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#86066 Will I get unbanned or not?

Posted by ridanrekas on 01 April 2013 - 10:48 AM in Ban / unban requests

Hello, It has long time when I post my unban request here but it seems that nothing is happening, some of the admins told me that only the head admin can unban you, so who is the head admin? and how can I contact him?


Thanks for understanding.


::We are all human beings::

#86635 Will I get unbanned or not?

Posted by ridanrekas on 17 April 2013 - 01:32 PM in Ban / unban requests

Yes but there is the biggest admin who don't care about all moderators !!!! I think it can be a wise person with strong personality like me 

#94512 What CS:GO servers?

Posted by ridanrekas on 23 June 2014 - 10:42 AM in Setti CS:GO servers

There is a CS:GO version from us coming soon.

Thank you for announcing it. BTW, I downloaded a version (it should be no steam) for anywhere else, so I'd like to know if there are some setti servers (no steam) to play on and the remember the old days on CSS setti ?  Thanks in advance.

#94506 What CS:GO servers?

Posted by ridanrekas on 22 June 2014 - 02:17 PM in Setti CS:GO servers

Can I get a non steam version of CS GO ???? and are the servers compatible with this version?? I mean the setti GO servers.


In a nutshell, what is the best solution for someone like me who doesn't have money to buy it and wants to play with setti guys on CSGO ??

#82730 unban server

Posted by ridanrekas on 09 January 2013 - 03:02 PM in Servers and Masterserver


#82731 Unban request!

Posted by ridanrekas on 09 January 2013 - 03:02 PM in Ban / unban requests

what the?

#85734 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 26 March 2013 - 12:20 AM in Ban / unban requests

Thank you

#85751 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 26 March 2013 - 09:30 AM in Ban / unban requests

Probably you will find this picture here:lol:

OMG, never heard this word before!!!!

What is "facepalm"?? and what does it mean?? OMG, really PRo!!!!

#85727 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 25 March 2013 - 10:34 PM in Ban / unban requests

Even if i believe that someone else was using your pc that day, i can't do anything.

I'm a limited admin. You have to convince the head admins.




As i said, let's say i believe you. Would you like to explain me how you got banned 18 months ago, while SourceBans system says you got banned 2-3 months ago?

hey man, you know something? I always put myself in someone else's place!!! let's explain: 

Putting myself in your place, I can not do anything cause I'm not the head admin ---> If you have thought like that, than you're a good person and you tried at least for one second to unban me, and this is great from your part (that's all what I need) even though you didn't unban me. This pushed me to say "Thanks a lot" to you again.


About your question, I will explain this for you in details:

1- I made the first mistake thinking that I've been banned the first time in 2011, you are right that was in 2012 (so this is -12 months)

All this because I have a memory trouble (studying at the Univ, working, playing css, working online ....routine sometimes ...)


2-I'm not here to tell you my life story


3-I cannot join setti since 9 Months


4- There was and update (don't know maybe V75)


5-I tried to join Setti again, and all of  the sudden I can play with the community again!!! I couldn't believe it!!!


6-Didn't know why I was unbanned, though it was permanent!!!


7-Didn't cheat at all (Sure this time, my laptop has not (and will never) being touched by someone else)


8- I got banned again for no reason


9-I've thought that the server lost the list of banned players when doing the update, and then they updated the list later, so I got unbanned again


10- Didn't do anything till the update v 77 was released


11- I checked if I can connect again (maybe the list was lost again like I thought in V75) But unfortunately I was always banned!!


12-I've learned that the list never get lost when doing update!! so I believe that I have been unbanned (don't know how) and banned again (but this time for no reason!!!)


13- I've posted the unban request here (but with the first date of ban)(and I thought it was 18 months ago)


14-Some of admins didn't accept me


15-I said "thank you" to everybody and accepted FAITH (I always accept things that I cannot change)


16-I said all of this answering your question

17- I hope that you have understand me and you don't treat me like a liar  (even though you can do anything you too cause you're not the head admin) and this is THE MOST important point


CONCLUSION:   Getting unbanned is something that I would like to get, but it's not as important as believing me!!! (this is my nature)


PS: I've never said that I've never tried a hack, I have already used hacks to try them ( just Curious), I didn't use them for a long time and actually I'm not using them at all (they don't even exist in my computer) and I don't remember if I've used hacks on "Setti" or not. (This is just to be clear)


Thank you for understanding me!!

#85653 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 24 March 2013 - 10:25 PM in Ban / unban requests

1) Approximate date/time of ban:  about 18 months ago
2) Server name: Main server
3) Map name: don't remember
4) SteamID : STEAM_0:0:7829390
5) IP : [color=rgb(255,0,0);font-size:12px;]
6) Nick when you got banned:  ridanrekas
7) Admin's name who banned you: don't know

#85685 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 25 March 2013 - 02:43 PM in Ban / unban requests

You know there is not only one person who have been touching my laptop, so what's the solution with you guys?


BTW: I'm not playing the friendly guy bro, I just find that I'm banned so I tried to get UNbanned, that's all my friend.


