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There have been 4 items by overside (Search limited from 09-January 19)

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#84230 The server is not added in the promotion (7 days)

Posted by overside on 10 February 2013 - 01:52 PM in Servers and Masterserver

I wrote to them two weeks ago, they did not respond.((

#83954 The server is not added in the promotion (7 days)

Posted by overside on 08 February 2013 - 07:15 AM in Servers and Masterserver


#83769 The server is not added in the promotion (7 days)

Posted by overside on 01 February 2013 - 05:31 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Hello! I paid for a 7 day boost and at the end I wrote that payment opiratsiyu with card! but just as I was taken with the money! 422 ru


28.01.2013 19:27:00 


422.13 rubles. 

422.13 rubles. 

Payments QVC PAYPAL * SETTI, card 4890 **** 1673  PAYPAL * SETTI> 35314369001 FI 

Please help.

#83658 Оплатил 7 дневный буст

Posted by overside on 28 January 2013 - 01:45 PM in Русский форум (Russian)

Заказал 7 дневный буст , при заказе сменя сняли деньги но в бусте сервер так и непоявился! +на телефон пришло сообщение что мне вернули деньги но вместо бывших до операции 1000++ руб у меня на счету 611 руб! 


Выходит что с меня сняли денги незачто! разберитесь пожалуйста.


Вот сообщение 

Operatsiya po karte 4890****1673 SUM 422.13 RUR otmenena/ Dengi vozvrasheny v Vash VISA QIWI Walet


Повторяю деньги я обратно неполучал!