs of wallhacks are. If u chase an enemy through a wall r shake while writing u wallhack.
And btw, i dont think about the admin prob on pub 2 & 4. And No, you dont find an admin if u look on the servers, because admin are mostyl online at the same time.

#69426 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 02:37 PM в Setti CS:S servers

[color=#0000ff]First of all, you arent here long enough to even think of getting admin. Secondly, there are far more better players than u for that role...

Ok. Thank u, U member since January 2012. So im not long enough here? 2 years arent enough? And writing like that does, im sorry to say, not improve the content of your sentence.

#69427 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 02:40 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Btw, on which servers do u paly?

#69434 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 03:07 PM в Setti CS:S servers

1. Noob, (your stats are not the best) --> Saw u playing yesterday...
2. So I don´t think you are able to catch cheaters who are using wh --> for aimbot, if you ask for an admin on the other servers, you will find one mostly.

I don't think that you have to be the best player on the server to be an admin.

[color=#0000ff]First of all, you arent here long enough to even think of getting admin. Secondly, there are far more better players than u for that role...

First of all, why do you write in this font-size? Secondly, on which servers do you play? I've never seen you before, whereas I've seen Marcello very often. If you're reffering to his forum posts, reread his first post!

Ok. Thank u, U member since January 2012. So im not long enough here? 2 years arent enough? And writing like that does, im sorry to say, not improve the content of your sentence.

Isn't it June 2012?

2.I know what the signs of wallhacks are. If u chase an enemy through a wall r shake while writing u wallhack.
And btw, i dont think about the admin prob on pub 2 & 4. And No, you dont find an admin if u look on the servers, because admin are mostyl online at the same time.

Marcello, if you're searching for an admin, write a message in chat, e.g. "Cheater @Pub#X", or something like this. There are a lot of admins at Setti (more than 40).

You know that there are a lot of other signs for hacking, right? If so, +1 from me, I think you could be a good admin!

Thank u head :) The worst are teh hacking admins, like MY NAME!. I will make a ban request for him. He wallhacks, i recorded a demo and teamattacked, NOT by accident. And he talks about skill?

#69441 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 03:41 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Thank u head :) The worst are teh hacking admins, like MY NAME!. I will make a ban request for him. He wallhacks, i recorded a demo and teamattacked, NOT by accident. And he talks about skill?

LOL :) I thinks thats the proof you don´t know the difference between cheater or not... :thumbsup: Nice

Haha even if u dont hack (What i and all others dont think) the whole community hates you.

#69446 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 03:50 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Thank u head :) The worst are teh hacking admins, like MY NAME!. I will make a ban request for him. He wallhacks, i recorded a demo and teamattacked, NOT by accident. And he talks about skill?

LOL :) I thinks thats the proof you don´t know the difference between cheater or not... :thumbsup: Nice

Haha even if u dont hack (What i and all others dont think) the whole community hates you.

Talking for yourself and left the others.

For me only? Why ? :) One hour b4 the whole Pub2 raged bout MY Name ;) i can ask someone who was there. Even good palyers like BIG BOSS SNAKE and others.

#69448 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 03:53 PM в Setti CS:S servers

For me only? Why ? :) One hour b4 the whole Pub2 raged bout MY Name ;) i can ask someone who was there. Even good palyers like BIG BOSS SNAKE and others.

Hmm, really good player : ranked: #104 on pub2

He had 10/3, i think its good ( if u paly without hax pssst)

#69451 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 04:04 PM в Setti CS:S servers


Hey marioc, nice to see how u donvote every admin request :)

#69452 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 04:05 PM в Setti CS:S servers

For me only? Why ? :) One hour b4 the whole Pub2 raged bout MY Name ;) i can ask someone who was there. Even good palyers like BIG BOSS SNAKE and others.

Hmm, really good player : ranked: #104 on pub2

He had 10/3, i think its good ( if u paly without hax pssst)

OMG, seriously how old are you? :shock:
So if you see someone with a score 30-0 means that he has wh? So you will ban him!? :thumbdown:

WTF? Where did i say that good players hack? u can have 100/0 and dont hack. Did u undertsnad my sentence wrong?

#69457 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 04:51 PM в Setti CS:S servers

http://css.setti.inf...pylittleboozer/ Is my old profile, im not so new here on forum... <_< Lost password for it and i didnt recive emails from setti so i made a new profile...

How did you manage to get like four years younger within a year?! :icon_surprised:

Hahaha :lol:

Lol! :artist: NIVEA! Joking... My bro made that account for me, and he entered some of his infos, that dumbass... :-D

You are 22 years and let ur 18 yo brother create ur acc?

#69461 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 05:54 PM в Setti CS:S servers

For me only? Why ? :) One hour b4 the whole Pub2 raged bout MY Name ;) i can ask someone who was there. Even good palyers like BIG BOSS SNAKE and others.

I literally Lol'd

The demo of My Name's wallhack is deciding whether its going to be +1 or -1. Please post a link to the demo.

I think thats the demo ;)

#69463 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 06:08 PM в Setti CS:S servers

I think you must spend much time in Setti if you would like to get admin rights! You have to prove your skills in game as a player and as a spotter too! Make ban request and make sure they are correct! Full admins will ban them! 2-3 month later come back and ask for it again! I hope you will catch some cheaters for the community! Now I have to say -1, but if you show us something it can change! Good luck! :smile-thumbs-up:

Thank you :)
I would've already made ban requests, but :
1.My last account bugged like hell, i didnt receive the validation email, not even witr ha new email adress
2. SOme cheaters were just a few hours here, so a ben request would be useless :S
But thanks for the reply :)

#69468 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 06:29 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Oh, I hope you catched the steamid so we can to compare with my...

Oh it was u :) U said "Try to voteban me" ANd btw U talked about my admin request :) So its definitely u ;P BUSTED

#69469 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 06:30 PM в Setti CS:S servers

And u were in the [ERROR] clan

#69472 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 06:35 PM в Setti CS:S servers

We wont believe it.

#69473 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 06:36 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Damn noone believes u

#69474 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 06:37 PM в Setti CS:S servers

U said ur name is written in CAPS, but it isnt.

#69476 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 06:41 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Damn noone believes u

We wont believe it.

LOL stfu you are the only one. Don´t say "we won´t " or "noone"!!

Anwser me. Why ur name isnt written in caps? Were u lying? but why?

#69477 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 06:42 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Oh, I hope you catched the steamid so we can to compare with my...

Sry i dont have the STEAMID, but an admin can easily look it up in the console of the server.

#69479 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 28 June 2012 - 07:22 PM в Setti CS:S servers

This is leading nowhere. We should stop that now.

#69502 Setti Championship!

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 29 June 2012 - 08:18 AM в Setti CS:S servers

It sounds like a great idea to me :D
But where to play? Own server? BEcause palyers won't leave SEtti servers because of a championship^^

#69505 Admin Request Pub#2 & Pub#4

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 29 June 2012 - 08:39 AM в Setti CS:S servers

If its going to be an argument I will close this topic! Its an admin request topic! If you want to make a conversation do it PM!

We already said we stop.

#69576 Setti CSS 3 Day Tourney

Отправлено по P_W_S Marcello on 29 June 2012 - 06:34 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Add P_W_S Marcello and P_W_S IMPOSSIBRU GIMP to the list ;)