Another question would be: if CSS is playable 10 years later (2023) and the server (setti) is still working, will I get unbanned?  :no:


lol, Take care guys

And the last thing I would like to say: you know, hearing about cheatings and hacks (like aim and WH), curiosity will pressure you to try them, but the real cheater is the one who continue cheating even if he tried out everything!!! that's not my case. 


Conclusion: I'm not here to apologize or kissing your feet to accept me with you, I've made a mistake --> I paid it --> I asked you to make me part of you again --> you didn't Accept --> I say thanks to everybody --> full stop


One thing we've learned from the sky: God said: "But if you do not find any one therein, then do not enter them until permission is given to you; and if it is said to you: Go back, then go back; this is purer for you; and Allah is Cognizant of what you do."




#85752 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 26 March 2013 - 09:33 AM in Ban / unban requests

OK OK I found it and learned the new word :

adf.ly crap

#86637 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 17 April 2013 - 01:34 PM in Ban / unban requests

Don't know why, but I'm still unbanned !!! will I go to jail? how much will I spend there? (if so) 

is it really that important?

are you scared cause I'm the best of the best??? 


Don't care guys, I will not play seriously, I'll just play for fun, you can kill me sometimes!!! It will not be impossible to kill me!! 

#85735 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 26 March 2013 - 12:29 AM in Ban / unban requests

Posted Image


BTW: Where did you get this picture form?? :lol:

#85749 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 26 March 2013 - 08:39 AM in Ban / unban requests

:) Ridanrekas try like this 100% working :)


Ok but the one from headHunterz is the best !!! I can't stop laughing when I see it!!! OMG where did he get it from?

#85814 Please unban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 26 March 2013 - 10:23 PM in Ban / unban requests

If i remember well, the right one must be Marioc.

I can't remember who's the left one. :D

What I've understood is that your computer is like a rubbish!! you stock all the images that you see on the web, and when time comes, instead of going to "google images" you go to the rubbish folder in your hard drive and you find everything you need!!! 

But you can not remember who is the right one!! why? cause it has been long time  :D


Continue like this, you gave me a great idea (it's easy to find cool stuff when you're not looking for it) I started collecting images from facebook, forums and all the web without looking for them, thank you for the idea!! :king:

#94513 Please Ban this cheater

Posted by ridanrekas on 23 June 2014 - 10:43 AM in Ban / unban requests

I'd like to know if there are also cheaters on CS GO ?? I'm changing right now !!

#94504 Please Ban this cheater

Posted by ridanrekas on 22 June 2014 - 02:10 PM in Ban / unban requests

1) Player name : z.#

2) Reason why he should be banned : Wall hack

3) Link to a demo (http://css.setti.info/setti/demos/)He left the game before getting the demo

4) Approximate time when cheat can be seen : today at 15:00 or between 14:45 and 15:05

5) Player's SteamID :"z.#"               STEAM_0:1:6312504   




#68303 Please ban me

Posted by ridanrekas on 05 June 2012 - 08:09 PM in Gaming discussion

Really? Are you here to read this topic?

I think you have nothing to do if you want to know what's there inside a topic with titile "Please ban me"!!!!!

OK, You are angry? No problem I will give you something to do.

what is it?

UNban me.

hein? the opposite?

yeah, because you are angry!!

OK I will unban you, give me your informations

Yuppi! Here it is:

1) Approximate date/time of ban: [color=#ff0000]Less than 2 weeks Ago
2) Server name: [color=#ff0000] All Setti Servers
3) Map name: [color=#ff0000] All maps
4) SteamID: [color=#ff0000]STEAM_0:0:7829390
5) IP [color=#ff0000]
6) Nick when you got banned [color=#ff0000] I forgot
7) Admin's name who banned you [color=#ff0000] I don't know

And now?
Yeah, exept unbaning me.
NP you are a good person.
Thank you. I can finally join the setti servers!!!! Woow I will never use a hack or something!!! I will respect the rules! Thank GOD!!

#68206 Patch (

Posted by ridanrekas on 03 June 2012 - 08:24 PM in Counter-Strike: Source


#67995 Patch (

Posted by ridanrekas on 30 May 2012 - 08:17 AM in Counter-Strike: Source


#82735 i dont care that much , unban if u want

Posted by ridanrekas on 09 January 2013 - 03:09 PM in Ban / unban requests

ɹǝʇɹɐʇsǝɹıℲ : why kick , thats admin abuse , he was probably some kid

No inappropriate language here. No reason to kick.

ɹǝʇɹɐʇsǝɹıℲ : now its admin being an ass

Wow. The worst inappropriate language i have ever seen.
On DM server sometimes some players say ''Fuck you silent cheater'' cause i can't stop killing. What should i do? Ban them all? ''now its being an ass'' was so offensive to you?
After a no reason kick it was reasonable to say something like that. And it wasn't so offensive.
Come on man! Calm down...!



#82732 HD Wallpapers

Posted by ridanrekas on 09 January 2013 - 03:03 PM in Offtopic


#68302 css v71

Posted by ridanrekas on 05 June 2012 - 08:04 PM in Gaming discussion


#67994 CS:S and/or Orangebox custom patch

Posted by ridanrekas on 30 May 2012 - 08:09 AM in Questions
