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There have been 567 items by SyrinXeno (Search limited from 18-December 18)

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#84988 Funny Pictures

Posted by SyrinXeno on 05 March 2013 - 10:53 AM in Offtopic

Everytime I play incognito with a different nickname:

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#84659 Funny Pictures

Posted by SyrinXeno on 16 February 2013 - 04:47 PM in Offtopic

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I don't speak greek

#83684 Kings Landing in Minecraft

Posted by SyrinXeno on 30 January 2013 - 03:45 PM in Minecraft

Posted Image

hahaha, medieval haters gonna hate? xD

#83558 Funny Pictures

Posted by SyrinXeno on 24 January 2013 - 03:37 PM in Offtopic

Brian's first day of work :P


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#83491 Permban Request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 21 January 2013 - 12:56 PM in Ban / unban requests

I was mentioned, should I write something now?


Many regulars have already left Setti, and more will leave in the future. You see so many topics of good old Setti players declaring to abandon Setti these days, and even I rarely play on Setti anymore for a lot of reasons.

The servers are laggy (not as bad as they were though thanks to headHUNTERZ) and have a bad hit registration. Most of the time they are empty, only noobs join, and if I wanted to play a 2vs2 like that I might as well play against bots. No AWP server was killed, and because that worked out just so well, Custom Maps server now was killed too (Setti Classic ... I laughed). I don't even know if there's a Setti Main left (psychostats says it does), at least none of the IPs advertised on the broken homepage connect to it, most of them are non-existent and still there because just nobody gives a fuck. The only server with still players on it is the Dust2 only server, even though even this well visited server can't nearly reach the popularity it had back in the old days. (By the way, de_dust2 all the time is fucking boring).


Silent Sniper, I've also been playing a bit with different nicknames, and I still come back to this forum from time to time to check if anything has changed for the better, but I get disappointed more and more. I don't want to sound nostalgic, but Setti once were glorious, well visited servers with lots of nice people. A few of these persons are still here, but most have left this sinking ship for good, and so will I with time.


In conclusion: Shitty and empty servers with noob players and incompetent admins that don't care + a broken forum. There are other servers too, where you can play CS:S.


PS: I'm way more into Dota2 now anyway, if somebody wants to play with me, I might still have a few free copies to give away ;)

#83387 So....

Posted by SyrinXeno on 19 January 2013 - 10:47 AM in Offtopic

You guys are cruel weirdos ... I like that

Just make sure you teabag him after you're finished!

#83380 So....

Posted by SyrinXeno on 19 January 2013 - 12:57 AM in Offtopic

Yea we have 100 headHUNTERZ look alikes which are going to be the victims of the test.Please let us know what mysterious ways of death you would like to see happening to this fucking german biatch and we will make sure that they are going to be tested.


AWP 100-ultrakill-oneshot! (noscoped and flickshot of course!)

#80775 I dare you to read this topic!

Posted by SyrinXeno on 07 December 2012 - 08:15 PM in Gaming discussion

I would, but I'm Sleepwalker :/

LoL, how embarrassing ... DotA ftw!

#80452 Gaming for charity

Posted by SyrinXeno on 02 December 2012 - 09:08 AM in Gaming discussion

Well, guys, if you feel generous and compassionate enough, just go outside and give some food, clothes (and booze) to the poor people. I don't trust none of these charity commisions, even the most reputable ones like Unicef.

Plus, instead of asking poor people to help the poorest is just ridiculus. According to [color=#0000cd]Forbes, there are ~1153 billionaires over the world. If they decide to give 10% of their fortune to the rest of the world now we would be all rich.

So, IMO all these charities are scams, the third-world problems can be solved in an instant.

As a socially active person, who just came from his voluntary nightshift, and sometimes spends his spare time organizing and executing (small) local and international social projects, I just felt like doing this :)

Thanks for the link Menti :thumbsup:

Attached Thumbnails

  • Meme-Willy-Wonka-1.jpg

#80008 "You got fragged"

Posted by SyrinXeno on 25 November 2012 - 12:59 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

Video supposed to show css skills or editing skills?

Neither. It doesn't show CS:S skills, as it's faked (no real gameplay, magger and skuLL stood there on purpose), and it doesn't show editing skills because it was just a quick edit.

But nice position, didn't know a wallbang was possible there! How did you find out? :o

#78913 akakakakkaka

Posted by SyrinXeno on 12 November 2012 - 09:51 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

Where the heck are the negative votes ?

Someone's jealous :P

Nice frags akka.

Just an idea: how about creating a committee for finding top 5 Setti frags of the month? Anybody would be allowed so send in his best kills (demolink and Ticks), all transmittals will be evaluated and rated and the five best put together to a video. Thoughts?

#78819 Tournament?

Posted by SyrinXeno on 12 November 2012 - 04:02 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I think looking for a team for a tournament that isn't even sure to happen yet is useless. There will be enough time for creating teams if necessary, and should there really be a tournament.

#78582 I need a woman's opinion

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 November 2012 - 03:19 PM in Offtopic

Hmm ... that's a HARD decision, but I can only recommend classic Borat style, it never failed me B)

#78579 Tournament?

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 November 2012 - 03:14 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I might be willing to organize a tournament, if I get according help by head administration. Already thought of planning an AWP tournament.

