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There have been 55 items by zeldajae (Search limited from 11-January 19)

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#16499 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по zeldajae on 08 November 2010 - 02:44 PM в Releases

hey i need ur help i got a few errors.
1 when i try to patch it says File not found and that i need to put the patch in the folder where hl2.exe is placed.
2. when i try going in a server it goest connecting and stops and brings bme back to find servers.

already watched the the FAQ. all didnt work

You mean, already read the FAQs. Look at my video, make sure you uninstall all of the CSS files, keep the installer file, and the patch file. Here is the video


i am a newbe sorry i ask this question my friends have a server if i tell them they setup this counter and players setup this counter too does the VAC become ON and it will automatically ban cheateres ? does VAC is work with this counter

Fist of all, VAC WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY BAN the cheaters, depending on what version of the hack they have. The admin of the server has to ban them permanently.

I have problems with the deagle and the galil not leaving complete weapons, what can I do? Besides the lack m4 animation recharge, and many areas of weapons are displayed in black who is this? help me please if I'm not going to change to laversión: 34 :confused:

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the CSS. When re-installing it, you might want to refer to this video, a nice instrcutions on how to correctly install CSS. :)


sorry but non worked for my and I do not think that it is due to my graphics card games with more demanding runs them fine regresare soon 34 :angry:

Okay. Do you have other games, like GTA, COD, HL2, Sims, that word on your laptop? If so, can you list the games that you have on your computer?

I have problem, whenever i want to connect to any server from your list (http://css.setti.info/servers/css), it wont load to the end, it says that css tried to retry the connection, i cant connect to any server.
P.S. I have the newest version of css, and i try to connect on newest version of server (

You cannot connect to any servers??? Not even Setti? Try uninstalling it and reinstall it. Patch it with the newest version. Then install the masterserver. Here is the website to install the masterserver:

Look at my video for install instructons:
[color="#FF0000"]Make sure that you install the CSS, then patch it, THEN INSTALL THE masterservers.

#16494 question for the Admins!!!

Отправлено по zeldajae on 08 November 2010 - 01:33 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Fleischer, You can shut up, and save yourself, before other members insult you in such a way, that you will not be able to recover yourself. A word of advice from a member who has experience.
Seriously, save your self.

#16433 i want porov banned

Отправлено по zeldajae on 07 November 2010 - 06:24 PM в Setti CS:S servers

both of you, why don't you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! We don't want to hear your teamkilling bragging in this forum. Team Kill him back!! Jeez. Shut the fuck up, grow some balls, and play. Both of you need to be put in kindergarten to teach you two manners. JEEZ

"Team Kill him back!!" wrong answer its not okay, that have an effect at the game, unfair for the other players. Guys clear this shit and stop this uselss "war".

Sorry Phoenix. Its just annoying when these two start some useless shit, wasting server's space. its fucked up.

who the fuck are u? stfu

Dood, I am supporting you, atleast!
And seriously, just grow some balls and get used to it. there are other de_dust2 servers out there with many people, its not hard to leave a server and join another on. dont complain. seriously. both of you are literally wasting the server's space, with a useless thread about complaining.

#16420 question for the Admins!!!

Отправлено по zeldajae on 07 November 2010 - 04:20 PM в Setti CS:S servers

OKAY! jeez, I am sorry about it.

#16419 Who & Why BANNED me from Setti#3

Отправлено по zeldajae on 07 November 2010 - 04:18 PM в Ban / unban requests

I am pretty sure, that when I first replied to this thread, I saw without steam. But whatever. If you did edit your post, then its cool. Im sorry.

#16361 question for the Admins!!!

Отправлено по zeldajae on 07 November 2010 - 01:48 AM в Setti CS:S servers

zeldajae and you know me specifically what you say about me a liar? you yourself who is the donkey? or? Come with me and see who you are and who I am!

