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#55097 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 18 November 2011 - 10:40 AM in Setti CS:S servers

Ops..... Syrinxeno has forgotten that he was flashed??????
but he heard someone breathing out there and Bang!!!! :thumbsup:

lol Al1, you don't ever get it, do you? Youtube videos prove nothing at all, write demolink and ticks or just stfu!
This is a position in the map I'm almost every time at, and if at all, it might prove I can either find the window or a certain position blindly by now, or that I can get lucky as well. If you keep on searching every demo I've played in, you will also find parts where I kill people through smoke, wanna cut it out of context and post a video about them? I can also send you demos where it looks like aim, I still don't have any hacks, but at least you could make more meaningless videos. Of coure you'd have to cut out all the times I try shooting when flashed or through smoke and dont hit someone ...
It's a little odd that I zoom another time, but maybe I saw someone before getting flashed whom you can't see in your low quality video.
I don't remember the incident anymore. But this is not my clan tag, are you faking these videos?

#55041 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 17 November 2011 - 05:58 PM in Setti CS:S servers

But I wash myself regularly :(

Seriously now, where do you still find any evidence, I explained everything. If I watch all your demos, use r_drawothermodels 2 to playback them, with settings like removing shadows, cut the parts I need and upload it on youtube, you will also look like a cheater! Anyone would, but does it prove anything? I offered you to make a live gameplay video of me, to show you that I'm just a rather good player, but you wouldn't accept it. So why should I have to prove that I don't cheat when it's not even proven I do? Didn't I play long enough on Setti, ban and report enough cheaters and made clear how I feel about them, to be treated with a little more respect and "trust"?

The fairest would be to unban me yourself Lemming. Let me play on Main server and bring you the "smoking gun" evidence you need, even though I know it won't happen. I can live with not playing with you, just kick me in that case, but don't make another headadmin rectify your mistake and maybe admit that you banned too early due to the false image a not veridic youtube video gave you.

#55175 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 18 November 2011 - 11:38 PM in Setti CS:S servers

All right, this thread is getting ridiculously long.

Some players that I respect have made it known to me that they were unconvinced that he cheats. So, it is not impossible that I have made a mistake, although I am confident that I haven't. In order to put a temporary end to this mess, I thus "officially" agree to unban SyrinXeno, but I reiterate my opinion that he is dirty and will be caught sooner or later.

As SyrinX himself said, many experienced players will be able to spec on server 1 and judge for themselves. New complains are thus sure to be heard soon.

Thanks. It's never easy to admit mistakes, although you kind of are not doing this, but to be unbanned by you was what I was going for.

I'm also sure complaints will keep coming, because my (to you) "weird" playstyle isn't going to change, and with everyone spectating me now and watching my demos, the chances are high there will soon be another compilation of some nice kills by me. To everyone: just make sure you post demolinks and Ticks instead of making useless videos.

See you on the servers, peace out.

#49528 Veterans in pub 2

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 September 2011 - 01:47 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I'm still here, and I always will ;)
Although I have to admit, I'm kind of more active on other Setti servers at the moment.
But Pub 2 still is my home server :D

See you online  :cheers:

#66655 Vanquert by Haruju/Haruyoshi

Posted by SyrinXeno on 26 April 2012 - 08:58 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

Liked the first one more though.

#55437 Vanquert by Haruju/Haruyoshi

Posted by SyrinXeno on 22 November 2011 - 12:22 AM in Videos, demos and other clips

Really nice clip. Where is the kill at 1:15?

#53794 Unban Request | 5UPERM4N .mTz' :>

Posted by SyrinXeno on 02 November 2011 - 08:24 PM in Ban / unban requests

Ich hab dir schon gesagt, es war ein temporärer autoban weil sich nach deinem updaten dein name zurückgesetzt hat, es sollte bald wieder gehen, änder deinen namen und hab ein bisschen geduld ;)

#40911 Unban request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 12 June 2011 - 09:53 PM in Ban / unban requests

By whom? And what about the Auto-Permban?

#40866 Unban request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 12 June 2011 - 04:43 PM in Ban / unban requests

So post the information you still know, as I said:
1) Approximate date/time of ban
2) Server name
3) Map name
4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server)
5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com)
6) Nick when you got banned
7) Admin's name who banned you

What you don't know (anymore), just leave blank. That way the admin can probably faster unban you due to a better structure.

#40889 Unban request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 12 June 2011 - 07:08 PM in Ban / unban requests

lol, I didn't mean starting a new topic, but nevermind ...