#78295 Banned because of...css mixes?

Posted by SyrinXeno on 08 November 2012 - 04:43 PM in Ban / unban requests

You were caught cheating on quite renowned servers, and instead of explaining anything you whine about being banned for it.
Accept that you are not being unbanned and learn from your mistakes.

#77833 Best quality ( haha )

Posted by SyrinXeno on 05 November 2012 - 05:02 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

Average of 35 fps? OMG, you really have to be a pro to play like that with so few fps :P

Maybe I should also upload some nice ownages by me of demos I still have, but unfortunately my iPotato only has 0.1 megapixel :(

#76193 Setti Halloween Special

Posted by SyrinXeno on 22 October 2012 - 08:30 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Very nice! Finally some diversification. And they are really scary :D
Big up to Glory for putting this together!

Some suggestions:
- Enable voting for maps (no constant mapcycle), players should be able to choose where they want to get freaket out :P
- Reduce the roundtime especially at cs_GhostFarm, so CTs don't spawncamp for such a long time
- Replace cs_silenthill with a second map like cs_GhostFarm
- Keep the flashlight at cs_office_sh, even though it would add a certain scare parameter, you can get lost in dark areas and it would make the map a camper's paradise

Join the server guys, once there are people, it's super fun to play :gun:


Posted by SyrinXeno on 21 October 2012 - 12:21 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

Standard wallbang ;)
Recently: https://css.setti.in...06-de_villa.dem Tick 48000
Turtle vid might be incoming, but with better kills, and not demos from public servers :o

#75840 2 Kills

Posted by SyrinXeno on 19 October 2012 - 06:21 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

Why the fuck do you record it with your phone? Link to demo please.

#75699 why im banned ??

Posted by SyrinXeno on 17 October 2012 - 09:38 PM in Gaming discussion

1.Reason whacking from the begin

2.Demo http://css.setti.inf...28-de_dust2.dem

3.Ticks from the begin (2000 he said to boogie (Serbian language) "begin the door", and 2500 "in the left corner" 2700 he didn't check the left corner, because he knows that the guy left from there and he kills him at 2800 like a looking though the door.
The 2 rush, around 12000 the second kill was a whacking too for me(maybe this isn't good proof)
The 3 rush, around 14000 he throws a grenade and he didn't check the guy who was there(maybe this looks more like a rh))
So i think this is good reason for your ban, also your ban is from yesarday because i didn't watched you, i just banned you when you join in the server.

If you guys thinks that this is good reason ban him

1. How should he have checked behind the door, he didn't even get to go out because he was killed before. The kill itself doesn't necessarily have to be wallhack, he aimed too far to the right and then adjusted. Can't comment on what he says, maybe it was a suggestion? Definitely weird though, if it is what you claim he said (But you said the wrong language?).
2. A little strange how he wanted to aim for the 2nd kill from the beginning, but again, no real proof.
3. Just bad gameplay that he didn't check for the guy he threw the nade after. The terrorist could have killed him.

Tick 15000: Strange how he stops shortly before killilng kNx, but it could have been a stop for peeking he just did a little too late.

Overall permanent ban seems premature.

#75587 Psychostats

Posted by SyrinXeno on 16 October 2012 - 01:57 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I suggest removing Bots from psychostats. It's a little ridiculous not only that i.e. at rank 16 on costum maps server there's a bot, but also that players can push their skill level by playing against bots. Any 1v1 on the servers should be disabled, as it was before stats reset.

Also, add a link to No-AWP psychostats again, if it's back up.

#75153 Introducing !resetscore

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 October 2012 - 09:31 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Even if you didn't have to see the !rs in chat and there was no spamming, it still deprives admins and players of the possibility to estimate the skill of a player. I often notice (possible) cheaters due to their score and then start spectating them.
Besides, there aren't a lot of people reconnecting because of their score.

#75144 vote about eklik SyrinXeno

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 October 2012 - 07:02 PM in Setti CS:S servers

, doesn't look like cheat to me

Did you expected Turtle & Syrin to make a Syrin bust movie? :lol:

Actually, we might be doing something similar in the future ...
I still have a LOT of demos of me owning the crap out of Setti servers, which would surely look like hacks to even some skilled players :P
And I'm not just talking about wallhack-like moments, a few kills really look a bit like aimbot xD
I don't know how to make decent videos out of demos, but maybe Turtle will do it sometime.

#75028 vote about eklik SyrinXeno

Posted by SyrinXeno on 09 October 2012 - 10:03 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I actually played against sliNK once in a mix, when he was playing for SNOGARD. Did a nice noscope on him. B)

#74996 vote about eklik SyrinXeno

Posted by SyrinXeno on 09 October 2012 - 06:08 PM in Setti CS:S servers

It should stay private, so everybody who is scared can vote too.
However I encourage every honest person to stand to his/her opinion and share it with us, tell which cheats I use, how I use them, and maybe even include a demo with Ticks (not a deceptive youtube video).
As I noticed, most haters don't want explanations or proof that I don't cheat, it's comforting for them to explain my kills/scores saying I cheat, hence they won't accept reasonable arguments. But should someone be looking for an explanation for a certain situation or something like that, I'll gladly try to clear it up. Just PM me.

Oh, and ... Join eKLiK Fan group on steam for Tips and Tricks! :P