1. Get your grammar correct, because your sentence did not even make sense.
2. Liar? It is so, because you say that you have 3 children. Your income 300. You play 6-10 hours. If you are truly struggling with your life, as you said you have 3 children and does not want to waste money, then you wouldn't be spending 6-10 hours on CSS per day. Its called Common Sense. Heard of it before? Because I [color="#FF0000"]KNOW that you haven't heard that word.
3. You are not going to be admin on any of the servers, that is for a fact. Why? Because you just proved that you lied.

Come back later when you have a legit reason to become an admin. Okay? Don't brag about other hackers on Setti, go on other servers. There are [color="#FF0000"]MANY of the servers out there with many people playing.

Admin Request: Closed.
Cheat Request: Pending.

He really has 3 children, and this is not a lie. I heart them while we are talking in Skype.

Okay, If he really does have 3 childrens, then I am sorry for saying him a liar. But, he really should have some common sense, 6-10 hours a day? Is he a child or what? Seriously!!!

What a joke, you are such a liar man!!! Don't ever fucking lie man if you want to be an admin. HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA, 3 childrens and plays 6-10 hours a day, with minumum income. [color="#FF0000"]A complete LIE!

You shut up now, how can you know for certain if what he wrote is true or not. Stop posting bullshit and attacking people for no reason asshole.

What I said above *

#16347 question for the Admins!!!

Отправлено по zeldajae on 06 November 2010 - 08:34 PM в Setti CS:S servers

zeldajae and you know me specifically what you say about me a liar? you yourself who is the donkey? or? Come with me and see who you are and who I am!

1. Get your grammar correct, because your sentence did not even make sense.
2. Liar? It is so, because you say that you have 3 children. Your income 300. You play 6-10 hours. If you are truly struggling with your life, as you said you have 3 children and does not want to waste money, then you wouldn't be spending 6-10 hours on CSS per day. Its called Common Sense. Heard of it before? Because I [color="#FF0000"]KNOW that you haven't heard that word.
3. You are not going to be admin on any of the servers, that is for a fact. Why? Because you just proved that you lied.

Come back later when you have a legit reason to become an admin. Okay? Don't brag about other hackers on Setti, go on other servers. There are [color="#FF0000"]MANY of the servers out there with many people playing.

Admin Request: Closed.
Cheat Request: Pending.

#16340 i want porov banned

Отправлено по zeldajae on 06 November 2010 - 07:04 PM в Setti CS:S servers

both of you, why don't you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! We don't want to hear your teamkilling bragging in this forum. Team Kill him back!! Jeez. Shut the fuck up, grow some balls, and play. Both of you need to be put in kindergarten to teach you two manners. JEEZ

"Team Kill him back!!" wrong answer its not okay, that have an effect at the game, unfair for the other players. Guys clear this shit and stop this uselss "war".

Sorry Phoenix. Its just annoying when these two start some useless shit, wasting server's space. its fucked up.

#16339 question for the Admins!!!

Отправлено по zeldajae on 06 November 2010 - 07:01 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Hello! I would like to become an Administrator on Setti CSS server (pub RUS).
I have Steam and my nickname is “Fleischer”. My location is a Germany and I can speak German and Russian.
I play very much time on this server (normally it is 6+ hours per day) and predominately it is at night.
The main thing that disturbs me are walking around cheaters that don’t respect people in the game on this great server! I want to play CSS and make this server cleaner.

Thanks. Best regards.

Yes, my nickname was Berlin, and I was standing modes players and other audio. It was nosteam. And I promised to remove all of your advice and bought the Steam. Now everything honestly and without (allegedly) cheating. Steam costs 30 euros, and I have three children. And would I throw that money away? Me with an income of 300 euros just do not want to buy another Steam. I respect your servery.i hope for your understanding.

you have 3 childrens, low earning, and you play on CSS 6-10 hours a day????

What a joke, you are such a liar man!!! Don't ever fucking lie man if you want to be an admin. HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA, 3 childrens and plays 6-10 hours a day, with minumum income. [color="#FF0000"]A complete LIE!