@k1ller, or whoever admin reads this topic, how about not making this ban because of "Bad name" permanent? Most noobs don't know how to change name right from the beginning, and that way they can never enter No AWP server again.

#40994 Unban request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 13 June 2011 - 05:32 PM in Ban / unban requests

I'm unbanned already a long time ago, but I think it's nonsense to have a permanent ban on the name I_Love_Boobs. It is just on No AWP server, which kind of shows that this probably has been a decision by an admin who got annoyed of people named that way joining, so he autobanned by name . . .
I think it's time to abolish that.

#40836 Unban request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 12 June 2011 - 09:05 AM in Ban / unban requests

Write a PM to one of the Setti administration.

#40790 Unban request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 11 June 2011 - 07:12 PM in Ban / unban requests

It was probably because you were still named I_love_boobs ...
I had the same problem.

@k1ller, or whoever, how about not making this ban because of "Bad name" permanent? Most noobs don't know how to change name right from the beginning, and that way they can never enter No AWP server again.

#40863 Unban request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 12 June 2011 - 04:11 PM in Ban / unban requests

No problem.
You might still have the required information filled out accordingly as far as you know it, so as to enable k1ller or another admin to more quickly acquire the necessary information for unbanning you. (Look at the top of the page to see which information are required, and post them accordingly)

And k1ller, please let me know whether you are going to keep the Auto-Ban of No AWP server permanent or not, so I know you read what I wrote, thanks.

#60546 Unban my friend. For "bhop script"

Posted by SyrinXeno on 30 January 2012 - 06:12 PM in Ban / unban requests

Another similar but not as annoying bug in the game is the fastswitch with AWP. It's clearly a bug that quickly switching weapons is faster than doing the normal reload. It doesn't make any sense. In CS1.6 it was possible to shoot through walls. In CS:S it isn't. If CSS 2 is released I'm 100% sure that Valve would fix fastreloading and try to prevent bunnyhopping.

Lol, you clearly haven't played in a long time (at least with AWP). The fastswitch bug with AWP has been fixed already, some patches ago! It's now not faster anymore coz you can't zoom/shoot until the amount of time it takes to reload has passed (however it caused a new bug where if you fully reload the AWP and switch to another weapon and back, you can't shoot nor reload until the time it takes to reload has passed).
Seriously, please tell me you knew it's fixed already, or that this isn't a fix to you yet Oo

#43123 unban mei

Posted by SyrinXeno on 27 June 2011 - 05:34 PM in Ban / unban requests

Please unban him, this guy has never hacked before and doesn't deserve the ban.

#78819 Tournament?

Posted by SyrinXeno on 12 November 2012 - 04:02 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I think looking for a team for a tournament that isn't even sure to happen yet is useless. There will be enough time for creating teams if necessary, and should there really be a tournament.

#78579 Tournament?

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 November 2012 - 03:14 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I might be willing to organize a tournament, if I get according help by head administration. Already thought of planning an AWP tournament.

#61037 The GOD

Posted by SyrinXeno on 04 February 2012 - 01:09 PM in Offtopic

Funny fact TupaC: take a pig's lungs, poke a straw in them and blow into the straw. They (at least the poked lung) will "breathe" just like the lungs in the video. Does this make pigs gods? No, and humans neither.

#63926 The Admin's ban me much time for NO REASON!!!

Posted by SyrinXeno on 11 March 2012 - 05:24 PM in Ban / unban requests

Oh please let me be the whore whose name he doesn't know :D

#53270 Suggestions for the setti 1 and dust2 only server

Posted by SyrinXeno on 27 October 2011 - 01:38 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Voting on Pub#3 is still enabled.

#53992 steam id change?

Posted by SyrinXeno on 06 November 2011 - 12:05 AM in Gaming discussion

Deleting any registries won't help at all but will only mess up your system. You can't change your SteamID, either try again to reasonably talk with the admin that banned you, or play on another server.

#48687 squeaking noise in game

Posted by SyrinXeno on 31 August 2011 - 01:49 PM in Setti CS:S servers

How to disable the sound when someone writes something in chat, with which command?

So? Any suggestions?

#48690 squeaking noise in game

Posted by SyrinXeno on 31 August 2011 - 03:52 PM in Setti CS:S servers

When you or somebody else writes something in chat or teamchat, you can hear a sound, something like a short click/clack. This is what I want to disable (without having to mess with the files, hence by console command).

#48331 squeaking noise in game

Posted by SyrinXeno on 25 August 2011 - 02:37 PM in Setti CS:S servers

How to disable the sound when someone writes something in chat, with which command?