#16336 i want porov banned

Отправлено по zeldajae on 06 November 2010 - 06:56 PM в Setti CS:S servers

both of you, why don't you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! We don't want to hear your teamkilling bragging in this forum. Team Kill him back!! Jeez. Shut the fuck up, grow some balls, and play. Both of you need to be put in kindergarten to teach you two manners. JEEZ

#16335 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по zeldajae on 06 November 2010 - 06:45 PM в Releases

i am trying to patch Counter Strike Source 2010 with CSSource.2010.OB.NoSteam.[Setti].Patch.v23[0.to.23].
Problem is that i cant do that.
1. When i started to patch first time it says you have to put this patch to a folder where is hl2.exe , so i did.
2. When i again started to patch it says the same thing over and over even if i puted the file to right place.
3. if you have solution Email me

Thanks for you help, cant wait solution.

Uninstall the CSS and reinstall it.
Take a look at this video, it should help you, a very nice instructional video.

#16321 Who & Why BANNED me from Setti#3

Отправлено по zeldajae on 06 November 2010 - 04:36 PM в Ban / unban requests

1) 20 - 24 of October
2) Setti CSS server (PUB #3 Dust2 only)
3) de_dust2
4) STEAM_0:0:2087010643
6) fliper4o

just buy glasses and look my preview posts!

[color="#FF0000"]Are you trying to fool me? Cause you are horrible at it. Don't edit your post and then say that I posted my steamID. DONT FUCK WITH ME OR I WILL GET YOUR ASS BANNED FROM ALL OF THE SERVERS AND THIS FORUM. Okay? Thanks.
Here is the proof:

1) last week I don't know exactly
2) Setti#3
3) dust2
4) without steam
6) fliper4o

You got a SteamID, even with Setti!

Connect to any server and type 'status' in the console (without the ').
Then u will see your nickname and your SteamID...

And I know this for a fact because Blitzkrieg quotes your post, and you said Without Steam. Dont fuck with me dood. seriously, you can just be honest, and everything will be good.

1) 20 - 24 of October
2) Setti CSS server (PUB #3 Dust2 only)
3) de_dust2
4) STEAM_0:0:2087010643
6) fliper4o

[color="#FF0000"]The staff will review you, and will decide if you should be banned or unbanned!

#16241 Admin Application request

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 08:19 PM в Setti CS:S servers

/Request to Close Thread Admin

#16240 Unban Request (Mr. Anonymous)

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 08:16 PM в Ban / unban requests

4) SteamID
# 6769 "Mr. Anonymous" STEAM_0:0:18861977 00:31 181 0 active

Sorry for all the trouble, I tried to get the SteamID last time, but it failed.

The staff will review you, and will decide. It can take awhile, as the staff experiences many unaban request. If it takes longer than a week, bumb this thread.

#16236 Who & Why BANNED me from Setti#3

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 07:19 PM в Ban / unban requests

I am banned from the no-awp server to when I haven't played in it.When i try to get in it ,it says that you're banned from the server.I dont have hacks and never yoused hacks.. Please tell me the reason im banned...My name is "Stilgar"

If you do want to be unbanned, you have to post the correct Unban request, and [color="#FF0000"]START A NEW THREAD!!!!!!

To get you STEAMID, you must join any random server that you are not banned on, then press ~, then in console, type status. Find your steam ID. It should look something like this:

# XXX "Stilgar" STEAM_0:0:XXXXXXXXX XX:XX XXX X active#

Copy and paste it into your next post. Here is the unban request format that it should be in:

1) Approximate date/time of ban
2) Server name
3) Map name
4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server)
5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com)
6) Nick when you got banned

#16233 Who & Why BANNED me from Setti#3

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 06:59 PM в Ban / unban requests

my nick is "fliper4o" or "[a2p]fliper4o" why I'm banned from pub#3!???I don't know when, why...

where I can see if I'm banned?

I'm steal banned WHY???? can someone show me demo or .....

come on why don't unban me???

Sweetness :)
nope I'm steal banned :( and se7en I'm NOT Fliper40 I'm just "fliper4o"!!!

If you do want to be unbanned, you have to post the correct Unban request.

To get you STEAMID, you must join any random server that you are not banned on, then press ~, then in console, type status. Find your steam ID. It should look something like this:

# XXX "fliper40" STEAM_0:0:XXXXXXXXX XX:XX XXX X active#

Copy and paste it into your next post. Here is the unban request format that it should be in:

1) Approximate date/time of ban
2) Server name
3) Map name
4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server)
5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com)
6) Nick when you got banned
If you post again, saying "why am I banned?" or "can someone unban me?" without posting the unban request, this thread will be closed.

#16173 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 03:22 AM в Releases

my name in-game is "Dan" :(

If you can play on other servers without being banned, the other server may have kicked you by accident. Change you name to a complex one like D8uh_N

#16171 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 02:46 AM в Ban / unban requests


He already has a legit CSS. Why does he want to play on Non-steam CSS?

#16168 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 02:37 AM в Releases

Hey, I just downloaded this game yesterday. When I first tried joining "Setti CSS Server" I got banned and kicked instantly. What happened? I can still play the other servers.. ty in advance


#16164 Unban Request (Mr. Anonymous)

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 02:20 AM в Ban / unban requests

Hello, I was banned because I did not know that I had the name css.setti.info and it permanently banned me after autokicking me a couple of times on two of the servers. I was banned on 11/3/2010 on one server and 11/4/2010 on another. I can't remember which servers they are other than the NO AWP one. Thanks for considering my post.

For Unban Request, post the following in your next post:

1) Approximate date/time of ban
2) Server name
3) Map name
4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server)
5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com)
6) Nick when you got banned

#16163 Unban A Sniper

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 02:16 AM в Ban / unban requests

Hello, I was banned because I did not know that I had the name css.setti.info and it permanently banned me after autokicking me a couple of times on two of the servers. I was banned on 11/3/2010 on one server and 11/4/2010 on another. I can't remember which servers they are other than the NO AWP one. Thanks for considering my post.

[color="#FF0000"]\Request To Close Thread Admin


#16162 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по zeldajae on 05 November 2010 - 02:13 AM в Releases

I have problems with the deagle and the galil not leaving complete weapons, what can I do? Besides the lack m4 animation recharge, and many areas of weapons are displayed in black who is this? help me please if I'm not going to change to laversión: 34 :confused:

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the CSS. When re-installing it, you might want to refer to this video, a nice instrcutions on how to correctly install CSS. :)


Thanks I will try to :popcorn: :gun:

No me funciono, I believe that a need me better card graphics, regresare version 34 :sad:

Puede ser que el equipo no es compatible con los gráficos que va a necesitar para este juego. Usted puede tratar o actualizar su tarjeta gráfica, o por una CPU nueva o un nuevo ordenador portátil que tiene una calidad alta de tarjetas gráficas. Si ambas opciones no, seguir adelante sin el juego. Lo sentimos.

#16133 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 09:36 PM в Ban / unban requests

I don't want anyone banned, i just want fatality unbanned. However this idiot marioc is threatening me with a ban, i can't stand for that shit.

Okay. Why do you want fatality unbanned?

#16129 Unban player Fatal1ty

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 08:17 PM в Ban / unban requests

[color="#FF0000"]STUPID. How old are you dood?
[color="#0000FF"]Why are you given admin rights anyway, when many people hates you, and you have a very bad reputation?? WHY?

Don't mess with business that does not concern you. That mother fucker has been team killing me, POROV | Rida, Porov | Kamikaze and others from the clan for the last few weeks. We have not tked him back, so it was about time somebody gave him some of his own medicine.

BTW: he is banned on all servers but setti 1.

If he has been Team killing you, then why request for unban for him? Do you have any common sense?!?!?!?!

You don't understand stupid, Marioc / Cataliz / Koophe has been killing me not Dirt.

So...you want Marioc/Cataliz/Koophe banned?

#16127 Douchebag of the month award - oct. 2010

Отправлено по zeldajae on 04 November 2010 - 07:46 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Douchebag means - someone like you.

but can someone tell me what douchbag is?

[color="#FF0000"] Douche-bag definitions can be found here:


[color="#FF0000"]Some definations:

An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.

Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker.

Those definations fit perfectly to you, doesn't it Genrral POROV?